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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. Walking around after eating isn't a bad thing to do, as long as its not too strenuous or could make them sick. Alot of blood goes into digestion so you need to be careful about being too active, you can get light headed and woozy. I usually do all my exercise before breakfast.
  2. I totally agree, its a naughty little secret all for yourself. I hate white panties, too, so my underwear drawer is a technicolor explosion. I spent the weekend at my parents and my Mom did my laundry (I love Moms). One of my new g-strings was in the wash, she said the biggest thing on it was the tag, so I cut the tag off.
  3. I believe in trimming its sanitary and helps control ingrown hairs, but I think its a little rediculous to expect an adult female to be hairless. I'm not a pre-teen so don't expect my vulva to look like one. I trust my doc to do a pap smear but she's been through years of training and is held to standards of practice by laws. What standards are the waxers held to, I've read several posts about waxing horror stories at the hands of so called professionals. For what purpose, to give a guy a hard on, its not fair trade in my opinion. If I ever have a BF that requests it all off, he gets to go first.
  4. I had a friend who buzzed her head right before she started kemo. She didn't tell anyone, just thought it wouldn't be as much hassle when it all fell out. My stylist told me once she buzzed a girl who was joining the Military and she wanted to get used to hair cut.
  5. I like the addition of a garter belt, call me frivolous but I like the lace and ribbons with my black stockings.
  6. I have to say I wear bikinis and hipsters, but I was curious so I bought a g-string. It's not something I'd wear all day, but I keep a small collection just incase... Besides most of the best looking naughty stuff only comes with g-strings or thongs.
  7. My biggest suggestion is to READ. I read 3-4 books at time from different genres. If I watch TV I don't waste my time with mindless entertainment, I like to watch TLC, Discovery, National Geo, even the Food Network (on occasion Spike but only for CSI). There are alot of magazines to that can be great for finding topics for further exploration. If I find something that is interesting I look it up on the internet or in books. I also speak to other people, ask quetions, probe their knowledge of the topic, most people love to talk about there interests. You have to glean the knowledge from your surroundings. Things that are interesting to you will be easier to remember. Maybe take a trip to a book superstore, go to a section you don't normally go to and pick book, flip it open and read.
  8. I'm 24 and I will still get asked if I need a parent/guardian to sign my doc release forms. My Mom said I should get used to it she was carded until she was over 30. My old roommate was at work in a new division and one of her co-workers asked her if it was bring your daughter to work day. Does it really matter what people think, though. It's just a number.
  9. I'd say trying drink lots of water, you'll be really dehydrated after the diarrhea. Try to eat foods that aren't too acidic, like OJ, I'd avoid milk products, lactic protiens are hard on the stomach too. Bland foods like what you would eat when you have the flu would be good, broth, crackers, toast, apple juice. Try to eat slowly and make sure you stay sitting up after you eat, I get really bad reflux if I've been vomitting alot. Just relax and try not to get too stressed, if you don't feel better in a day or so go to the doctor, you could have something more serious going on.
  10. Intelligent, articulate, compassionate, caring, they have to have integrity, be principled, and someone who won?t judge me
  11. I have to say I agree, I don't like most women in general. My female friends would be considered more guy-ish than feminine, we're all engineers. We've also talked about this and agreed that men are just easier to get along with. I really do think most women in my age group are behaving badly. It does seem like its a competition to be the best sl*t. I really don't want to compete in that, nor do the women I like.
  12. If he wanted to make love to you then he wouldn't be threatening to cheat if you don't. He wants sex and if he has to bully you into doing it, he's not worth it. DONT COMPROMISE YOUR PRINCIPLES!!! Your intergrity should not suffer because of his libido. Your beliefs should be important to him. If he truly loves you then he would not be asking you to do such. Sex is only one aspect of a relationship and if it is the deal-breaker in his mind then he's go to go. It sounds like he's being a real jerk.
  13. Do an ab routine that addresses all the sections on you middle torso. Tone the back too, I think pilates are good for that. There are some fair websites that show how to area specific exercises. Google abs exercise upper lower and you should get something to work with. My tummy's my hard spot, I'm working on it and it gets no where near the results my legs have shown. I guess its just how you're built some people have flat tummies but larger bottoms and vice versa.
