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Posts posted by Goodfun88

  1. I'm sorry that you are going through such a tough time! I know sort of how you feel, because I have a tendency to be just like you. Infact just this past weekend, I blew up at my boyfriend and he refused to see me for 2 days. It was then I realized I need to cool it.


    I'm not sure how much hope there would be for you to have a reconsiliation, but your getting help and you'll be able to better maintain your future relationships.


    Oh and he can't be "the one" if he's no longer with you. If it doesn't work out, he's not "the one". But if he is, you'll meet again, and if its meant to be, it will. Its a hard road to getting over someone especially when you know what you did was what pushed them to end things. You just have to be strong and try to be better so you can avoid those mistakes in the future. Good luck to you!

  2. Thanks everyone for the responses. I've always been musically inclined, played the violin (elementry school) and the flute (middle and high school), so maybe I'll try learning a new instrument. And I always think about maybe taking a night class, they have all sorts, like art classes, design, stuff like that, I just always forget to register. I guess I just have to try different things till I find something that really excites me. You wouldn't think it would be this hard, but for some reason it is for me. I love beach, and going to the pool, but I don't consider that a hobby, more like a leisure activity. I love to have fun, so this has really been bothering me that I can't find something fun that I could be passionate about. Thanks everyone for the insight, I appreciate it greatly!

  3. For some reason I just don't have any hobbies. And its really starting to bother me. I can also tell its getting on my boyfriends nerves too. I need something that I enjoy doing that will keep me busy, so I'm not always waiting around for him. He has a few hobbies that he's passionate about (skateboarding, hondas) and I feel like I should have something that I can enjoy doing without him.


    The problem is I can't really think of anything (hobby-wise) I'd enjoy doing, something that I'd do just by myself. I don't have a lot of friends in the town I live in (most of my friends I met in college and now live throughout the country) so its not like I can just call up a girl friend and we can go get our nails done or go shopping. I do alot of stuff with my mom cause we are close, but I need something that I can get excited about. Does anyone have any ideas? What hobbies do you all have? Thanks!

  4. Some people may be genetically predisposed to be heavier, but not all obese people are. Some people just don't eat right and don't get exercise. I'd say I'm one of those people. Now that I'm eating better, and being more active I'm losing weight. I don't plan on becoming super skinny. I'm not losing weight to fit into some ideal, I'm doing it so that I can be healthier, have children, enjoy activities that were hard for me before. Its scary when you go on a 2 mile hike and you think your going to die. Thats pretty out of shape. I know that I can never eat the way I used to, and I ate pretty terribly, but some people don't understand that what they are eating is bad, and that can also lead to being overweight. Other people kid themselves and say they've tried everything, but in reality, they haven't (I used to make such claims). If you want to lose weight, you can. But you have to love yourself enough to know that your not living healthy and make that change. I'm not saying anyone needs to lose weight, but if they are not comfortable being the way they are, they need to get commited to a better eating plan and getting some activity.

  5. I'm just curious, what kind of things have you tried to lose weight? For me, losing weight is totally mental. Knowing that I deserve to be healthy and then taking the action to do it. Is it easy? No. Is it hard? Yes. Do I sometimes feel like giving up and having something really greasy and gross? Of course. You just have to find something that works for you and stick with it long enough to see some results. Once you start seeing results you'll be so much more motivated to continue.

  6. If you don't feel comfortable wearing makeup, don't do it. Are you sure you are really seeing people snicker at fat women? I have never in my life seen such a thing. No one has ever snickered at me. Are you sure you aren't just afraid that someone will that you imagine that you see it all the time. Or do you live in a place where people are extremely rude and obnoxious? The most important thing is to have confindence in yourself and know that you look good and that you are able to handle the job. If you're not comfortable with yourself, people notice, and a possible employer might not hire you because of that, not necessarily because of how you look, but because of the way that you carry yourself and handle yourself.

  7. Wow, I'm not really sure what to say. Being fat myself, I've never had any of the thoughts you've had. I don't think everyone things fat women are ugly and hideous, thats just ridiculous. I'd say that if you wore makeup, maybe people would see you in a more positive light, rather than thinking worse of you, only because you are making the effort to take care of yourself and that you care about how you look. I don't often wear makeup, but thats only because I don't really need it, plus I never got into the habit of wearing it. But, occasionally, I throw some on, like for an interview. Let me ask you, what did you buy? And remember with makeup, less is more. You want to look natural. Good luck on your interview, and remember being confident is very important, more important than makeup probably.

  8. Ok, first things first, I slept with my current boyfriend the second time I met him. We are still together, almost a year later. Just because when someone is single they enjoy that and take advantage of it, doesn't mean that in a relationship that can't be trust worthy. I'd say a majority of people understand what a monogamous relationship is and honor that. She has told you that she believes cheating is wrong and looks down on those family members that participate in that behavior. On the other hand, going fishing with a guy friend all night is rather sketchy. But taking all this time and effort to analyze every single thing she's done will never prevent her from cheating. If it happens, it happens, and then you can deal with it.


