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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. If he thinks you should be together then he would continue to be with you. If he chooses to go off with other girls then he's not honoring you. If you did marry him, what happens in 10 years? "We're getting a little stale, honey, I need to go find myself..." In other words, "I want to go sleep around, but as long as I got you as a back up plan its all good". He's being selfish. Draw the line, tell him to make up his mind, its you or them, not both.
  2. The only instances I've seen women get implants was due to the thought they needed breasts to make themselves feel better. They may just want them, but what is it that makes them feel they need them, generally its some under lying issue with their physical appearance. I don't understand why someone would put themselves at risk for the infections, tissue damage or possible loss of feeling. Its surgery, I've been under the knife for 3 operations, all 3 were for injuries. All 3 made me hope to God I never have to do that again. Why, because each time I went to sleep there was a chance I would never wake up. If I'm going to die on an operating table its not going to be from me choosing a superficial procedure, its going to be because what ever happened that put me there was life threatening in the first place.
  3. I think reconstruction is a whole other issue. You had the boobs to begin with, but since cancer is so hard to get rid of w/o the partial or full removal of the breast tissue it can spread. I know several women who enjoy being boobless, though, its a huge weight that your back doesn't have to carry and you save money not needing bras. Reconstruction is the white horse of plastic surgery, the rest of it just a cash cow playing off people's self doubt and media propaganda.
  4. I don't see how women could really want to get bigger boobs. In theory mine are 38DD, but can I find a decent looking bra in that size, Hell no. So I opt out for C cups just to get something I don't mind looking at in the mirror. Or a nice dress shirt that doesn't gap in the front, no can do. Not to mention trying to jog or work out, they're always in the fricken way. I suppose with the implants they defy gravity and bras are optional, but they look like flesh colored balloons.
  5. Fast food is gross, it rips up my stomach. Fries are the only thing I can stand anymore and even then I prefer oven toasted to oil slicked.
  6. My funk food is chocolate. My Mom hid some in my teapot for Valentines Day I found them Monday and have had only a couple each night. They're the little Dove hearts with the gushy sayings on the inside of the wrapper, I had one tonight that says "Chocolate. Always your Valetine". I taped it to my desk. I've been making origami cranes with the less moving (for me) sentiments and flicking them accross the room.
  7. Did you ever think maybe she was expressing her opinion to her boss to seek guidance on how to deal with you?
  8. Teehee! Sorry, I couldn't help myself...
  9. Well, technically... No I won't go there
  10. My best friend in HS was Bi (I'm straight), we had the best time together. The school was very white bread middle America, so she was harassed for being "weird". When we found each other it was fantastic, we had an art class together and it was "love" at first sight. We were both artists with very different styles, but we did several collabrations together. We were the only students at the school who were allowed to do art projects together. We painted a huge mural and made several sculptures for the school. We'd usually be left alone to our work but sometimes we had to watch the art classes for the teachers. We used to put on a great show of flirting and inuendo that would freak out the little minded kiddies. We were so totally comfortable with each other and our orientations that it was so much fun to pull one over on our idiot classmates.
  11. Stress! I have brain farts when I'm under too much stress. I'll be writing and forget what I was going to say before I finish the sentence. I've started just joting down quick notes of ideas that come up so I don't forget them. Paper in the shower is always fun... I don't like the idea of taking drugs for brain boosting, most of them are bunk or cause worse side effects. The best solution is to eat veges, get enough sleep and avoid alcohol.
  12. So you must be against the use of anti-histamines...
  13. Shy, aren't there some states with laws against molesting bakery products? I know my state has a law about carrying ice cream in your pocket...
  14. Sex isn't like all those lovely little pornos where they climax together in the throes of passion. It is highly unlikely for you to have an orgasm through intercourse alone. Most women do require significant amounts of stimulation to reach climax, be it clitoral or G-spot. If you've been frustrated by this it will make it harder. I've had times when nothing I do will make me orgasm and I'm the one that knows me best, but the frustration builds on itself and makes everything worse. The best thing you can do is to relax and have him relax too. Take ALOT of time to be together where his attention is focused on you, you might even get a vibe involved, the purpose of you being together for that time is your orgasm not sex.
  15. I think my reason for doing it is I've been in academia too long. So many things have to be repeated ad nauseam for the students to pick on the concepts (pounding it into their heads is frowned upon for some reason ). In social settings I have to consciously stop myself from saying things 5 different ways, it's annoying for me and the people I talk to.
  16. I like to think I'm kind and considerate of others. I do my best to help someone with the problem academic or social. If I can't help, I try to be supportive of their choices. I love to give encouragement, I got in trouble for putting happy faces on papers when I was grading ( so what if it was a 4th yr engineering class, they liked em). I'm very loyal to all my friends and will stand behind them. Catching up can be so much fun! Take them out to coffee or for a long lunch. Just start when you last saw each other and go from there. It's like you get this little parcel of their life from that time, wrapped up in one afternoon.
  17. Once is enough to cause irrepairable damage.
  18. I hope you used a condom. Studies have shown that long term use of pot is linked to disruption in hormone product, which maybe causing your lack of libido. E can cause prolonged depression, anxiety and flashbacks, all things that would effect your willings to have and enjoy sex. Meth can cause anxiety, memory loss as well as kidney, tissue , cardiac and nuerological damage. Your nervous system is responsible for sensing pain and pleasure, it you've done enough damage sexual stimulation maybe diminished. Wow, drugs are fun!
  19. Pot is a drug. Why are doing this to yourself? Don't you want to have a future? Your behavior is only going to get you seriously hurt.
  20. Nyquil has alcohol in it which is a depressant. And some decongestants can cause you to be drowsy and foggy feeling
  21. Not all women are out to get your little spermies PD, case in point me! Don, you should still use a condom just for your safety. Its best to protect both of you from STDs and pregnancy. Buy em now and always have em with you.
  22. Why not try a real relationship? If you like each other, whats the problem?
  23. If that's your attitude where do you get off claiming it's 'My baby' anyway! You are responsible for your actions, so grow up and face the consequences like a man, not some bickering child.
  24. I ask what kind of car he drives so I'll know if my truck will try to eat it if he parks next to me...
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