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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. The only way soda is going to affect your butt is by the sugar becoming the fat. Cellulite is fat and connective tissues, the fat grows up between the fibers connecting the skin to your muscle causing the dimples and lumps. The fat is no different in composition than smoother areas, the blood flow and such is no different either. Some skin types are just more prone to the uneven look. There's no way to "cure" cellulite or prevent it, its a natural aspect of how your body stores its fat. If your already exercising and keeping yourself fit, then you have nothing to worry about, your fine and perfectly normal. DO NOT be drawn in by all those wonder products, they're only temporary (if they do anything), superficial scams that just waste your hard earned money.
  2. I've had yeast infections after taking antibiotics, too. Its a fairly common problem, the drugs kill off the bacteria that keep the yeast level in check. The yogurt with live cultures work well to, just dip tampons in the yogurt and insert them into your vagina, you dont need more than that. It has to be plain yogurt because any of the flavorings may contain sugar that will just feed the yeast more. Cranberry juice also works nicely, if you're having problems with bladder infections it can work for that too. The low acidity of the juice will make your urine more acid killing off the bacteria. Garlic is supposed to be good for relief, too. I've never used it internally, just eaten it alot, but some women insert garlic tablets into their vagina for a few hours to kill off the yeast. There are also over the counter creams made to be put in the vagina, I personally hate them, they burn and can cause bleeding with severe irritation. You can get Diflucan from your doctor, which is a one time oral tablet. If you're having yeast infections alot you may need to have your doctor do a thorough exam to make sure there isn't some underlying immune system disorder.
  3. I was very attracted to a guy who turned out to be married. He was a total sweetheart and to be honest I wasn't really shocked when I found out. We're still friends and talk all the time, he's still a great person to be around even if I can't date him.
  4. Viagra doesn't increase the sex drive any, it provides increased blood flow to the genitals. That is what causes men to have an erection. While that can be arousing for some women, many women need more psychological stimulation. Since the FDA hasn't even approved Viagra for use in women and there are few if any studies to support its results I'm still not considering a viable solution.
  5. What if she really wants to know "Should I be seen in this dress or should I go put on the blue one instead?" Besides clothing that isn't fit right for her body may in fact make her look 15lbs bigger, just tell her the cut and shape doesn't accentuate her natural form or that the color isn't the most flattering with her skin tones.
  6. I'm a curious person, I've watched a variety of porn, but I get bored with most of it. I have many male friends and I'm not shy when they talk about sex. Most of them get turned on by the idea of a women watching porn. I've had pretty frank and open discussions with men about sex that left them trying to hide junior and me amused at the color of their faces. Sexual response is so different between the sexes. Arousal in women is very complex and involves more then just minor stimulation. Case in point, Viagra, its easy to fix male sexual response, but for women there is no drug because there is no answer that will work in gerenal.
  7. LOL! My response "Oh yes honey! I love it when you fart in bed, I adore your shaving scum all over the sink, I can't wait for you to scratch your balls in public" Anyway, seriously... I saw a bumper sticker today that covers this very topic "If you think you're so perfect why don't you try to walk on water". No one is without flaws or annoying habits, but that doesn't mean you love them any less.
  8. I tend to find darker men physically attractive, but their just eye candy, sexy has so many more levels for me then surface qualities alone.
  9. Thats a good way to pickle your liver... How many brain cells do you have left? For me, I'd have been dead.
  10. Well, too much chocolate wouldn't been much better, its a natural laxative.
  11. I think I agree with miserableme save all your lust for her, try to get her to be the focus of your desire. Dont feel angry with her for this either, your cyber filandering could make her feel insecure or inadequate as a sufficient partner.
  12. The girls you play with online don't have to be the same girls you may cheat with later. It is cheating, you're engaging in a sexual act, be it thru the computer or in person. If she chose to do this how would you feel?
  13. Well, your GF may consider it to be an intellectual affair. If you're willing to cheat on her in this way, whats the one step to it becoming physical?
  14. I wasn't thinking of putting a cherry anywhere near the top.
  15. Usually there are other books and materials suggested for more background and info on the topic. I'm astro engr, we don't even get books most of the time. If your dealing with integration and calc stuff there are some Schaum's books with loads of examples. They have a book on just about anything, I've bought a couple for all the control systems crap I've done. Sometimes it helps just to go to the tech or engr library and look up some books on the topic. Study buddies are great, but talk to the TA and prof, they're the ones that can help you the most. Don't be afraid to ask questions, even if you think they're stupid, they're not! If you're given homework solns use those to study, if not get the TA to discuss your work with you and try to get an understanding to what you missed. It may feel like you're being a pain in the butt, but its their job to teach you.
  16. I think I'll stick to the chocolate, it doesn't feel like as much a waste of calories.
  17. Have you seen a doctor, there really the only people who could thoroughly diagnose you. If its viral or bacterial will change how its treated, you really should see someone soon.
  18. I think that the over commercialization has ingrained the idea into alot of women that we SHOULD expect more. If you don't expect more then why are you upset. Its not like your partner can read your mind, especially if your in a long distance relationship. By not being with you physically he's missing alot of body language cues from you on how his 'lack' of celebration is effecting you. Considering Valentine's Day was origially thought to have been based on a Roman fertility festival where men drew the names from a lottery of the women who would be their sexual partner for the year, it's not a holiday I'm fond of. He may not have said 'Happy Valentine's Day' to you, but did he say 'I love you'? I know which I'd rather hear.
  19. There are so many responses I have to that... None of which should be written in public...
  20. It's seems alot of people forget that sex isn't just a recreational activity that it comes with consequences. The reality of the situation is that you're responsible for your actions. It is her right to refuse abortion and it is very immature of you to expect her to make the problem go away. You maybe a starving student, but she's a sigle mother who you've just treated very poorly, by law you are going to be held responsible. You may not want to, but you're going to have to grow up.
  21. Maybe she hasn't seen children in a positive light. I personally consider them to be noisy, messy little buggers who get in the way at the grocery store. My friend had twins and I did the polite 'Oh you should hold the baby' thing. The twins were born premature and one has some problems, I was handed the 'difficult one', screaming, upchuck and all. I held her and tried bouncing her, rocking her, still she screamed. I looked her right in the eyes and made the stupidist face I could, big blue eyes widened and she actually giggled, everyone in the room turned. I managed to keep her happy for several hours until she had to go to bed, since then I can walk in and I get the biggest smile from her. She's my favorite, even if she still gives me a milky slick down my front, it just takes one good one to make all the bad ones disappear.
  22. Do you have one of those funny hats and a noise maker? The more outlandishly over decorated the better.
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