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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. Maybe you try telling him this is a friendship breaker. He needs to stop or you can't stay friends. It might be the ultimatum he needs. Put it out there plain and simple, it makes you uncomfortable and he needs to stop period, no relapses.
  2. I felt the same way! I knew a guy like that and frankly he was the most immature little boy for a 20yo. I don't think he's ever grown up or ever will, I met his father once and he was the exact same way. They played games together online, what wonderful bonding time! I like games, but after my butt goes numb and my eyes hurt I think they start to lose the fun factor. How can that be healthy anyway, when does he exercise or go out in the sun. I go nuts without a little time outside. Wildchild, I'm sorry to hear your relationship ended, but I'm glad to hear you're free of him. There's no way that I could be happy with a non-entity person like that. I hope you can recover from this quickly and move on to greener pastures.
  3. I've used Brazilian wax and hated it. The residue was a pain to get off and I felt it was more mess than the sugar.
  4. It can be remelted, but if it has hair in it you run the risk of creating a nice little breeding ground for bacteria. Granted heat kills lots of stuff, but it's not worth the expense of infecting yourself for saving on wax. I've used the sugar stuff in the past and found it much more user friendly. It cleans up so much easier and I had less problems with my skin reacting to it.
  5. Never dated, so I've never had the chance to have a break up, but I lean towards the scorched earth side. I think I'd like the finallity of an atomic bomb end all fight. Why, because then I know I won't think "does he still love me?" I'm weird, but I like things to end cut and dry no dangling bits.
  6. I think it just takes time getting used to talking in front of groups. Its easy as a kid because its not that serious, but with age and responsiblity more is expected. I had the worst experience my senior year of college, I always got in an argument with the Prof during my presentations, so every time I had one I got really upset before hand. He really was disrespectful and was a horrible audience, he'd start grilling me before I'd even start. I started to get panic attacks, too. It got so severe I would be sobbing most of the night before. My solution was to just focus on my work, I would write my presentations and know them backward and forward, so I wouldn't miss a beat even when interrupted. I looked at the wall behind the prof or my classmates, so it looked like I was looking at them, fake eye-contact. My hardest thing was staying calm, practice breathing. Just controlling your breathing can really help alot. Take deep breaths and exhale, do this before the presentation. If your hands shake, don't worry, its not that bad, just focus on your presentation.
  7. Take a few deep breaths, now force all of that out of your lungs, take some more deep breaths and force your lungs empty. Relax and calm down. I know what you going through, exams are the hardest, most cruel thing in the world. But you don't need to think about that focus on the math. 6/7 * 4/5 = 24/35 = (6*4)/(7*5) No reduction needed 8/3 * 9/7 = 72/24 = (8*9)/(7*3) This can reduce because 72 and 24 are multiples of 8 so the new answer is 9/3 which in turn equals 3 because 9/3=3 and 3/3=1 and 3/1=3. Need more?
  8. I wish I had half a mind to remember to eat and when I did I wish it would include more fruit. Its great that you eat that much fruit, think of all the benefits fruit has: vitamins, minerals, fiber, there's so much research that points to fruit as a preventative measures for many diseases. Keep eating!
  9. I like to talk or argue about issues, but thats me. One dinner I had with my friends (who are mostly male) I spent over an hour talking to one of them about wine, while the 6 guys next to us raged and argued about abortion. I was the only girl there, but I didn't want to argue about abortion, I wanted to relax and talk about wine. So it not only depends on the girl, but it can also depends on her mood.
  10. My brother and I are so opposite that even though we have a fairly uncommon surname, no one ever connected me as his sister. It wasn't until my senior year of HS when one of my teachers asked if I knew my brother that they even found out we were related. The teachers who knew my brother kinda looked at me funny after that, oh well, thats their problem.
  11. Asking is a turnoff, but saying "you're so sexy, I want to make love to you all night" that is not. You don't have to ask to ask (I know enigmatic female answer), but you can make it very clear you want sex with her. (Make sure its her that is the emphasis and not the sex)
  12. I was raised Methodist, but went to a Catholic school. When I moved and started at a public school my best friends were Israeli. Since then, I started college and made more Jewish friends. I attend Temple with them and found a place I felt at home, a connection I never felt at my previous churches. I also visited non-denominational Christian services at school, too, but I always felt out of place. I've not converted to Judaism, but I found people who are accepting and loving. I haven't converted because I really feel my relationship with God is more personal and doesn't require the dogma of a religion, something my Jewish friends accept and my Christian friends try to change.
