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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. Have you thought about just asking a female friend and going to have a good time. I went with my buddy and we had a blast. I was so glad of it too, the guy that had asked me out took a different girl who was misrable the whole time. Why not go alone, you don't have to spring for dinner, flowers, or a limo, its prom just have fun!
  2. So the mass production of sexual product has improved how women are treated. I sure don't think so, but maybe the guy who raped me should have just rubbed off a few to a centerfold instead of deciding he wanted the real thing.
  3. If you would actually read progressive feminist literature like B*tch magazine or The Beauty Myth by Naomi Wolf, you will find that many, many feminist DO NOT embrace pornography, they actually abhor it. And if you don't think my attitude is inappropriate, try insulting my friend again! Your newbie status doesn't excuse you from your insensitive remark, nor does it allow you to dismiss my anger by turning it into a sexual advance!
  4. I don't mind porn, what I do mind is that men look at me and all they see is a sex object, which is what porn reinforces.
  5. I think I'd attack on Dako's sake and it would have nothing to do with porn. Although I think the video of it might sell as good!
  6. I don't think companionship is the correct word for it. Its sex, companionship implies something deeper. It maybe 'healthy' for men to desire multiple partners, but in all honesty it does always lead to healthy ends when they enact those desire. STDs are at epidemic levels and even with condoms there are possiblilities of tranfer. The root of males wanting to spread their seed maybe ingrained by genetics, but in our society its not safe to be promiscuous, a term that really should be applied to men as much a women for equal numbers of sex partners. The double standard has no place anymore, most young men by givining into they're over the top sex drives really should be considered sluts.
  7. I eat semi-sweet or dark choco only, has less sugar. I'm on a low-carb diet so I have a nifty choco cake recipe that uses almond flour instead of wheat flour. Still has a few calories but almost no carbs. Its yummy, the texture is a little different than regular cake and its not as fluffy but its a nice dessert for a diet.
  8. Thats one of the main reasons my doc recommended the low-carb route. I had told her about my trouble with the low blood sugar, since I'm not diabetic, she thought that a change in my diet would help. She herself did a low-carb diet with great results, I took a little convincing since I was pretty much vegan. It still feels a little weird eating all the meat, but I love fish, so I try to make that my main protein sorce.
  9. Well like with any diet you have to be careful. I haven't removed all the carbs from my diet, I just eat them sparingly. I only eat whole grain products and I restrict my protein intake to fish and poultry, low sat fat meats. The big thing is not overloading on protein, but taking lots of veg. I eat broc and lettuce like crazy, but haven't had any red meat in ages. If you do increase your protein it doesn't mean you're increasing your fat intake. I mainly follow the South Beach diet which stresses the importance of eating LEAN cuts only, so liver and most pork are out. As for the diet effecting my calcium intake, I eat more cheese and milk than I used, so I'm getting calcium, I avoid caffeine which has also been thought to prevent calcium absorbtion. I'm an engineering student with a hellasious demand on my mental abilities, since I started this diet I can concentrate easier and have less food related issues during the day.
  10. I like cheese, way too much, to cut out added fat I buy 2% or skim milk cheese, gives me another snack option thats not bad. The higher protein diet has really made me feel better over all, my skin is healthier and my hair is growing like a weed. The first week or so when you're cutting down on carbs can be really hard, you feel tired and get cravings. After the initial switch over, you energy level goes back up and you really feel better consistantly through the day. I used to have issues with getting too low blood sugar between meals, I'd get cranky, shakey, and have nasty head aches. With the low carb diet my blood sugar levels are more even and I don't have the food withdraw symptoms.
  11. You have to be careful with some dried fruit, there can be added sugars and perservatives. Make sure you read the ingrediants, if it has sugar, sucrose, glucose, fructose,corn syrup, or the like chuck it and just eat the frest stuff. Natural food markets are great for having just dehydrated fruit with no additives. Othere wise try apples, pears, plums, bananas, peaches, strawberries; eat the skins for the fiber and nutrients. Try to avid pineapple and water melon, they're really high in sugar when compared to the fiber content. If you want to eat cereal try bran or oatmeal (not instant) you want high fiber even if you do take in some carbs. Cut the alcohol, its just empty calories.
  12. I'm up late 1-2am and usually get hungry around midnight. I like to munch on celery with some peanut better (natural no added sugars or oils) or just plain nuts (1/4 a cup). I like to drink decaf tea with a sugar based no cal sweetener like splenda, it helps make me feel full. Try to not to take in too much caffeine it can be an appetite stimulant.
  13. My dog was a rescue, she had a lot of health problems when I got her. A mix of German shep and Collie, long hair and a long pointed nose, cutest thing in the world. She was severely underweight, had heart worms, and a bad allergies. She was an older dog, so helping her was difficult, heart worm meds could easily have killed her (the vet never treated, afraid it would be too much) and she could never keep a good weight. I got to have 2 years with her before she died, its been about 2 since she's been gone, I still miss going home to her dancing and prancing around fluffy tail going in circles. She was the funniest dog and a real sweetheart, she'll always be in my heart even if she was just a dog.
