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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. Boob grabbing is not a good approach. I suggest not physically assaulting women if you'd like to go out with them. Are all the taken women you mentioned your friends girlfriends because if you're just spending time around them, yes all the women you meet will be in relationships. Maybe you're not going to the right places, there are places like bars and clubs that will be more likely to have more single women.
  2. I know its nice to not have to see your X, but to be happy about something as severe as that is rather harsh...
  3. Thats not subtle, that's something a boyfriend asks his girlfriend. It annoys her because you're constantly reminding her that you want more than friends. Even if its once a month, its too much, stop saying things like that all together, just be her friend.
  4. How is love not about respecting someone's decision. Love is allowing that person to be who they are and not wanting them to change to meet your expectations. Love may grow from friendship, but when someone has repeatedly told you that they do not love you and your response is "Oh, well its just something wrong right now, she'll change..." how can you call that love. I've been there, I know how it feels and at best it is a false love, it is at worst obsession. There is nothing good that can come of being the unrequited lover who follows them like a wraith because eventually you will come to resent your feelings and to resent the object of your affections. You will begin to resent that you pour so much of your heart into it and receive nothing in return. It is not healthy to love someone who does not love you. It is wasteful of your time and your sanity.
  5. I had a friend who was very sexually active, she had done just about everything with just about every guy she came accross. Something very serious happened to her and she totally changed. She went several years without dating or even looking at men. Then someone special came along and she started a real relationship with him. She told him everything that happened and asked if they could just take it slow. He respected her and never pressured her. They were very happy, even with all her past deeds. I say give her a chance, if you care for her then thats what matters now.
  6. You're not in love with her. This little blurb you posted makes that very clear to me. Because if you did love her you would respect her choices and her feelings and not just write them off as some fallacy due to her being woman, thats not only immature on your part, but a true indication that you are fixated on her and lack the reasoning to see beyond that. She's rejected you and you continue to pursue her, thats obsession.
  7. 1. Drool and grab his crotch... Seriously though, pick up lines suck. Don't stare at her either, that can get creepy, try to be subtle when you look at her. 2. Approach her with a nice smile, say hi, introduce yourself. Ask about what she likes to do, keep the compliments fairly small (you don't want to sound like you're just buttering her up). Just be nice! 3. For shy guys I just try to be patient, ask them about themselves, try to make them feel comfortable. Most shy people turn out to be very sweet, so its usually worth the wait.
  8. Unless they have lots of $$$ and a good plastic surgeon. I always wonder in a few hundred years when archaeologists open a casket from today what they will think of the bones, dust and round lumps of silicone, chin implant and plastic nails. Morbid thought, but I think I'd be the one in the corner laughing my butt off.
  9. If a man approaches me based on my appearance he's already given himself a huge hurdle to get over. I don't appreciate being appraised like a piece of meat, I place far more emphasis on a man's abilities and personality then how beautiful he thinks I am or how attractive he maybe. I prefer someone who in 10,20 years will look at me with my wrinkles and saggy boobs and think wow what a woman. You wonder how important humor is in all of this, its very important, I love laughter, it lightens the heart in a way no pretty face can. And laughing for sheer joy with someone you love is so much more meaningful than seeing a gorgeous body in the bed next to you.
  10. I never said that by being open and honest you are required to divulge the contents of your heart and profess you love every time you see them. Relationships built on trust and mutual care are far stronger than one brought about form intrigue and guessing. Being open means you allow yourself to accept the other person for who they are, without looking at their face, their job, or car, you see their personality, their heart and maybe their soul. Being honest means telling them the truth always, that doesn't mean you have to tell them your life story and all the secrets of your heart, what you do do is answer their questions with what is in your heart, if need be only a small part of it.
  11. I like men who are open and honest. That care about what I think and how I feel. I want someone who will respect my goals in life. I want someone who has interests as varied as my own and is willing to share them all with me. He doesn't have to like everything about me, but he has to be willing to accept me as a whole and not carve out the stuff he doesn't like. I don't care much about any particular body types or ethnicity, I happen to look more to eyes and hands and don't understand the cute butt thing .
