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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. It's sad to think there are still men that feel this way. There are a few women that judge guys by their cars or their paychecks, but they're usually so shallow they really deserve to get the crappy men who are just looking for a hot chick for their arm. If that is his opinion he's in for a very lonely life.
  2. How bout you and I go 50/50, I'm too open and I think it can be unsettling for some people.
  3. Did he not perform sexually with his previous wife? Because if you're getting sick of it in the same time, it tells me thats about all someone can stand of this guy. Has he been to counseling? This sounds like a very manipulative and cruel thing to do. If you really want to try fixing this get a professional involved, otherwise you shouldn't have to put up with that.
  4. THIS IS WRONG WRONG WRONG!!! Your should not be having sex with your psychologist. HE IS ABUSING YOU!!! His sexual contact with you is ILLEGAL!
  5. WHY?! You're 16! WHY?! A website can't give a definitive answer anyway. Only a doctor can tell for sure if you are pregnant. Go to one as soon as possible!
  6. I walk 20min a day to get to campus with 20lbs of students papers in tow. Get a rolling cart or something and just walk to the store, it'll be good exercise. Pay attention to the sales, usually you can get good stuff for not much $ if you watch out for it.
  7. I know what you mean!!! I hated dorm food and I'm still working off the weight. My dorms played hide the meat or guess what this once was. I had diabetic suitemate 4th year, so we had to hunt down acceptable food, it was hard. We ate ALOT of salad and chicken. If you're really concerned about your foods lack of substance take a multi-vitamin, drink milk and OJ. I moved to my own place as soon as I could, it ended up being cheaper in the long run and even with a few funky cooking creations I haven't starved yet.
  8. So your solution is to date girls who are too young to have the option of going to bars? Seems like a rather weak argument. Are the girls interested in the bar scene girls you meet at the bar? Have you gone to other places like coffee shops or places where people your own age would be? Saying you want a mature GF and resorting to someone who hasn't even fully developed their own persona seems more like your just looking for someone who'se pliable and not old enough to know what they want. Besides, when she turns 21 whats going to stop her from digging the bars, too?
  9. I think you should be proud of who you are! If this girl is worthy of you then she has to get over her ignorance, otherwise you should find someone who is a better person. My grandmother is very racist, but I refused to allow her views to influence my choice in men. I'm white, but the first guy I was ever intimate with was Indian/Malay, does it really matter? NO! The only thing small minded people get from there ideals is a smaller dating pool.
  10. Just remember bodily fluids and electronics don't always mix. Well, most electronics...
  11. She just gave out her number, its not like she went and had half a dozen of his kids, its tacky, but not horribly unforgivable. The guy whose married has by far commited the great transgression, he's not only betrayed his wife, but he's been lying to the girls he with, in my book unforgivable. They're both guilty, but the girl is guilty of the lesser of the evils.
  12. Well instead of "men" maybe you should look for MEN. It may really depend on who you're looking at. If you only take the pretty boys, or the jocks, or the frat boys then you've set your own limits. If you're in school talk to the guys in your fav classes, it maybe their fav too and BINGO you got something to talk about, which may lead to other interesting things to. Many of the very intellegent, interesting men I know are socially ackward, but no one gives them a chance, the girls just go "he's a stuttering fool, moving on". They've just missed out on a kind and brilliant mind because his tongue was a little stumbling. Have patience, show some kindness, they usually relax and do better. Maybe you need to look at yourself too. Are you dressing in a manner that conveys your desire to be taken seriously or are you just wearing clothing so you don't get arrested. Your own attitude will determine what men will aproach you, if you look like your not interesting or intellegent why should they spend their time on you.
  13. Hmmm, butternut.... Excuse me I need to go shopping...
  14. Give all your love to the cat. It may not be a human, but I'm sure the cat won't mind being pet and played with every time your down. I love my kitty and when I feel crappy I give her a hug and listen to her purr and it makes me feel so much better.
  15. You maybe ready, but she really could not be. Don't push her! Let her choose if its right for her. The quiz may seem like crap to you, but it could have got her thinking about serious issues and concerns that having sex will cause. Talk to her, but it is her choice and her choice alone!
  16. My doc thought my problem may have been partly due to low estrogen levels since my cycle was so sporadic. I have other issues that caused me problems, but the physical symptoms weren't really manifestations of that.
  17. Are you taking anti-depressants, they can kill your sex drive. Or maybe its hormonal, since I've been on birth control I feel more sexually charged, usually peaking pre-menstration. I didn't have periods before and not as much interest in sex either.
  18. You take the pill daily because that's how long its effective. You can still get pregnant while taking the pill. Several other medications can interfere with the hormonal levels that prevent pregnancy. If you've had ANY sex you can get pregnant, it just takes once. Take a pregnancy test or go to the doctor to be sure. Don't keep asking "could I", pay the few $ and find out. Take of yourself
  19. Men are typically visual so removing that sensation and forcing the others to the front can be a real experience. Feathers, soft mits, finger nails touching sensitive areas like the neck, nipples, inside of the elbow, inner thigh, ears and scalp are covered with nerves. I got a guy totally aroused just by massaging his scalp and neck, nothing else, he was very surprised.
  20. One thing I thought would be really erotic, is to blind fold him naked and on the bed. Tickle him with fruits or foods and make him guess what it was by smell and little tastes, for right answers do something very pleasureable like kisses or massaging, for wrong answers ice cubes dripped on his chest. Kinda a pleasure/psuedo pain thing, but the ice can be really teasing and such a noval sensation when your all hot.
  21. Pilates was a who actually and not a what. Joseph Pilates was one of the first people to really develope physical education. He designed a series of exercises that emphasize breathing and strengthening your core muscles, which are in your torso and abdomen. It has a similar feel to yoga, with all the concentration and control. I like it for the lumps in my middle, you can target specific muscle groups with exercises and tone the up.
  22. I never really felt uncomfortable with my Mom or our sex talk. My Mom had been in trenches as a nurse at Planed Parenthood and was very mature about making sure I was safe. I think too many parents themselves aren't mature enough to handle "THE TALK", its sad to think an hour or whatever of explanation could prevent so much pain. I suppose another reason sex wasn't that foreign to me was that I grew up in a rural setting, too. It sounds odd, but you kinda know whats going on when the mommy cow and the daddy cow are just playing.
  23. I get depressed listening to the music for the credits of Battlestar Galactica. Some music is just so harrowing or emotionally charged for you it can do that. That's music purpose to some extent (not just makin $), someone's expression of their love, pain, or happiness.
  24. Don't care either way. Its the guy I'm interested in not his foreskin.
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