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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. What about the principal to "opposites attract"? A DNA test also does not measure character. Someone maybe inclined to a specific genetic behavior but because of their environment they do not act on those impulses. I think its a debate of nature versus nurture, how much of what make us up is in our biology and how much is in psychology.
  2. Me too. I've had a guy tell me they were perfect shaped and "rather large", but I never believed him since he had been well acquainted with Jack Daniels single barrel that night.
  3. There's a guy in the cubes all the way on the other side of the room from where I work. I can here his hacking and phlegmy sounds and it turns my stomach. I don't want to get others sick. I quarantine myself so I don't even worry about being infectious.
  4. You and your Dad look hot with the facial fuzz I think depends on the guy. Some men can look good with beards, some its not right for their face. I like goatees but not the other weird shaving stuff, and the super long side burns that are made into points and junk, yuck.
  5. I got a kick out of the man boobs at the end LOL
  6. I lost 40, I'm too tired right now to say more, but I feel alot better. School (why I'm tired) is easier to get to at a nice fast walk, 4 flights of stairs don't do much and I'm in nice comfy clothes that aren't expensive. My boobs didn't get any smaller so I was kinda disappointed. I'd like to be at most a C, the DD is annoying.
  7. True, my fam has the weirdest breast tissue. My 70yo Grandma wasn't bad off.
  8. You're acting the same way you did before. When do you go to therapy? Have you told your therapist about the way you've been acting. The way you analyze each little sentence like its a huge thing. You are not well, you really need help.
  9. There is less to sag, but gravity will take its toll just the same.
  10. You've done this to another girl?!?!
  11. So your vast experience reflects all of humanity? How many woman have you dated, are they all diverse and differ such that they are a good cross sectional representation of all of women? The women you picked could be poorly organized or just not really cared about the date from the start, but you see it as how all dates need to be controlled. Mutaul masturbation doesn't involve penetration, sex does. If a penis is inserted any where it is sex, yes that includes the mouth. And how would you feel if she told you "I don't like you, go away", you would probably say she's confused or doesn't know what she wants or she doesn't know what her likes are or hasn't seen the real you or is just being difficult because of yaddayaddayadda.
  12. And how is that any different from how you argued rape allegations are false, with one extreme example. You point a finger and 3 are pointing right back at you.
  13. She may want her boots now because its snowed and boots are good to have in the snow.
  14. You didn't answer my question, has it snowed since Sunday?
  15. So if you don't like being played with why do you still put yourself through it. Go find a woman that doesn't play games. Guys that are friendzoned are sad, they don't have any self respect, because if they did they'd move on. You can only be played with if you let them, you have to respond to their games for them to be play. They play, you walk. Plain and simple. If you don't its only your fault for any hardship or rejection you continue to get. The friendzone wouldn't exist if guys just got over themselves and realized they aren't wanted by a girl, they would see rejection as rejection and Move On.
  16. You texted her about her boots. That is neither bold or courageous. Its a text message, you sent after she told you to leave her alone. You typed a few words and hit send, she typed a few back, and now you're going off like it was some grand feat. It was a text message, emotionless words on a screen, the only thing you did was violate her space again. Go to therapy, you are seriously scary obsessed and delusional. Has it snowed since Sunday?
  17. What will it take for you to leave her alone?
  18. By the way, how is it rational to for a guy to continue to bug a woman that doesn't want him? If he was rational, he'd say to himself "hmm, she's not interested, I should find someone who is". Instead the guys emotions get hurt when he's repeatedly rejected and repeatedly putting himself in the position to get rejected because she has already said NO. How is that logical, how is operating at a higher level of thought?
  19. How many relationships have you been in Luke? If you don't contribute to a relationship or you totally control a relationship it will fail. No one is in charge, it is partnership, both parties give and take, working together and being considerate and loving. You try to control that and manipulate it and you destroy the real meaning of a loving relationship. How is wanting to have sex with any woman around logical? How is that not just a primal lust or emotion? You're not being driven by a higher function to do that, your basic hormonal urges are in control. That's not logic, thats being emotional, because lust thats a huge emotion. How is it rational to sleep with someone you don't want to have sex with? How is compromising your own preferences so some guy doesn't feel rejected benefit you? So a stalker invests time and energy into harassing a woman, by your logic she's being an emotional and illogical woman for rejecting him say with a restraining order. Or is a restraining order just a weird womanly way of saying "I love you", because woman certainly don't have a clue about what's going on inside their heads.
  20. He values blow jobs more than he does you. Dump him!
  21. She said she didn't want the boots and you still harass her. You expect respect for continuing to disrespect her choice. Leave Her Alone. Period, mail the boots and stop bugging her. No notes with the boots either, just the boots.
  22. I've found the uni-breast looking ones are worthless. The only ones that work are a full coverage kind that are like a tight fitting cami with cups that are designed to hold them in one spot. The more coverage the better the support, the ligaments that hold the breast in place are very sensitive to movement and jogging or repeated up and down movement can damage them. Its not something that is repaired without extensive surgery.
  23. Don't tell her she worries to much, that will only make her feel like something is wrong with her. Be supportive, don't demand a lot from her, if she's late for a date or too busy don't get upset or make a big deal out of it. It sounds like she's going thru a massive transitional period, things are changing and its probably scaring the crap out of her. If she's studying or working, take her some coffee and give her a hug, little things like getting her a favorite snack or just smiling at her for no reason. Tell her how proud you are of her, let her know how much you appreciate her hard work and how you know she's getting so much out of it.
  24. You know sometime the more supportive bras make mine jiggle more. They push them up to some unnatural high spot and allow no gravity to give them natural shape. So there they sit perched on top of this bra and jiggle.
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