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Everything posted by Hunny1607307342

  1. Thanks a lot for all your advice I reeeeeally appreciate it. Today was also weird, he told me he is coming to my play (but he lies like a rug) and then later he was talking to someone and the other person asked him where he's staying after this party, and he didn't say anything but he MOUTHED "girlfriend", and the other guy was like "what?" and again he mouthed "GIRLFRIEND". Although I obvioulsy realised what he was trying to say, he mouthed it that so I wouldn't hear. Why?! I don't know. Maybe its because he told me he doesn't want a relationship with ANYone when he broke up with me. He's just a complete fake. My God I really hate him for what he's done to me. I really miss who I thought he was.
  2. First he was nice to me out of guilt. Now maybe that guilt has gone or something, but now he just sees me sometimes he doesn't even bother to say hi. He just gives me the most detached looks sometimes. E.g. when hes with a group of friends i feel he looks at me the same way he looks at girls that he barely knows and judges from a distance. I just get that impression from the looks I get and the whole atmosphere. Before, when he were together he told me he's definitely coming to see my play. But then today I asked a group of people with him too, if anyones coming and he just ignored me, so looked directly at him and he was like 'oh I promised you I'd go, okay'. And I was like "Oh no! ITs just if you want to, you can get the tickets now or later" and he never got them. He never even wished me good luck. I mean what kind of a FRIEND is this?! It just makes me really upset to think, really, he NEVER cared about me. Most of you guys had loving boyfriends and girlfriends who cared about you and still do in an affectionate way. But with this guy, everything was pretend.
  3. It's sad but its over the moment she decides to break it off. And if she broke it, she isn't likely to fix it. There's no point trying to pick up the pieces and put things back together again yourself, the damage has been done. When something breaks you go and buy a new one. You still have so much going for you! Be excited about what's yet to come XXX
  4. 2.5 months is not that long at all. Soon your thoughts will simply become old, and will no longer affect you, and thereforeeee will stop coming into your dreams. IT's like a ghost that haunts you; you think you move on and then your Ex's ghost keeps coming back, in dreams etc. You'll get through this is wont be forever, but about wanting to talk to her; honestly, you can, BUT only with warning that you might be really hurt afterwards. Because you will be talking to her with intention of her changing her mind, and she probably wont The anti-climax of it isn't nice. Just keep thinking about her coming back you changing her mind and you saying NO. That's a better think to dream about lol because you have to convince yourself you don't want her! You can't dwell on your ex forever, gl xXx
  5. lol just say something like... "you obviously haven't met the dark horse that's lurking beneath the aura of NICENESS yet"
  6. It will hurt you so much when you find out she has a new bf (I've been through this recently) and well...i can see your point but in my opinion...do NC until you are over her. Then be good friends with her afterwards.
  7. But just KNOWING that you'll come out of it should make it okay! If you're going through hell, keep going; you'll come out the other side. Anything that doesn't kill you makes you stronger. The worst thing about getting over someone is the not knowing how long it will take. Think about it, if they said to you, "your post break up syndrome will end on 25th August 2006 14:23", you would feel less crap, because you would know that it is NOT forever, and you'd have a day to look forward to and work towards. In real life you feel like it WILL be forever, but that's ONLY because you don't know when that day will come. But it will! I don't know how long it will take, 2 months is not that bad, I'm still feeling that way after 2 months. There will be a day, when these feelings and thoughts will have gone through your head so much that they will have just simply gotten OLD and will no longer affect you. XXX
  8. Yep. Everytime I see my ex at college I feel like I have to get over him all over again. Everytime I say "see you later" after a conversation. It's just this huge anti-climax and flood of emotion which follows as a result. So dont call her or anything until your over her. If SHE is not calling you, why should you call her? Let it be and take each day is it comes. What you said about her having power over you I can totally relate to this x 10, because my ex, the other day in one of the classrooms came and sat next to me, and said to me "you I probably wonder why I flirt with you since I told you I dont see you in that way". It was a really WEIRD and akward comment for him to just say...lol...but i didnt know what to say afterwards and felt extremely powerless at that time!! If thats not bad enough; in the same conversation he says "I always get what I want"...with this cunning grin. I couldn't say anything... but I just wanted to slap him. There's no straight forward solution, other than just don't show it at all. Don't worry, because your doing NC, and this will make you seem less powerless, because your not contacting her, you "don't care" in theory because of that. I find it helps take off the 'powerless' feeling when I set up a scenario in my head of my ex coming back and saying He's sorry he made a mistake and wants us to be together, and me saying "NO"...and all this other stuff afterwards. Knowing that I would say that to him, makes me feel a lot less powerless on the inside and I just keeping saying to myself "I won't take him back anyway...I'm not his little puppy on a piece of string...I'm better than him..." etc. Just keep saying it yourself. I think you need to convince yourself that you won't accept her offer of getting back to you if she were to ask you. Remind yourself YOU DONT NEED HER. Do not be afraid of anything, remind yourself that emotions are an illusion and something we create within ourselves.