  14. I feel like an a** actually and really should have deleted that post as soon as I sent it. My apologies.
  15. I'm sorry if I'm overly harsh, I'm currently angry at a guy so that does temper my mood. But I'm not fond of BF/GF telling there partners to give up time with their friends. If this is a long distance relationship, she's probably very lonely. I've been supportive of a guy(not the one I'm angry at) friend whose GF had no problem with our relationship, even though she's 2000miles away. She trusted him enough that when we were thinking about moving in together, she saw it as a way he could save money to spend on plane tickets. If you think she's not trustworthy then do you need to continue to be with her. From your other post this sounds like its been a long term problem.
  16. My friend was quit heavily 'used' by frat guys and for her all the sex was meaningless and really very sad. She had severe self-esteem issues and had a very serious wake up call when she found she was on a 'score sheet'. She spent the next several years alone and only recently started dating again. She took it very slow because she was VERY insecure about sex with someone she really cared for. She has alot of issues and most can only be healed with time. Her boyfriend was supportive and caring, he's helped her through her pain even without sex. She told him everything and it wasn't bragging. Why would you be jealous of how much sex she's had, why does the quantity really matter? If she's STD free and commited to you, you should try to work through this. Sex isn't a reason to end a relationship, if it is then she doesn't need you.
  17. Why is it that women can't live with men they aren't involved with? Is it that you think we're so weak minded that we can't possibly handle ourselves alone? Do we have to be supervised and cottled to make sure we behave to your expectations?
  18. I agree with RayKay, he's just coming back cuz you let him. He knows if he just picks at you enough he's got sex on tap. Tell him to bugger off, he's worthless. If he keeps bothering you after you told him off, call the cops, get a restraining order. This guy is no good for you, he's just going to continue to treat you like your 2nd class. It's all about him and he really doesn't care for you.
  19. Girls can have close male friends that they don't sleep with... Case in point my best friend knows what color my vibrator is but we've never had any sheet time. You don't have the right to restrict her friendships either. She may have told her friend about your problem with him to explain why she couldn't spend time with him or live with him. How would you feel if your close friend said 'we can't spend time together' with no explanation. As for her living with him, doesn't mean she's goin sleep with him either. I lived with 2 guys at the same time and guess what didn't sleep with them. It doesn't sound so much like her friendship wouldn't be good for your relationship so much as your jealousy and trust issues are. Maybe you need to take a good look at how your treating her and figure out how you can let her live her life the way she wants to.
  20. I was on 20mg and stopped cold turkey, emotionally I felt like crap but I didn't notice any physical symptoms from it exactly. My biggest problem was the mood swings. I dunno about dizzyness, I wasn't sleeping and eating much at the time and I have a high tolerance for 'pain' so I may just have not noticed. Talk to your doc, make a list of all your symptoms and have them address each one.
  21. I think anything over 10 would be too much for me. I don't like the idea of casual sex at all. I think it has really trivialized the care and emotion people have for their serious partners. I also have a minor in statistics, so I know how the numbers work and frankly they aren't pretty. The CDC estimates that 19 million new infections occur each year. Thats over 50,000 people being infected each day, the more sex you have the more likely you are to be infected, no matter how careful you are. You sleep with everyone your partner has slept with and all their partners and so on. So your 1 little night of fun could expose you to the diseases of untold numbers of people. HIV, AIDS and STDs are off epidemic levels today, casual sex just continues to propagate that.
  22. Do you really want to be with someone who would say that to you? He's done this before? And you continue to allow him to treat you like this? You are not some backup plan, you should be first and foremost, not just whats left over. GET RID OF HIM! Then tell him to go back to her! Don't stay on hold, HANG UP! He's a selfcentered jerk whose using you between his other relationships. You don't need to be treated like that, you don't need him.
  23. Maybe you need to spend some time alone before you start another relationship. She may still be upset about having an affair with you or she may just not want to see you again. Maybe you should move on.
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