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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. I think it sounds like she's waiting for you to tell her. I think it shows the patience of any loving Mother with her child. She sounds like a wonderful Mom and I hope when you do come out to her she gives you a big hug. I wish you the best of luck.
  2. I like men who express themselves. I enjoy guys who will get into heated debates and speak with conviction about topics. I don't like overuse of slang it sounds stupid most of the time, I speak English and its not too hard to speak it properly. I understand if English is a 2nd language that it can have difficulties, but my Japanese friend always askes me to help him with words if he doesn't know the right one (I speak Japanese a little) and I prefer his stumbling and pausing to "Yo thaz wacked". I think it gives you more insight to their character if they're willing to take the time to thoroughly construct a thought and convey it with some degree of intelligence.
  3. If you don't know the girl, I'd say keep the hands north of the waist. Don't try grinding with her unless she initiates it. Just have fun. Most "modern" dancing is just gyrating in place and trying not to hit anyone when your arms are flailing about. Slow dancing can be very personal, speak to her softly with lots of eye contact or just do the silent hugging slow dance where you just hold each other and move with the music.
  4. It is your parents home, they have asked you to cover yourself. They have the say, if they find the boy shorts acceptable then fine. I think that it is still too revealing, so you should keep all the other options in mind. It would be best to error on the side of covering more then covering less.
  5. That still falls in the underwear range, the butt is still showing. Bike shorts, boxers, track shorts. How do you not get cold? I'm freezing if I'm not in flannel head to toe.
  6. Opaque, not at all see thru, get something tight, but fully covering. Boy short let your butt show, bicycle shorts are form fitting, but still cover. Sports wear is form fitting breathable and almost feels nude if you get the right fabrics. Go shopping at athletic stores or good department stores. If you want to go cheap mens under shirts and boxers, they're comfy and covering.
  7. They really don't have to compromise with you, they are your parents, IT IS THEIR HOME. They make the rules and you should respect that as long as you live with them. If you are 19, by all rights, they could toss you out, but they haven't, I think I would have if you are this disrespectful.
  8. If its see thru why bother? It has to be opaque for it to be considered cover. See thru is for being sexy, not for getting a glass of OJ. Panties aren't shorts, they're underwear, UNDERWEAR, that means you put things on over them. An opaque tank with bicycle or track shorts. An opaque robe that covers your genitals, mid-thigh at least. Like I said previously, barely covering isn't a compromise. This is your family, you should feel ashamed that your self-centered attitude is causing them discomfort. Think of their embaressment, think of their feelings.
  9. Tank top and shorts would be my suggestion. Even just a bathrobe when you leave your room or when others enter your room.
  10. I doubt your version of a compromise will be met well, its not very much of a compromise. The fact is your lack of attire is inappropriet to them and a minimalist approch to clothing won't be seen as much better. I think its obvious from the posts here that you are not supported in your views of nudity, but your refusal to admit to this shows you really have no consideration for anyones opinions. You have been repeatedly told our thoughts, it rather easy to conclude what a vast majority of people feel on this issue: Its not OK, its offensive.
  11. Maybe I'm taking it personally because I'm a woman and your remarks are derogatory towards all women because you contiually say "MOST". Your limited exposure, yes I say limited because there is no way for you to humanly meet most of this planets women, have in no way given you the right to generalize your perseption of the feelings of people you don't know. You also have no way of knowing what women really want largely due in part to the fact you are not a woman. Unless most of the world's women have sat down with you and discussed their goals, ambitions and desires you can not say that you know what all women want in their partners.
  12. Tell your friend your interested in her and maybe he will help you with the conversation. Tell him you want to talk with her and that he could maybe keep quiet for a little bit or just pipe in to keep things moving. If she speeds away from class it might mean she's got another class to go to, so she may not be willing to talk, hopefully that not the case Best of Luck!
  13. Sperm dumpsters? You are a charmer! I can't believe women don't just flock to you. There are things to do besides meaningless sex, like going to a coffee shop or cafe and talking to women there. Or how about the talking to girls in his classes. It takes effort to meet people and form lasting relationships. There are many, many women out there who don't want worthless sexual flings, but caring and full relationships.
  14. So because you feel miserable you feel that justifies using and desposing of women with no reguard for their feelings. A little spread the wealth mentality? Make everyone feel miserable, that sounds like a well thought out and forward thinking ideal. Have fun with that. PS: I'm not being defensive, I think you're projecting a little to much...
  15. I have my own apartment, while there I may do the dishes in my panties or sleep naked, but at my parents place I'm not going to be starkers. Its respect for their feelings. You only have as much freedom as the people around, if what you're doing makes someone feel uncomfortable then it is infrindging on their rights. You may be an exhibitionist, but there are very few people in our culture that are accepting of that fetish, it is unlawful and rude to continually force your opinion of what you feel acceptable on them. It is their home, not yours, you have no right to dictate what you think should be allowed.
  16. So what are you more worried about convient sex/guy or a meaningful relationship. Its Spring Break, not the end of the world, spend time enjoying things you like. Take the time to relax and do things you've neglected. You don't have to have a BF to have a good Break.
  17. My favorite saying about peer pressure "If they all went and jumped off a bidge would you?" Just because "everyone" is doing doesn't make it right. You are entitled to your own opinions and feelings. If your friends get off like that, fine that's their shallow and meanless existence. You don't have to be like them, be yourself, be who you want to be and if that means you don't follow the mindless masses SO WHAT! Stick to your convictions and you'll be so much happier than if you comprimise them for popular choice.
  18. 2-3 times a week, sometimes more, sometimes less depends on my mood
  19. Hey, Babe, don't knock pinky rings. The sign of a membership in the Order of the Engineer is a Stainless Steel(US) or Iron (Canada) pinky ring on your working hand. You're a sweet heart and will never be like that guy. You make your list of the things you have, take joy in them. Be thankful for that what you have, its not easy, but you are alive and there are people who care for you, I being one of them.
  20. I think there's a big difference in the two. You repress to make through the first period, its not good for you because the feelings always find a way of bubbling back up. Your healthiest thing to do is to let go or just moving on. Letting go clears out all the muck that accumulates and builds with the festering your emotions do when they're stuck inside for too long. Moving on doesn't always mean letting go, you can still have feelings, but they don't dominate you and you can go on with life with only a minor thought to the past.
  21. Thats one way to meet girls... or get restraining orders, which ever.
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