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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. I'm with Annie on this, when at guys place I look at books first then maybe the DVDs. Posters and wall decor are usually the first thing I notice, bare walls are boring, if you've got lots of photos you could smack em all up on a wall and make it wallpaperish, that always gives her something to look at.
  2. I don't think this a fair assessment of many homeless people. There alot of economic problems that no one, least of all one little person can control. There are times when nothing you can do can save your house, car, whatever. One thing I keep in mind before making assumptions about a person based on their situations I think of the janitor that works in the building at my University. He looks like he could be homeless with a shaggy beard and his dark green jump suit, but a friend of mine talked to him one night and found out he has a masters degree in micro-biology, he had worked as a biologist for years, but never liked it. He quit his job and started sweeping halls to pay the bills, he said he was so much happier with life.
  3. You do need to be careful with any pheromone scents because I've smelled a few and they stink. I don't know if its a individual reaction or what, but it made me think of the scent hunters use to attract dear and skunk. As for the University tested claims, thats means very little, unless they give specific results with statistics I don't believe any of it, its just an advert device. Besides, what happens the first time you forget to wear it after dating a girl attracted to it, is she going to lose interest because the smell isn't enticing her anymore.
  4. Soap and clean clothes are generally good with most women. Start pouring on stinky stuff and you just risk finding out who's got allergies.
  5. I wouldn't lie, its not going to change the past and you only set yourself up for future trouble by not being truthful from the start. If you did cheat and it ended you relationship, I would hope that that would be enough to convince you never to do it again. They may see it as a mistake and not hold it against you, but it could also make it difficult for them to trust you. Telling the truth will always be easier because the truth won't change and you don't have to maintain your own lies.
  6. I personally was never into Ken, for one he has perma-undies that are flesh colored, how tacky what ever happened to purple silk boxers? And secondly any guy that buff spends more time at the gym than he's willing to spend with you. The only thing I ever really like about Barbie and all her cool stuff, was the sound all those little shoes make when they get sucked into the vacuum cleaner. Legos Rock!
  7. I don't know how feminism knocks family values, if anything a stronger woman would make for a stronger family. I've studied a variety of feminism not just what the media likes to smear, the media has turned feminism into the womenist men bashers. There are many facets to feminism, female chauvinist are only a small part of the overall group. A vast majority of women just want equality and by that are feminists. What values and ideals do you feel that female equalitarians attack?
  8. If the size of your penis means so much to her then she's not worth it. You don't have to use your penis to give her great time anyway. Oral sex or stimulation with your hands is more likely to give her an orgasim that vaginal penetration alone. Don't worry about your size, a woman who really cares for you will love your penis no matter what.
  9. Just keep up what you're doing. One hour shouldn't hurt, but if you miss it until the next day, then you should be very careful if you have sex. The reason for the need to be so sure of the time is that the hormonal dosages on the low options are almost the minimal amount to simulate pregnancy, you need to be more careful then if it were the higher dose. I take the higher dose so I'm not as worried that my hormone levels will drop due to an hour variation day to day. I thinks its great that you use condoms still, you're not only preventing pregnancy, but you're protecting yourself from exposure to most STIs.
  10. I say use the cheapest form of delivery. Are there still any friends that you can have take it over?
  11. Has he admitted to any fault in this, like telling you he's sorry for wasting so much of your "together time" on the computer? Has he admitted that it was a problem that he chose the computer over you? I think you should take some more time to think about this. He doesn't sound like the kind of guy that is going to make any huge changes with out a serious wake up call. The verbal abuse still worries me, its a big sign of disrespect and is often how more serious abuse starts. If you do take him back go to a counselor and clear the air.
  12. You do realize that feminism is the demands for equal rights for women. Voting, sexual choice, or equal pay, that is what the root of feminism is. Its not men bashing or domination of men. Do you not really want a woman doesn't want to be treated as an equal?
  13. I wouldn't want to be with either of those men. The first because he would most likely be an @ss and the second because I'm not his Mommy.
  14. The only thing that worked for my skin was time. As I got older the breakouts got less severe, but I still get a few, and my Mom at 50+ still gets em too. The proactive stuff is supposed to be good, but it also is expensive. I have sensitive skin, so most things are too harsh for me, I just use gentle pH neutral soap and water in the AM and PM. Taking birth control can also help reduce outbreaks.
  15. I don't think the spark is as reliant on confidence as you think. I think its a feeling you get when you put their personality, likes, dislikes, and your own intuition about them together. You compare it to what you want in an sig other and if they match up enough, bam, you got a spark. If there aren't enough things that are good by your standards, there's no spark.
  16. Is it really nagging to expect some help in care for the things you have together? Why should all of that responsiblity fall to the woman. Most women have to nag because 10 year olds don't care about anyone but themselves. Boy at heart or not, men need to act like men, that means being a part of the household and doing their share. Since most women work now it shouldn't be only for them to come home cook, clean, or care for children. It needs to be shared equally. I come from a household where my Mom works, but my father still expects dinner, bills paid and all the home repair done. He sits on the couch as soon as he gets home, thats why she nags him, because he's lazy.
  17. I think ElektraHere has a valid point. There is no easy way to get a definite all encompassing answer on this. This is one of those things YOU HAVE TO LEARN FOR YOURSELF. We can't do everything for you or tell you how to do it. This is your life, you need to take control of it, there is no manual for how to live, there is just what you think is right and how you feel.
  18. With a degree you allow yourself so many more opportunities. There are jobs that you may never have a chance at because the basic requirements are a degree. I love learning and the academic environ is well suited to me. Not all do well, it requires hard work, concentration, and dedication to make it through. There are many tempting sidetracks like BFs, parties, drugs, whatever, but you have to decide which is more important fun or success later in life.
  19. So he should guard her constantly and follow her around making sure she doesn't socialize too much? Maybe you fail to see the fact that even as a girlfriend she is still an individual and you committed a rude act against another person who deserves your respect without her boyfriend enforcing it. You drunkenness is no excuse, it is still consider sexual harassment, your state was your choice, but the consequence of your actions are your responsibility.
  20. It's not my goal. I'm darn picky, I may call you an acquaintance, after proving yourself a good person I may call you a friend. But its going to take a hell of a lot to make it to boyfriend.
  21. Dunno, but I know a weird Thai guy who won't leave me alone...
  22. I believe ex-communication involves being completely cut off from the church not just a single parish. It really is a horrible thing to happen and sadly its still done for political reasons that have no bearing on that persons participation in religion.
  23. I didn't clock him, but I did have some nice heels on and a handy drink... Also helps to be know the bar tender, bouncers, 6 guys standing 3ft away, and they brought friends... Lets just say he left the bar not of his own volition. Aggie, just because a woman is dating someone doesn't mean she's banished from bars. What an asinine idea, did you come up with it on your own?
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