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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. If the condoms are too tight you might look into ordering larger sizes off the web. link removed has a good selection such as the Trojan Magnum XL, link removed You really should wear them, STD's are a hell of alot more painful. Not to mention contracting something incurable like HIV or herpes.
  2. Maybe I'd risk a tic tac. After love you feel like crap, but at least with the tictac you have good breath.
  3. Does she really need to be with you though. You obviously have no respect for her privacy if you feel it necessary to read her conversations. Its not only rude, but your question is baseless. Not all women can be generalized to by one snooped on conversation, maybe your insensitivity is why she's not totaly into the relationship.
  4. There's nothing 'wrong' with you. If any thing you may just need a little self control. Rushing onto the sex part isn't going to be all that fun for her anyway. Foreplay is you get a womans body ready for you. Your still young and if you've only recently been circumcised, it could be the nerves in your penis are still recovering from the trauma. Give it time and don't get all worked up over it, sex is only one aspect of a good relationship.
  5. If your currently taking any new medications those change your odor, too. Some antibiotics can make you smell kinda funky.
  6. A girl I lived with for 2yrs made me feel like an idiot, she was a straight A student and I fought for every A and B I got. She made it all seem so easy, her hmwk would be done hrs before mine and she would blow me away on exams. For her it was always study time, she left our room for food and church. I was always studing with other people and tried mixing some social time in with that. I got to make alot of friends just doing hmwk together.
  7. I have this problem too, only its my dad. He constantly makes snide and mean comments towards me, my weight, my clothes, whatever. I've repeatedly expressed my extreme dislike of it, he still continues to do it. My mom has even started calling him on it. It makes me more angry than hurt, seriously a 300lb guy telling his already stressed daughter to start dieting. I have no health reasons to do it, so why the hell should I. Anyway, I digress... Your weight is just fine for your height, your actually on the lower end of your healthy weight range. Personally, I would tell your mom to keep her comments to herself. Thin isn't heathy, it's just popular, be yourself and do what you want to do.
  8. Oh, sweety you at least get 8 hrs of sleep. When I was an ugrad in astro engr I was lucky to get 6. Its rough to feel like all your time is lost to study and class, it can be maddening. If you truly want to do this for your life then you need to be willing to put your head down and push on. Engineering is not a fluff major, it is hard work and that will not change for the your whole career. Parties are not a requirement to make it thru school, its a big temptation to get to school with no parents and no rules. You need discipline and the foresite to see that one night of fun is not going to pay your mortgage. If you can't do that then cut back on classes, that degree doesn't say he took 4.5yrs instead of 4yr to complete it.
  9. As a TA I have to say its not easy teaching. RB dynamics is difficult to explain as is, so compond that with inexperience and stage fright, you will most likely get poor quality. Sad to say this can be the way of things at universities that don't require a PhD to teach all the time. It may be your prof is at a conference. There's a big one this week in Tampa, FL, my prof is there now. I'm not teaching class (thank god) but I'm expected to help the TA who is. As a student I will tell you that your money is not being well spent if you feel the class 'sucks'. If you do contact your Prof about it, please, PLEASE, for your own good be professional and courteous. Academics can get real defensive and offended if you insult their work, ie their teaching. Be careful. PS: I've TAed Orbital Mechanics and Spacecraft Attitude Dynamics for 2 yrs now and I don't know half of what my Prof does, I'm still learning, too.
  10. It sounds like he was a little insensitive. I frankly would want to know when those sometimes were, cuz if I just ate a heaping boil of Thai noodles yeah everything is going to smell funky. You are literally what you eat. Garlic and heavy spices, as well as your time in your menstrual cycle will effect your odors. If you feel self conscience try changing your diet, cut back on the spice and drink cranberry juice. Cran juice will help eliminate the bacteria that may cause your personal scent. Dehydration can make your secretions more pungent as well. As for bad breath, those little pocket dissolving things do a good job, my fav for post-Italian dinners. If its severe enough you may see a doc, it could be a sign of stomach problems. If you?re on a low-carb, high protein diet, your breath can smell like acetone which results from heavier blood levels due to ketosis.
  11. GO TO A DOCTOR! Its better knowing its nothing, than some cancer spreading and causing serious damage. Gynecomastia could be the problem, but men do get breast cancer.
  12. I've had similar problems. I used to sleep like the dead, but now I can spend the whole night staring at the ceiling. I've taken ambien with fair results, I still wake up at least once a night. Lunesta made me sick, I felt worse than if I hadn't slept. Red wine works well, something heavy with a lot of flavor (make the most of the calories), but not too much. Sometimes warm (not hot) showers can be relaxing, I can drain a water heater but its so wonderful. Hot cocoa or decaf tea makes me warm and fuzzy feeling, too.
  13. My good friend's husband had a serious porn addiction. He had mags, vids, and half a hard drive full of everything from just naughty to out right nasty. For her it was really difficult to accept the shear volume of the porn he had. A few items wouldn't have bothered her, but he spent a lot of time and money on all that stuff. He's not as obsessed now, but only after they had several long discussions (with minimal sceaming). Some women don't really mind porn and you might actually get your girl to go along with you on pics and vids. Try sitting down with her and talking about it. Invite her to watch a fav vid with you. I know I find some to actually be entertaining and alluring.
