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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. She sounds like bad news. Don't waste your time with her. If she's had a BF this whole time, think what she may do if you date. She's not crazy she's just shallow and inconsiderate, don't give crazy people a bad name.
  2. There is no perfect body. Beauty is a subjective concept that varies from culture to culture. In the US the media has popularized the 'thin is in' look and a vast majority of the images we see are touched up and false. Women shouldn't have to invest their time in being some idealized form of beauty, there are a hell of alot better things to do, like say dust the lightbulbs. Men shouldn't spend stupid amounts of time wasting energy lifting weights either. You want muslce, atleast do something productive to get that way, work at a lumber yard or something. Frankly if you're hurting yourself to get that way, then you have a serious problem. Your health should in no way take back seat to being hot.
  3. It's really hard when friends turn out to be snakes. This guy sounds like a real jerk, I think you're better off without him. As for the hate mail, you should probably talk to someone like a parent or a teacher. For your own safety don't just ignore it.
  4. Well, sorry to say, but you did use her and she used you, too. Granted you've made it clear that you don't want to see, but now you need to just stop responding. Don't see her, don't answer her calls, and DO NOT HAVE SEX WITH HER AGAIN! If she continues to harass you, call the police, some states have weird stalker laws so restraining orders and what not aren't easy to get, but sometimes the police will just call her up and make it clear a third party is now involved.
  5. It does sound like he's avoiding commiting to plans, but like you said your not BF-GF so he may feel he has room to wander. As for the birthday thing, how long have you really been going out, he may just not remember or had not known. I forget my family and friends birthdays and I have to think twice when asked about my own. Its just not that big a deal to me. Believe me after a certain point its not goint to be big thing to you either. Something else I've noticed in a lot of posts with this expectation of nearly constant contact. The text messages and cell phone calls, I'm not sure I could stand that 'bugging'. There are people in this world who do work and are busy during the day. I'm a student so I'm usually working well into the night, with little free time which is mostly spent trying to find food. If my BF kept calling all the time, I wouldn't feel loved, I'd feel harassed.
  6. I'm shy with men at bars and clubs. Put me in a room with a NASA engineer and I am all good. Its just a matter of focus. Focus on calming your nervous responses and concentrate on being your self. Try to think up a list of little habits you might do when your shy, and spend time in situation forcebly correcting yourself. My habit was picking at the seam on the leg of my pants, long meetings meant frayed edges. No these things only fix the temporary, the self-esteem needs to come a building of your own self worth. Try writing down 25 things you like about yourself. I used lots of color and exclamation pt!!! Put that list somewhere that you will see it everyday, and make sure you read it to. It will be a little reminder of the the things that are good about you. Oh, you don't have to stop at 25 either, keep adding things everyday. Make yourself smile by getting to know you.
  7. Dako, A nice chilled Riesling or Gewürztraminer and I'd be your patio bum for the evening. CB
  8. Cigars, cognac and some nice jazz is sexy, constantly lighting up to get a fix isn't. Cigarettes are a just a waste, a waste of money and your health. By far smoking is one of the most inconsiderate things anyone could do. They poison you more than themselves, not to mention the stains it leaves on the walls, the stink is penetrating everything. Grosses me out.
  9. Beauty is a subjective idea, we each have our own concept of what we find attractive. Those other girls maybe physically beautiful, but you could be an even more beautiful person. There are men in this world who put personality before waistlines and pretty faces. Give him a chance and give yourself a chance to be happy with who you are.
  10. If you don't tell her you really have no right to be angry with her for dating or at the men she dates. Just because you have feelings for her doesn't mean you own her. You're her friend and your actions caused by your feelings are most likely confusing her. I had a guy friend that I used to tell everything to then he started acting strange, I didn't find out he really liked me until he was very drunk one night. I've distanced myself from him now because I wanted a friend not a serious relationship. If your friend is hounded by guys and dates alot you may just be her safe guy. I hope everything goes well, I'm sorry its a very difficult situation to be in.
  11. Afternoons are hard on me, too. I used to skip lunch and would get really tired quickly. I eat more little meals now and take a brisk walk to get the blood going again. I also like to listen to more upbeat music in the afternoon. Try to avoid eating too much refined sugar, it usually a short high energy burst that leaves you feeling drained afterward. If you do eat breads and such at lunch, make sure they're whole grain, it takes longer for the body to digest, so the sugars are released into your system at a slower rate. Sometimes I even resort to caffeine, but from tea and not soda (too much sugar).