  9. Thats how I feel. Thats why I want to know everything because I don't want to keep finding out slowly and gradually and all these new things over time. Like yesterday I overheard people saying that my ex is going out with this girl whos "gone out with like 50 people...yeah is she billy's ex or HIS ex??...and he's going out with her.." It was so horrible overhearing that conversatttttiion!!!!! NO MENTION OF ME. Anyway.... I don't know what you should do. lol. Just do what feels right. I wanted to ask my ex about Valentines Day and was planning to, but then in the conversation it just didn't feel right and pretended I didn't want to know, but he told me anyway. I think if fate wants you to find out you'll find out stuff in whichever your meant to.
  10. Heyya. Thanks guys!!! I need to let go...It's just so hard when he's around me all the time!! I was sssssuuch an idiot. I had a hunch I'd end up heart broken getting involved with him, but I thought it would be worth it. So not worth it...
  11. I need to get him drunk, make out with him (he's the type to do something like that), get his girlfriend to find out, and then as a result dump him. thereforeeee he will be in pieces. Just like he left me in pieces. A comment he made the other day that really frustrated me "I always get what I want..." I was about to make a scheming remark in return until I realised I couldn't. He got ME when he wanted me. He told me to wait. He told me a lot of things. He ended it. He's got a new girl really fast. So actually, I couldn't object to his comment. It makes me angry. I know you're all going to tell me to move on and that I shouldn't dwell. But I want him to feel how I feel. And I want to know I caused that feeling. I hate the fact that he had/has such power over me. And he's around me so much (college). This is what will give me decent closure.
  12. We learn from our mistakes. Stuff like this happens to nearly all of us so that we experience it and not be so careless in the future. The guy I was with. I hooked up with him knowing about his vile reputation. i just believed those pathatic words coming out of his mouth. Next time I'll bare in mind the saying, actions speak louder than words. Ironically, i remember one of our conversations whereby he said "I know they say actions speak louder than words...but words can mean a lot..." Bull * * * *. I've learnt my lesson now. I was stupid.
  13. I felt like this. Well, still do really. He didn't SAY lets get back together but not officially, but he carried on flirting with me constantly etc. I was/am like his ego boost. I don't want him to think he can have me whenever he wants, but at the same time i can't let go because i don't want him out of life. And also it does give me an ego boost, I have no other guy to impress in my life right now. Then I found about this new girl, was jarred. I was tempted to ask him about it, but I pretended I didn't know. He told me himself. I didn't really show much reaction... but I'm very stuck...
  14. Guys...I can't...I see him ALL the time and I feel the urge to talk to him. Everyone thought we were going out, and I kind of want to be like the "other girl" that may risk his and his new girls relationship. I know its pathetic but... I can't help it I hate this so much. If I stop talking to him, he'll stop talking to me, we'll drift apart and never be friends, he'll leave college and I'll never see him again. I don't want that to happen.
  15. Hey, thanks relationship coach & scout, that's opened my eyes up a bit. I can't NC because at college we have to register together and are literally moping around this little room for half an hour every morning. A conversation is inevitable. However, I can be cold towards him. Or respond to his comments like that in a certain way that will subtley shame him...hmm....
  16. Me and guy at college had a ‘thing’ for about 5 months…nothing is ever made official, then he said he was going to ask me out, really exciting, all these plans… and then he ended up stating we work better as ‘just friends’. Was heart-broken. He gets a new girlfriend a week later. See him everyday. Ok...one minute he's moody...the next he's all sweet and bubbly. Then next he's flirting with me. I've dealt with all of this for the past few weeks and am now used to it. I have NEVER mentioned that he flirts with me, I have NEVER brought up anything to do with ‘us’ since our break-up conversation. But then this morning when he saw me and said 'hey sexy thing', I just sort of sat down and didn't say anything and then he tried to mock what he thought I'd say so in a girly voice he said ‘Stop itttt…I thought you said you didn’t like me’ and I was quite taken aback ! So I just looked at him and just chuckled and I didn’t say anything (akward) and then I think he didn’t know what to say so he said ‘im only joking’… Why is he being like this ?! It’s so confusing. Really need opinions! Thanks ! xxx
  17. Just do what feels right for you. No one said you HAD to be friends. It normally slows down the healing process, my ex is like that but we're at college so I have no choice, like he says quite confusing things sometimes too. It's really not good. I mean you can be friends once your over it, in a few months or something, if you really want a friendship. Good luck!
