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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. The social and psychological ramifications of this are very severe. In most countries, this not only is this highly taboo and illegal, but it is setting foundations for a potentially dangerous consequence. Any children produced by accident or intention will have a high probability of birth defects or genetic disorders. There are also many legal concerns to be mentioned as well. If the siblings involve are not capable of personal responsibility, many courts will consider the parents or guardians liable for their (the siblings) actions. This is a very serious matter, you should advise your friends to stop immediately. If need be you maybe the person that has to instigate the separation by alerting authorities or someone who can end this.
  2. If you don't think you can do it alone find a friend who might join you with jogging or dieting together. You can be each others support system. It takes time so don't get discouraged if the first week you don't feel like hot stuff. Your energy level will increase and you'll feel better working out. When I first started I had a hard time going that last 5 min or so and it made me think 'I can't do this'. But I kept with it and now the last 10 min of my work out are actually the best feeling, you get a great high from the endorphines.
  3. My Mom had me at 33 without problems, and that was over 20 yrs ago. Modern medicine is making it possible for women in their 40's to successfully have children. Don't worry about the bio-clock thing, concentrate on the relationship and your happiness. Children change the dynamics of any couple and will strain already tense issues.
  4. You may look around in your area for used sporting goods stores. I got my bike for a steal and its only the one time payment instead of the monthly gym fees. I try to do all my exercise first thing in the morning, it really wakes me up and gets the blood going. I hope you do well, its not easy, but you can do it!
  5. I happen to like men that are 'meatier'. You might try crunches for the abs, check out the web for some descriptions and routines. Rowing machines are awsome, killer on the back, but a great all over work out. I use a stationary bike with the hand lever thingies (technical term) and its helped with the biceps and upperchest.
  6. Another thing to try are benwa balls, there ball bearings that are inserted into the vagina. You can use these with Kegel exercises and strengthen the pelvic floor muscle to the point you can hold the balls in with your muscles alone. These exercises are what are used by women after giving birth to help recondition the vagina. You can also try inserting your finger into your vagina and squeezing with your muscles as well. Toning these muscles can help with giving birth, bladder control and more enjoyable orgasims.
  7. I don't wear make-up, most of it causes me skin irritaion. Granted it's been done for thosands of years, but do you have to conform with something just because its so heavily practiced. Scarification, genital mutilation, tattoos, restrictive dress codes, they're all practiced the world wide, but the choices you make as an individual define who you are. Physical manipulations are just superficial and superfluous to living.
  8. So the logical solution would then be to totally deny your nature as a mammal and remove those darned pubic afros.
  9. And if licorice isn't your thing they make some out of those hard sugar candies like candy necklaces.
  10. If you really want to make a girl happy get her a Benwa Silver Bullet and offer to help her break it in.
  11. There's no equation for knowing that. Pregnacy depends on many factors, but it only takes one sperm to fertilize the egg. One ejactulations worth of semen contain millions of sperm so even a small amount could cause pregnacy. Not only that but if you using the 'withdrawl method' pre-ejaculate contains sperm as well.
  12. If you only need one underwear drawer in the house then think of how much money that could save...
  13. The cashiers thinking "OOOH, those are so cute!" I used to be shy about things like that, but then I decided we all got here the same way (well maybe not entirely the same way, there are a lot of ways to... oops never mind).
  14. Someone needs a quick anotomy lesson... There happens to be a very moist, bateria infested hole in all our heads. Its called a mouth. If a woman has a healthy diet and hygiene then her vagina won't smell. Bacteria happens to be a part of life and no amount of soap, wax, or obsessive-compulsive cleaning will change that. If you really think a vagina is a breeding ground for bacteria, then for your sack I hope to god your circumcised, because the smegma that developes under the foreskin of a man's penis is a festering cesspool.
  15. Hmm, vibrating devices... I think that's a whole different ball of string... Naughty thoughts abound...
  16. Some of the dresses she wears it's most likely commando.
  17. I happen to think the tighty whities aren't too bad, on the stipulation that their clean and not white. I like color and I know they make breifs in colors too. But I have to say, silk boxers are the hottest thing.
  18. I get depressed and just want to sit and vegetate. I've gotten behind grading papers and the Prof's not happy, but I've found getting my butt in gear actually makes me feel better. I'm moving the focus from my emotions to my work, that's probably why the students think I'm a b***h of a grader.
  19. I happen to think a little narcissism isn't all that bad. A little self-love never hurt anyone. Besides you need to love yourself before you can expect someone else to.
  20. I honestly can't help myself sometimes. I see bows, ribbons, laces, rhinestones, and embrodery and I just have to take them home. Naughty things come on sale all the time, even with no BF, but I'm bidding my time...
  21. So for the gratification of your SO's lust you would subject yourself to pain, ingrown hairs, possible burns, infections and skin irritation. Hair may trap odor, so should I wax my head too? Cleaning takes care of that, oh and by the way humans do have natural body odor that all those pretty soaps just mask they never do get rid of them. I have waxed, everything, and it didn't make me feel any better about my sexuality, it made me reach for the topical lidocaine cream. So my personal taste/personal preference is that it is ridiculous. My opinion is that if you feel inclined to encourage you SO do this then you should be willing to follow suit. Besides I hear shaving makes it look bigger, anyway...
  22. Your friend should add a vegetable rule, too. Lots of greens fill you up without much caloric intake. Broccoli, celery, lettuce, spinach, cucmbers, cauliflower and such. Eat them raw or steam them, no oils, but add spices like garlic powder and pepper.
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