  12. Muscle mass obtained from weight lifting exercise needs to be maintained if you want to keep the look. Depending on your body type you may have lost fat from your arms faster than your tummy. And your body could have had stored more fat in that area. I've lost 45lbs and my legs looked scrawy to begin with but the rest caught up. It maybe you lost muscle mass but the only real way to tell is to have done a calipers measure of your body pre and post weight lose. With that tool a doctor actually measures the thickness of the fat by pulling it away from the muscle tissues. Also muscle tissue is denser than fat so your arms bulk when made of fat is misleading, it really doesn't add to your strength it just gives the illusion of size.
  13. Well its a fundamental law of thermodynamics, energy in = energy out. The food you eat is the energy you burn. Calories are just a measure of that energy. All of our actions burn calories. Sleeping, typing, even when you're eating your burning calories. Fat is the body's warehouse of energy, you want to lose fat you need to expend more calories than you consume. The basic principal to staying fit is just balancing that. Most diets are based on limiting caloric intake or in the case of low-carb, metabolic changes and limiting calories. Don't go by web or tv ads for diets, the best person to get truthful, realistic information from would be your doctor or a trained dietician.
  14. Well, sounds like Chlamydia. This can show similar signs to Gonorrhea, so get tests for both. You should expect a pelvic exam and urine test. The treatments are usually pills or with Gono injections.
  15. hosswhispra, i think I feel more comfortable with that idea. I'd be happy just to have someone around to share my joy and see my life. Sex is just the dark shadow hanging over our so called 'advanced' heads.
  16. Please don't. It's not going to make you feel better. I'm sorry you're in pain, but don't waste yourself on drinking. Please don't do it.
  17. Stop throwing yourself a pity party and get over it. YOU cheated on your GF and YOU have to face that. You don't deserve pity, you deserve your GF anger and you have no right to expect us to be sympathetic. You want a possible reason you cheated, you've placed too much importance on a shallow aspect of your relationship. mouse_potato is right your GF should be the most beautiful person in the world and not because of her face.
  18. I'm actually turned off by the idea of being with a virgin, but since most guys my age are rather promiscuious, it won't be that big an issue. More than 5 would be pushing it, there's an old saying you sleep with everyone your partner's slept with.
  19. I'll take the chance to maybe get myself a cute heart pilllow or something girly thats not usually in stores. For the most part it so overly commercialized it doesn't seem important anyway. I'm actually sick of over hearing girls gabbing at each "Oh, so and so better do something special for me or I'll {insert vindictive sentiment} to him". Anymore I think its been so popularized that theres such an expectation of romance, that it has trivialized it.
  20. No offense but you seem pretty shallow. Not only is the cheating wrong, but your critical evaluation of your GF physical appearance is callous. Personally if I were dating you, you'd be toast.
  21. For one, thing don't keep score, its not about what you've done to her and what she's done to you. Sex isn't about balancing out the pleasure sheets. Comfort and trust have to be developed and lying won't help it. You're 16 do you absolutely have to have the BJ right now, patience is a highly underrated virtue.
  22. If you have problems with breakages it maybe because you don't have enough lubricant. There are lots of great products out there such as KY and Astroglide. Make sure the lube you get is waterbased and for use with latex. Also, if your lube drys up during sex keep a spray bottle with water handy it will revive the lube. Condoms don't have a long shelf life either, so check the experation dates. The basic latex condom is made for about 10 min of use, so if your boys a marathon guy change often for the most protection.
  23. If you want to have sex then you should be responsible enough to take precations. If you feel too ashamed to tell your parents your having sex, should you really be having it. Being freaked out about getting pregnant is so stupid in this day, there are plenty of places to get birth control. If you don't want to tell your parents then go to your doc or a nurse practioner and dont tell them. You are a minor so your parents can still request your med history, but I've found most docs aren't going to hop up and call your mom if you go on the pill. If your going to be engaging in adult activities you need to GROW UP.
  24. Firstly if you can't handle the consequence of sex you really shouldn't be having it. If you truly think you might be pregnant get a couple pregnancy tests, do 2 different brands or see a doc. Otherwise go get birthcontrol and continue to use condoms, both methods together should prevent unwanted pregnancies and STDs.
  25. I've never felt comfortable pretending, so I just stopped. I am who I am, like it or not. Try talking about other things, I'm not a sports person (frankly I hate them), but I like cars so I talk about that with 'red blooded men'. If they don't want to talk about anything else, are they worth your time? Does your job really depend on whether or not they like you? Be yourself, any problem they have with it is THEIR problem.
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