  14. This very similar to the diet I'm on, I've lost about 50lbs in about a year. Don't think thats too long a time because it isn't, heathly weight loss should be slowly and consistantly. The diets that promise rapid weight loss are usually lbs from water weight, just remember a pint of water is one lb. On average a persons weight fluctuate up to 5lbs in a day from all of the in going and out going water. You need to drink lots of h2o because everything in your body uses it and your constanctly losing it, via respiration, sweat or urination. Make sure your heathly enough to make any changes first, I spoke with my doctor before I started doing anything major with my diet or exercise, she gave me the green light and continues to moniter my progress.
  15. Most of my fav profs are still in the industry, teaching is just a joy to them.
  16. One of my roommates had a Prof that refused to give any grades above a B for a grad level class, which is bad because C's are failing at my school. He (my roommate) is a genius and had a 4.0 as an undergrad and was a 4.0 as a grad. He took the class and did astounding, the final project was a very difficult programming assignment, my roommate was the only one in the class to get it to work and it did exactly what it was supposed to. The Prof instead of admitting he had met his match accused my roommate of cheating and failed him. At my school cheating is grounds for expulsion, but even though he made the accusation the Prof wouldn't take part in any of the hearings and meetings my roommate had with the Dean. The Prof refused to do anything but fail him. My roommate got a lawyer and the school is even pressing the Prof to drop it, but its not yet resolved. Universities are weird little communities, if you can I suggest you talk to the dean and any student organizations like a student council or the like, if it comes to it, talk to a lawyer.
  17. I did Habitat for Humanity for several years (till my carpal tunnel took me down) and I loved it. The work is great, you get to meet wonderful people and build a house. I helped do the footings on a house and put walls up on another, to name a few things. There was also demolition work, too, a sledge hammer vs a cement stoop was a great work out and laugh to see who could knock off the biggest chunk. I've also done work raising money for a children's group in South Africa, I'm more hands on so it wasn't as fun, but seeing the pictures of their new computers and gym was cool.
  18. Ash I don't mean any offense by this, but older men are usually more appreciative of women anyway. Men in my age group don't really give you a 2nd look if you're not bedecked in lowrise hiphuggers and midrift clingy tops. They have been so inundated with trash that they fail to think beyond their little heads needs.
  19. Most likely, fevers can even make you hallucinate and carry on conversations with people who aren't even in the room. My Mom still laughs about when I was really sick in HS, she said I was prime entertainment with all the stuff coming out my mouth.
  20. I feel like this too, I've struggled with my weight for a long time. I've lost 50lbs, but I still have issues with my body. I'm coming to terms with the fact that I've been put done and derided so much that I don't need to change my body as much as I need to help my self-esteem. I still feel if a guy rejects my advances its because I'm not pretty or thin. I always feel like I'm being compared to standards guys have developed from their over-exposure to porn and stick figures in the media. There are even women that have their labia altered with plastic surgery so they look like the porn stars. I refuse to do that to myself, but still ask would it change anything, always having that seed of doubt. That doubt undermines any progress I thought I had made. I know there are men out there who are immune to the sway of the media glitz, but its so discouraging to have to wade through the fodder to find them.
  21. I hate to say this but this relationship sounds like potential domestic violence. Most wife abusers start out with small things like insults and degredation, then it can eventually reach physical abuse. If his father is the same way, he will most likely never change. My brother is just like my father, I don't like either of them, they're horrible to my Mother and I and will never change. Any woman that my brother snares I will tell her this because I don't think anyone should suffer his crap.
  22. -eyes; dark, light which ever, if I'm talking to a guy, I love someone who makes eye contact alot -voice; deep, but not gravely, smoker voices aren't sexy -hands; long, elegant fingers, clean nails, no gold bands (unless I've got its mate on my hand) -hair; clean, not too long, well kept -chest fur; I really like fuzzy men, I don't like guys who wax or shave even if they are into weights -smell; if he's sweaty from running I won't mind, but if it's cuz he hasn't showered in 2 days, eew. Too much cologne or cheap stuff is a turn off
  23. I think thats not really fair to a lot of people in crappy relationships. My friend has been with her bf for I dunno how many years. She's spent over a year trying to make it work, but the fact is he's just not the right person for her. He's not always 'mean' or dominating to her, but when she's with him, she's not the same bright person. He just sucks all the lightness and bubblyness from her personality. She dumped him last week and all her friends cheered! She's felt horrible and heart broken, but she's better without him.
  24. All I can say is what was your mom doing there in the first place. It's not like he was sloshed, be calm and tell her how you feel. She needs to understand how you feel about him, don't let her anger get you worked up. Just stay cool and be the adult.
  25. I used to feel like that, a wide eyed looking for love sick puppy. Now I'm bitter, cynical, and depressed alot. And to think we weren't even dating...
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