  18. Well, I'm in the same boat as you. It WILL take time, but the question is, how are you going to cope within that time? After a while, the things you keep thinking about, just get old. You will keep thinking, wondering, etc. but you'll do it so much, your brain will do over time, you'll sub-consciously drive yourself mad, over and over... BUT it will get to a point where it will be OLD NEWS because of how much its run through your head. I find exercise EXTREMELY helpful for stopping your self going "why, why, why". It's temporary, but if your having a day whereby you keep going round in circles get to the gym and release tension. GO SHOPPING. Retail therapy is great. Boost your self confidence by buying something amazing and reminding yourself how good-looking you are. Just think if you keep dwelling on it, you'll never come out...you need to break over. But as they say, you cry a river, build a bridge, and get over it. I'm seeing my ex everyday at college so I'm trying to build a bridge but keep being held back! lol Good luck xxx
  19. the worst thing is when you dream about your ex and your still together in your dream! Oh my god that is the worst thing when u wake up!!!!! Thats what happened 2 me a couple of times before. It kills. But listen, at the end of the day, we have to remind ourselves we have only two choices: 1) Dwelling on our ex forever...questioning "what if"...wondering...hoping...failing... 2) Turn this break-up into a break-over and live life! And THAT'S IT. No more options. For us who are emotionally damaged, both options make us feel extremely queasy, but NEWSFLASH that's why it's so hard, there's NOTHING ELSE YOU CAN DO! Guys... we have to choose the better of the worst... So to a mind which is not emotionally damaged, which seems like the LOGICAL option? I don't know about you but I think I choose number 2).
  20. I feel to an extent like you, but to another extent not. I was sort of with a guy who I never had one fight with and we had all these plans. Then suddenly he said we should be 'just friends' and is dating again. But funnily enough, after I discovered he's not even the guy for ME, I felt the opposite to you. I felt like I WANTED someone else, as in "the one", someone who is crazy about me too (or in your case, will cut their hair for you lol), and I have this perfect idealisation of a guy...and I just can't wait. I know they wont be here soon though, because all the guys I know and have recently met (and there are tonnes), they're not that person. So yes, it will take time. A long time. I'm imagining a year or two which is sad but I have to be patient. As long as your personal characteristics and mindset stays the same, which they will, there's no reason why it wont be another fairytale
  21. I've just learnt not be be so naive. I've learnt everything about the male sex (well, nearly!) and that there are no such things as 'mixed signals'. Also that there is no point wanting a relationship in which the other person is not crazy about you. Don't settle for less than you deserve. AND that i must be made of iron for putting up with seeing this guy everyday, having him flirt with me on and off with no meaning to it, AND cope with the fact that he got a girlfriend IMMEDIATELY despite telling me he doesn't want a relationship with anyone! It's a test of strength guys!
  22. Heyya thanks so much for your advice, thats exactly the motto I had in my head, I kept saying to myself "you don't care...you don't care!" while I was talking to him. That's why I didn't ask him first. But when he told me about his gf, I didn't know what to do other than just nod as to say ok cool... but I went a bit quiet. Oh and I asked which college she goes to. I hope I didn't seem sad or anything! And you're right I can't trust him one bit, I don't know what he says are lies and what aren't. He's still a bit of a flirt sometimes too. He's SUCH a confusing guy, ironically just what I didn't want as my first bf...but anyways thanks and I'll post again if I'm in confusion !
  23. Hey thank you for your advice. But like I said I'm not clinging onto hope that wants to get back with me; I just want to be sure that our relationship WAS actually a relationship, rather just simply 'messing about' and that he did actually care for ME too. Thanks though
  24. Hey, this is the BREAK DOWN OVER NEW GIRLFRIEND update! My ex who I was never really 'official' with anyway, got a girlfriend just a few days(!!) after he decided we should be 'just friends'. Went back to college and saw HIM. We talked about what we did over half term etc. and I listened to all your advice about NOT asking him what he did for Valentines Day! (Even though I was dying to know!) AND I didn't mention anything about finding out he has a new girlfriend either. Didn't want to seem like I cared. But HE says, "So...Valentines Day? What did you do?" I told him I went to Hawaii as a joke "And yourself?" ...he looked a bit uncomfortable for a second, and told me he's going out with this girl called Holly, and that on Valentines Day he went to dinner with her, but he kept reinforcing "it's nothing serious though, it's not anything serious". Why do you think he said that?? My reactions were just standard nods as to say 'cool'. Is that okay? (Don't get me wrong, I don't want to sound like I'm clinging onto hope that he'll get back with me; I wouldn't get back with him anyway. Honestly that's not what I'm thinking, what I AM desperately clinging onto, is hope that he actually felt something for me ONCE, and that he still cares just a tiny bit. Recognises that there's history between us. Because the way he broke up with me so suddenly, made me think all those wonderful things he told me were lies: he didn't seem AT ALL upset, just guilty and it felt like he never cared about me in the first place.)
  25. The best worst news... is that a break up is the best thing that ever happened to us. xXx
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