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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. No way! I would want my daughter safe at home. I wouldn't imagine allowing that, maybe if she were over 18 or maybe if I really knew the boy (like he had asked to marry her), but no way for such a short term relationship.
  2. Nipple erections are caused by excitement, chilly air, I get them bushing my teeth. If you're making out it could be pleasure, but its not totally 100%.
  3. Ask him out. Why should you leave everything up to the guy, that's just lazy. Take charge of your life, make the first move.
  4. Why can't you just ask him out. If the neon sign isn't working be blunt as a hammer and say "Would you like to go on a real date with me?"
  5. I do happen to like Country music. I've driven down music row in Nashville when my bro lived there and pressed my face against the glass when we passed Brentwood on the highway.
  6. Sounds like fun. I wish I had the time to play with a car engine, I love taking things apart (occasionally putting them back together ) I love packing bearings its a good excuse to get dirty, I got to play with some ceramic ones on an experimental car, those are so cool. Are you changing the cams to something more timed for high speeds? (I'm not all that car savy, I just know some basics, but I'm curious)
  7. The rims steel or aluminum? Get a set of some nice racing slicks... sexy. I drooled over a Cobra that was barely street legal, came with racing seats and all the nifty bells and wistles. Then I bought my Blazer with four wheel drive and tow package, it handles the 3ft snow drifts better. My depressed consumer gratification has actually been buying new clothing with the emphasis on the underwear, particularly things I had never had before, like thongs and camis. It feels nice being in something sexy.
  8. That sounds like alot of rough stuff to deal with. I want to say first off that you are a great person to be so patient with their family. I say you should just keep on doing what you're doing. The sister sounds like she's a nasty character, but the Mother your ex still value your friendship, ignore the sister and give support to the ones who need it. She has no right to police their lives or order you away from them. She's hurtful and rude to treat you like that, don't let her get you down.
  9. Make sure you buy lube at the same time.
  10. Its very dangerous to her health. Her comments sound like the denial of an addict that knows they have a problem. Tell her she needs to stop NOW!!! If she doesn't stop, have her get professional help, this could become a serious eating disorder. The damage done pyschologically and physically can take a long time to heal.
  11. I don't fight for the attention of people who don't have commitments to me. If he doesn't notice me for what I'm willing to give, then so be it. I'm not going to fall all over myself trying to please someone I'm not even dating. If a guy wants to flirt with someone else to make me jealous or to make me try harder to gain their attentions then I'm not interested. I think its trite and manipulative, I do not play games and I do not respect those that do.
  12. I would be very upset by it. I love my friends and family, but I don't think I could live forever without the affection and intimacy of being with someone special. I've never had a serious relationship, but I still think I will one day find someone to be with. I think if you knew for certain you would be alone it would take away all the hope of ever finding your soulmate and it would be crushing.
  13. What seems like nothing to you can be very significant to her. It's great that you care for her and I can imagine its rough sometimes, but I think you have a great future if you continue your support. She may need time and help to work through the problems. A professional can help her and that will help ease the burden you have supporting her.
  14. I think by the meaning of romantic love, it can only be for one person. That individual is the person you feel bonded to beyond all others, a oneness that brings you together. I think love is a intensity and passion that can only be given to one, if you are not loving them with your entirety then you are not really loving them. Dividing your heart isn't possible.
  15. I know living with social phobias can be very difficult. I used to have a lot of problems being with people and I never had a BF. Are you her first relationship, if so, she's probably very insecure. It is an issue that you need to talk to her about. Take some time and really discuss her problems, but don't push her, if she's not ready to tell you it could make her more upset. Be open and honest and tell her you're concerned and want to help. Your support and care can be the most helpful thing in helping her work through her problems. If she needs more help, you might have her see about therapy. I don't know if its done, but I would feel a lot of support if my BF said he would go with me, even if he just sat in the waiting room.
  16. I really depends on what you plan on doing. Some schools like to require a variety of courses for their undergrads so they have a wider perspective. My ugrad degree was engineering with most of my studies in physics and mathematical areas, but I still took 2 semesters of Chem. I only used the chemistry in one other class but the unit conversions are the main benefit for me, I use them ALL the time. Chem also teaches logic and linear thinking, most sciences and mathematics need that basis for success. Even if you don't go on to a hard science the mental training is healthy.
  17. Its really not that uncommon. The medical term for it is hirsute, you can get a lot of quick info with google. I know I've checked myself, I get a few strays that I usually pluck or bleach for aesthetic reason. Most women are covered with fine down all over their bodies, sometimes the hair color changes as you get older. Its normal and you shouldn't be uncomfortable with it. There are women who can grow a full beard and are proud of it. Some people even have the extreme of full body coverage, they appear similar to the classic black and white Wolfman, they can't help it, it's part of their genetics. If your guy gets bent over a few little hairs, I'd really start to wonder what issues he's going to have later in your relationship. Its really immature to expect a mammal not to have body hair, that happens to be a major part of the definition as our classification as a mammal.
  18. You're young and she's too young. If you do date keep it light, don't do anything that may cause her to feel pressured. At this point in your life 2 years is a lot, it makes the difference of a maturity you can't really see until its too late. Be careful.
  19. I don't think you should do it if you have any doubts. There are many ways to pay for school without resorting to using your body as a cash machine. There are student loans and scholarships. Many universities have TA or grading positions available to students. There are school organizations that will provide funding for research assistants. You can also get grants and fellowships through many, many companies that have interests in your major. Have you spoken with you councilor/advisor, I spoke with mine and she gave me several options, my department is broke so I'm going to have to teach in another department, I don't mind, I'll get full tuition and a monthly paycheck.
  20. I've always loved helping students. Its great when they get that glimmer of understanding and you know all your effort has payed off. It can be tiring but when they are so happy about learning something difficult their smiles can be contagious.
  21. I'm not criticizing you, its just not that weird to be laying on a woman naked and have that happen. You put yourself in a situation that is very near to sex, its not beyond reason that it happened. Planning and sex aren't always things that go hand and hand anyway, if you don't have the intention of having sex then you shouldn't put yourself so near to it.
  22. I think it sounds like something being sold to make guys trying to build muscle spend their money. I don't like the idea of those shakes and mixes for weight loss/gain, muscle improvement, whatever. I think it's just a carb and fat over load, I think you be better off eating lean meats and fruit. Most of those "treatments" aren't even FDA approved for what they say they do. Stick with the healthy diet and throw in a multi-vitiamin, don't let them fool you out of your money or put crap in your body.
  23. I think false hope is more what caused me pain. I had hope for a short time, but then when I deep down knew things would never work out I denied it and my hope became false. It just perpetuated the misery and extended my suffering by months. Had I just accepted my own realizations when I was faced with them, I would have been able to move on. I know that now, but it took time and lots of tears to get here. My sick twist, I'm moving on and he's coming back, had it been 2 months ago I'd be falling all over him, now I know I really don't want him nor do I give 2nd chances.
  24. I'm glad your parents are happier with the situation. Don't you feel better knowing they aren't upset with you? I know parents can be a hassle, but they really are looking out for you. It may seem like this is just harmless, but there are people out there who will see your nudity as an invitation to more than looking. You need to be careful in this day and age and thats what your parents are trying to do.
  25. I'm sorry that sounds kinda like "I tripped and my **** just landed in her". You were naked on top of a women, its not that weird that you ended up penetrating her. If you don't plan on having full out intercourse don't take off your underwear, it will keep those little "accidents" from happening. If you do continue to have sex wear a condom.
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