  12. For one thing, the guy in your avatar is cute! And don't pick on fat people!!! They maybe fat but that doesn't mean they lack the same emotions and feelings you have. I resent that you consider skinny/fat ugly. I'm not thin, nor am I the 450lb woman you mention, but I take offense at the implications you make in this post. Maybe your problem is you don't look beyond the 'ugliness' of people and see that that so-so chick is really one of the world's most wonderful people because she has a beautiful heart and mind. Stop worrying what the form love will take, think about what love can give you beyond the physical.
  13. I think I would be more insulted than anything if I was on the receiving end of "pity sex". I know you may want sex, but at what cost, knowing the other person is only doing because they feel sorry for you. NO THANK YOU! And this is not personal attack against you, but I would never want to a man who would willing have pity sex, its just too pathetic.
  14. I don't think being sensitive is being weak. I've seen the macho guys go at their c*ck fights over women, sports, or whatever. I'd much rather have the guy who'se patient and willing to discuss things calmly and like an adult. I think being sensitive means you are very aware of how others feel and that effects you. I also think sensitive people can have a great affect on others. Like you said, being sensitive also means you're more prone to hurt. They really are both definitions of sensitive, but that really doesn't mean all emotionally perseptive people are emotionally touchy, or vice versa. Many people think they go hand in hand, but I think there are a lot of easily offend people that have no clue how to relate to the emotions of others.
  15. I'm with Elektra on this. All I can add is: Wow, there are so many things wrong with post...
  16. What?!? That's just a rude suggestion. His sexuality isn't in question, its his friends lack of respect for his comfort and choice in that.
  17. If thats your pic in your avatar, you are not ugly!!!
  18. I've been hurt, badly, but I still remain open and honest, and no I don't wear my heart on my sleeve. You can be open but not vulnerable and tell the person how you feel, if they don't respect you for that or they try to use it against you, they are not worth dating. There is no best way, there is no minimum hurt method, because you have to look at all the people involved, not just yourself.
  19. I think honesty and openness are the best things. Consideration never hurts. You can take care of yourself, but you still need to think about the other people around you.
  20. And treating their emotions like a play thing is no less mean. What ever you feel, they can feel, too! Everyone can have their heart ripped out, but that gives no one the right to act like their emotions and feelings are the only ones in a relationship. You have to think what this can do to the other person, if you really do care about them, don't you wonder if you're hurting them?
  21. Keep pulling back and forth is just going to frustrate most people. You can just go slow, you don't have act like that to protect yourself. If I were faced with that I'd kick him to the curb... Oh wait I did do that... I, like most people I know, don't like to have to guess what the person I care about feels towards me. Its not fun wondering "Is this week love or will they be in a pull back period? Do they really care? What to do, what to do?" I think it sounds like a good way to set yourself to get dumped!
  22. Thats sweet! I think it sounds like fun and it will be a nice surprise. I suggest you keep the food simple, too much preparation could make it seem over the top, but some yummy sandwhiches, drinks, and a sweet dessert (brownies or cookies those are easy to eat and walk).
  23. I think doing that is playing head games because you can wreck someone emotionally. You're just playing, but there are alot of people out for keeps. Dating may seem like all fun and games, but its overall purpose is to find your mate or the love of your life. Not toy with people and that is precisely what your doing. Doing what you describe is inmature and genuinely distasteful, its not fair to the other person to keep yanking their chain just so you can keep from getting hurt. I don't see how you can date without your emotions, being cold and indifferent is hardly a way to win someone over. Serious relationships aren't based on guessing and playing with someone, they're built on trust, compassion, honesty and love. If you want a relationship you have to be willing to risk it, if you want shallow play time your plans are perfect.
  24. I went with my best friend. We laughed at all the serious daters and danced till our feet hurt. I say go with a friend or friends, it doesn't have to be some huge mating ritual with flowers, dinner and limo. Just have fun!
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