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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. If its only been a month I don't think you can call it serious. Besides how do you know if its serious? You're not dating her her new relationship is nothing to you. She's out of your life, be happy you're free of her.
  2. If he's that mean away from you when he's drunk imagine what could happen if he's with you and drunk. There is no excuse for that behavior. Dump him, its not forgivable, even the previous time was an "accident". You don't deserve to worry about this crap.
  3. JERK!!!! Manipulating this to all be about him. If that's not a huge red flag I don't what is. How could any one make this your fault? You're the one recovering from surgery and he's the one making inappropriate comments. It doesn't matter if it was a joke, it was still tacky. If you feel you need to respond just tell him you don't care if it was a joke, either way you felt it was inappropriate and don't need to be treated like that. Also, any guy that thinks your going to go total psycho cuz you didn't laugh at his joke is a real fruitcake. Right now the only person you need to be worried about is you.
  4. He's still a sleaze. That's not a funny joke no matter what he says. I think he's just trying to save face since he knows he crossed the line and he's toast.
  5. Comments like that are uncalled for, I don't how upset a person is they don't need to take a dump on all the other people around them. Maybe you should give her back some tough love. I'd tell her maybe my children won't want a grandmother that thought they were crap even before they were born. Ask her where she plans to live then as she has already decided your future home is horrible for her.
  6. Creepy jerk. He called you childish? What a BLEEPBLEEPBLEEP. Did you have a good night? Sleeping is rough, I had a huge stack of pillows to keep me in one spot.
  7. You, unlike most men, look to yourself for explanation. You take responsibility for how your life turns out. A lot of guys in this thread don't. They would rather blame the women then look at themselves. They would rather it be some fault of the female mind or inner workings. They refuse to admit THEY are the ones that need to do some inner searching. For all the insults thrown at women in this thread and all the bashing why do men still chase them if they hate them so much? If the female mind and her ideals are so contrary to you, STOP DATING WOMEN, go find yourself a nice logical gay man and leave the women alone.
  8. Were you really dancing with her or just dancing near her? I know my friends get annoyed when random guys come up behind them and act like they're dancing together. We usually agree to let each other know when someones pulling crap like that.
  9. I wouldn't even think it was a funny if he'd been joking. Its beyond tacky as a joke.
  10. It sounds like she has a unrealistic measure of emotion. Gender doesn't negate natural emotions, if someone says a hurtful remark, be they female or male, they have no right to tell you not to get upset. I would never tell my boyfriend "don't be sensitive" because to me that's like saying don't be yourself. The question is do you want to stay with someone who has a tilted view on gender roles and will probably continue to discount your feelings because of their expectations.
  11. After surgery on my arm the pain kept me pretty mellow, I hated the drugs, they made me feel so funny.
  12. What a sleaze. Next time you see him tell him they didn't give you near enough drugs to want to suck on him. I hope you're OK, how are you doing for pain management?
  13. They know "out", like when they go some where (closet, pantry) they shouldn't. It doesn't take much at all.
  14. Mine gets time out too. She gets told to go to her room if she's being really nasty to our other cat, so does the other cat when he's bad, thats almost the first thing they get taught. Its a not a happy time for them because they cant be with us. They're now trained to the point that I can clap my hands at them and they go to their room.
  15. I've had a German Shepard in the past, she was a very sweet and happy dog around me, but around my dad she was a different animal, very reserved and on edge almost. My Dad was much like this guy, he'd hit and act out without patience or care for the subject. He tried to spank me once in front of the dog and my dog snarled at him and wouldn't let him near me. I know how bad a person my dad is now, but then I needed a dog to help me figure it out.
  16. It sounds like both dogs need training. I wouldn't keep an animal that growled at my SO. I think you need to have a big talk. This is your child and he's abusing your child and his child is being mean to you. Its something you can do together, take both dogs and do obedience, then there will be no question as to who's dog is out of hand. My cat is a crabby thing, she hates all other cats and most people, but she gets told no when she growls or strikes out at the other cats. NEVER hit an animal, not even a pop on the nose, it is a VERY bad thing to start. The collar jerking needs to stop too. You can not teach them that violence is the answer it will only make them mean. Please find a local trainer fast and get both pets and the two of you enrolled.
  17. So do I and cranberry juice, most of my calories are spent on eating things that are for health benefiting purposes. I thought I'd try cranberry pills to limit the sugar intake, but found they don't have as much effect and there is research that shows the pills can cause increased risk of kidney stones (those hurt like heck no thank you).
  18. Yep, guys can get a funk, too. Garlic and onions will make a guys ejaculate bitter. Alcohol, smoking, also will effect it. Asparagus is bad. If it makes your urine stick it makes the seminal fluid stink. Pineapple works well as a sweetener. Flavored lubes can be used to help cover the taste. Be careful putting anything like syrup or chocolate or sugary foods in or near the vagina. The sugar feeds the bacteria that can cause odor and it can also lead to yeast infections.
  19. Do you eat a lot of garlic or spicy foods? That can make the make your vagina smell different. If you drink cranberry juice and lots of water it should help keep a good balance of the bacteria in the vagina. There low pH (acidic) cran juice will help make the vaginal area more acidic which can kill odor causing bacteria. The acidity also helps reduce the risk of urinary track infections. Drink at least 64 oz of water to keep you hydrated, that will mean you're also better lubricated for sex as well. Another thing to do is to eat live yogurt cultures, that can help the bacteria balance as well.
  20. I think if my BF said he'd been with another guy it wouldn't bother me, past relationships aren't a big deal. I'm happy to know if they're clean and are committed to me.
  21. That's a pretty pessimistic view. I don't particularly agree its true of all love, maybe some people are more dependent and incapable of the times away from the objects of affection. Like any thing you have to consider the individual.
  22. She's not a toilet, so don't use her like one. This is another human being. How would you feel if you were just "practice"? Respect yourself and others. If you're so keen to lose your virginity go to a prostitute, at least she's not expecting something out of it besides the money. Wait until you've got someone you care about and it means something. Don't throw it away because "everyone else is doing it".
  23. The sky is black; it only looks blue when one side of the Earth is exposed to the sun light, which filters though the atmosphere with mostly blue light bounced off the gases.
  24. That guy looks like a snake oil salesman if I ever saw one. link removed You don't lose weight through hypnosis, calories burned > calories intake. Thats it, you don't need a weirdo at a podium to tell you that.
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