  14. I think you need to accept the fact she has male friends. There are a few women that have male friends (like all of them) that they don't sleep with. Most of my friends are male, they are the people I spend my free time with. If I had a BF right now he would welcome to come with me. Maybe you should ask your GF if you could hang out together. You may find you like them and they become your friends, too. Don't get jealous of what she does with her time away from you, she has a life of her own.
  15. Sounds like he needs some spice in his life. Skinny doesn't mean they were quality, besides if they were would he be going out with you? If he's so shallow as to reject you based on your wieght, do you really want to spend time with him? You shouldn't worry about his problems with your size, because they are HIS problems. Beauty is a popularized concept that changes as readily as the weather. NO ONE will ever be perfect.
  16. I have to agree with serve_the_people, if you develope a relationship on an psychological level its going to be more fulfilling. Physical aspects of your mate should remain secondary. Your not going to be able to base a long term relationship on the fact you mate has a cute nose. Physical beauty is a fleeting and fallacious judge of a persons true value. If you could see this person 20 or 30 years from now, their face isn't going to be the same, but hopefully their heart will.
  17. Women tend to be sensitive to fragrances, so make sure your room smells wonderful. Fresh flowers, scented candles, even those cheapy air fresheners. Streamline the place, get rid of as much clutter as you can, its not overly romantic to walk in and see hmwk and books laying about. Food wise definitely go with 'finger foods', raspberries, sliced peaches, the more succulent the better. Chocolate (if she likes it) is a great addition to. Not just boxed crap, if you want to make her feel special get her some select yummies. You can put slivers of dark choco with the berries when you pop 'em in her mouth, its a nice flavor. Caressing and touching can be a serious trembler. Hands, inner arm, ears, neck are some tame touch spots. I suggest you start with the hands and move in towards the body. Be gentle, slow, and make sure your hands are warm. Massage oils can be nice, but be careful, sensitive skins can react to fragrances and additives. Have fun!
  18. I'm not going to go into the details, but if you read my other posts you'll see why I'm moving on (a word of warning, I was very emotional when I wrote some of them). I didn't reject him, he rejected me. He has had relationship issues (so have I) and I'm not waiting for him to work them out, I've waited long enough working out my own problems. Even if he does still like me, he made his choice, I can't force him into a relationship, nor would I want to. If I wait for guys to ask me when they finally have the courage to its not fair to me. I don't want to sound harsh, but it's my life and I'm not going to let my happiness be determined by anothers fears or shyness.
  19. My question is as a woman how do avoid making guys feel crappy because you've put them (or they've put themselves) in the friendzone? I hate telling male friends I'm not interested, I feel bad that I may hurt them. Also, I've taken your advice and I personally feel better. I'm not waiting around for my 'just friends' guy, I'm going out with someone else.
  20. I've grown up in a fairly independent house hold, my parents are both individuals with separate interestes and views. Their dicotomy and independence from each other allows them to be who they are. I don't think it is healthy to be reliant on another individual, in love and together, yes. But as a person you should be able to exist as yourself and look to your partner for love, not total support. I want someone to love me, not be depedent on me. It maybe selfishness, but the fact is I want to live my life and not pull someone else along through it.
  21. I don't know what your health care coverage is, but I would think about seeing a new doctor as well. Your doc should have had you see a pdoc before you went onto any considerable dosages of anti-depressants. From your posts you sound like this is an on going problem that should have been addressed more vigorously. I've been to a few docs and the best one I've seen actually listens to my problems and suggests solns and they are not always drugs. Depression is very difficult to deal with alone. I've spent many years dealing with mine, my recovery is no where near complete, but I've done so much better when I have someone to talk to. A sympathetic listener can be a release of alot of the anguish and pain, a confidential, bound by law, individual can be a very safe place to turn.
  22. I've tried both and for me Ambien worked best as well. I found Ambien was a more gentle on my system. Lunesta actually made me ill for several days. Have you discussed this with your doctor. Although I don't think Ambien is approved for long term use, my doc said she has had someone on it for about 2 years. I took it for 3 mnths (not taking anything for now). The best thing to do when you see your doc is to have an idea of what you want to talk about during the session, a game plan so to speak. Give them an idea of of what you want to discuss and your main focus or goals. Try to consider the things that are most important to you. This might be something you work out with the doc as well. Try to give yourself some structure, but don't be to rigid, allow your plans to change with your healing.
  23. I have similar issues with sleep, I tried hot cocoa (sugar free) around bed time when taking my sleep aid. While in bed I listen to some lite jazz or classical and read very sedate books, nothing political or overly dramatic. Try to spend a hour before you want to go to bed just winding down. I know with lunesta it can hit like a train, so when you take it really start just focus on relaxation and calming yourself. Some personal time can be very enjoyable. Don't let yourself think about your day, just focus on peace and calm places that you've enjoyed. I like to think about being stretched out on a warm beach basking in the sun (its currently 7deg F where I am now) and listening to the waves. There are CDs that have wave and rain sounds that are nice too.
  24. I don't know if you'd like a female perspective on this or not, but... As a woman in engineering where 80% of my classmates are male I've been thru this study group thing. I am an Ice Queen when it comes to my work cuz thats what I'm good at and enjoy. At times my confidence level is near arrogance but when you do the crap I do you need balls. Anywho, confidence in one aspect of my life doesn't transfer to others, I am a wreck when it comes to personal relationships with men. School can be an major focus, but your friend may like you and is just unsure of herself, the only way to know is to ask. I've been asked out by several guys I've studied with, it didn't make it weird for me, it just was like 'Oh, he likes me', not a big deal.
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