    Also it seems to me that maybe you aren't ready for a relationship at this point, seeing as I get a really strong feeling you aren't over your ex. Perhaps you are projecting you guilt onto you girlfriend and assuming that she is doing something wrong, because deep down inside you know you are doing something wrong by still pining over your ex. I'd be extremely moody if I went out with my boyfriend and spent the entire night looking at every other girl trying to see if his ex was there. I don't really know what to tell you besides that fact that you need to relax and analyze things less. Just let things happen. Good luck to you.

  9. I'm on the internet for roughly 10 1/2 hours a day. But its only because I'm at work. I have a job which is really boring and I don't like it, so I surf the internet for the entire day. And let me tell you, after you've been on a computer for 10+ hours a day for months and months at a time, it gets really hard to find new stuff to look at. I'm sick of myspace. I honestly can't think of anything to google. The only thing that entertains me is this site cause there is tons of new content throughout the day. If I didn't have this job, I would probably average maybe 30 minutes to an hour a day on the internet.


    Why don't you try find new things to do that don't involve the internet. Like hanging with friends, seeing movies, taking a walk, learning a craft. Good luck, theres a lot more to this world besides the internet!

  10. Well as I see it you have two options. Either call the guy and make plans with him, or wait till he makes plans with you. He could be feeling the same way you are wondering why doesn't she ever suggest that we see each other again. Why don't you suggest dinner or a movies, or some other date type idea and present it to him. He's calling you, so he must be somewhat into you. If he doesn't accept your date you know where you stand. Or like I said you could just wait it out and wait for him to make the move. But I think you said you've been on 2 dates, I don't think its totally out of the question for you to suggest plans to him. Good luck.

  11. Size doesn't really matter when it a committed relationship with someone you love. But you should always go the extra mile anyways since most women do not tend to have orgasms from intercourse alone. A little hand stimulation or oral goes a long way.

  12. If you were truly in love with Alison, you wouldn't be contimplating leaving her for Jane. You may love Alison, just because you've spent years together and know one and other very well, but you are not in love. Whether or not you want to see Jane, you should break things off with Alison. Let her get on with her life and find someone who will be as happy being with her as she is being with them. After you've ended things with Alison you will be free to pursue Jane. If Jane rejects you, thats the chance you took. You have to accept that. You can't go running back to Alison. Good luck, I hope it all works out for you.

  13. Wow, what a disgusting human being. I know you must be extremely hurt and angry right now, but just thank your lucky stars it was only 2 years and not 5 or 10. Unfortunately there is nothing you can do now, except start to heal and rebuild your life and self confidence. Do not give up hope. I'm sure you feel like your life is upside down right now, but its really best just to put this entire situation behind you. Don't give him the pleasure of thinking about the situation or ever even contacting him again. Its going to be hard, but I'm sure you'll be ok, and your lucky you found out what kind of guy he really is. And you know what, what goes around comes around, so I'm sure he'll get his in the end. Good luck and stay strong!

  14. What a jerk. You cheating was not right, but you've apologized and tried to move on. He's trying to purposely hurt you and thats not right. I don't know if I could ever get past someone saying that to me. I would never even want to see them again, let alone continue a relationship with them. Get out of the relationship now, its just too bad he couldn't be an adult and decide whether he could handle your cheating or not. Its obvious that he can't, and thats his right, but to make you feel like that is just plain wrong.

  15. I know what you mean. In college I got so afraid I was going to be a failure and it was all going to be so hard, so instead of trying, I did absolutely everything I could to not try, so that if I did fail, I could at least say well I didn't really try anyways. I think they call it self handicapping. It is a protective measure for yourself. I never really found a solution to it, but I think I've grown out of it and now have more confidence in myself. Even though I self handicapped through college, I still managed to graduate and did it in 4 years.

  16. Sounds like things are hard for you right now. You need to take a step back and look at the problem objectively. Imagine that you had a friend in your situation. What would you advise them to do? Is it possible for you to get a night job or a job working just on weekends and have your husband or father watch your kids while you're at work? That could be a start to bringing in some income and maybe you could possibly start to save some money. Start repairing your credit. If you owe lots of money, consult a debt consolidation program or get credit counseling. I know it all seems so overwelming but once you start taking some steps to fix your situation you'll build your confidence back up and be able to provide the stability and bright future you and your family deserve. Good luck!

  17. If your considering breaking it off with her because of this issue, why not be honest and take a chance and ask her about it. You might be doing her a favor. She may have no idea that she smells. She may hate you for it, but she might be better off in the long run and you were honest so there would never be a question of what if I had told her she smelled.

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