  13. Most women can't orgasm during vaginal intercourse. Try oral or manual stimulation of her clitoris, if need be get a vibrator.
  14. Cellulite is fat and connective tissues, the fat grows up between the fibers connecting the skin to your muscle causing the dimples and lumps. The fat is no different in composition than smoother areas, the blood flow and such is no different either. Some skin types are just more prone to the uneven look. There's no way to "cure" cellulite or prevent it, its a natural aspect of how your body stores its fat. If your already exercising and keeping yourself fit, then you have nothing to worry about, your fine and perfectly normal. DO NOT be drawn in by all those wonder products, they're only temporary (if they do anything), superficial scams that just waste your hard earned money.
  15. I totally agree, I put a high value on my friends. They very important to me, I don't call someone my friend without knowing them and seeing what kind of person they are. Friendship is a basis for a relationship, but a relationship requires so much more including mutal attration, the "spark" that several (I think myself included) have mentioned. One can't expect that that will always happen, though, there are many people out there who will care for you as a person, but never as a lover.
  16. Being someone's friend is not using them, its being a friend. I think you have a very strange idea as to what friendship entails, friends are people you can talk to, they care for you and about you, and you feel safe with them. Anyone who doesn't fit that criteria is not a friend in my book. If someone is a friend I how is me being nice to them, talking to them, and caring how they are using them?
  17. I enjoy being with my male friends when we are trully just friend, but its no fun if there's tension becasue they want more. I think that women and men can have genuine friendships, but as long as they both maintain it as a friendship only. The reason guys feel women are the perpetrators of "friendzoning" so much is because society expects women to be nice and that means when we reject men we have to let him down easy so his ego is intact. I prefer to tell men the truth some of them stay friends and some of them go away, its up to them.
  18. I personally wouldn't enjoy it. Its not really a good reason to put a whole in your tongue either.
  19. My question is why would you continue to want someone who doesn't care for you romantically? If they don't want you for anything more than a friend, then how would you feel being in a serious relationship with them if it were just to appease your attraction? That kind of relationship would be hollow, with you loving them and them not loving you back. It would be horrible for both of you, neither of you would be benefit from it, it would be destructive and hurtful. Women don't have to be attracted to you just because you are attracted to them and they do not have to change because you like them SO MUCH. Its not fair for you to place the responsiblity for your pain on a woman because they don't want you, women are not required to be sexually attracted to every man, we don't even have to like all men.
  20. Depends on the girl, you would have to make that decision based on her views, I've read the reviews and "V for Vendetta" it has violence, nudity, and profanity, so it maybe offensive to some women. I know I went to see "Derailed" with a guy and walked out.
  21. I think you did the right thing not letting her get to you, but it sounds like she's going to be a long term problem. Have you had a serious talk with your friend on this, told him how bothersome she is to you? It sounds like she's just hanging on to him, he might be as annoyed as you are. I would say talk to him and see how he feels, if he doesn't feel she's a problem then you should just ignore her completely, don't let her bate you and don't let her nastiness taint your friendship with him.
  22. Annie24, I never dated the guy who said "just friends" to me, but I'm still the same way you are, "no thanks". Its been a while since he gave me the brush off and frankly I don't really talk to him anymore, but he still tries to be all friendly, I think it upsets him, but I'm not interested. Monsieur, being friends isn't leading someone on. That is a horrible thing to say, friendship isn't meant to be a dating holding pattern, its friendship, care and companionship without the sexual or serious additions of a relationship. If you're friendzoned, get over it and move on, its not healthy to dwell on failure.
  23. I like guys for who they are, short or tall. There are more than a couple guys I've liked that were short but they were still wonderful to be around. Stop lying about sex, there is no reason you should feel ashamed that you aren't sleeping around. Its not something a quality woman is going to care about, she'll want you for you. If you like a woman ask her out, if she has an issue with your height or lack experience, then she's not worth your time.
  24. As a woman who was friendzoned, I know it had nothing to do with being attractive physically or personally, it was due to him not wanting a relationship. That's his choice I've got better things to do than worry. As a woman who has put men in the friendzone, I can say it is partly for the same reason, I didn't feel like having a relationship with that guy. Most of my friends are male and I have a fair idea how many of them are interested beyond being just friends, but the fact of the matter is I'm not going to date every man who wants to date me. I can really like a guy and enjoy his company, but if there is no spark I will never see him as more than a friend. It is my right to choose who I will date, a man can express his desire to date me, but I am not obligated to accept it.
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