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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. I was referring to several posts that had been made regarding controling the relationship and some of the general disrespect of women shown in the must read guy list. I didn't feel the voice of that post was defensive, but then again maybe I should have put lots of angry faces all over it [-(
  2. I don't feel it applies. If he's some random guy, I don't particularly care how he feels about my opinions of him. It sounds cold, but I'm not saying that I'll be inconsiderate or unfriendly to him, its just that his feelings aren't as important to me as my friend's standing next to me.
  3. Oh, do I sound defensive? What makes it sound defensive, I thought I was just being expressive... hmmm, thats the problem with not having debates vis-a-vis you lose the intonation and body language.
  4. I think its possible to have different levels as to who you care cares. For me the opinions of the population at large of what I do and what I'm like really don't matter to me. The opinions of my friends and family I hold in high regard because I feel they have the perspective that validates their feelings. There happens to one persons opinion I hold the most highly above all others and that is my own because only I will know every thing has gone into shaping me.
  5. I don't think so, if I like them for who they are they can take joy in knowing I appreciate their charms and quirks in a way no other person will. They don't have to change because I may not like one aspect of their personality, you get the whole person good and bad, understanding that comes with the acceptance that no one will be perfect and you can never expect to find that perfect mate.
  6. I don't do rockets, I do Earth-Moon transits using natural solutions to the multi-body dynamics.
  7. If he doesn't care that I don't like his hair or his ripped jeans, then I don't mind that. I do want him to care what I think of him as a person, but his physical appearance shouldn't matter.
  8. Well... thats one of the things we learn right off the bat. For all our equations and careful planning things still fail because of nature. Nothing humanity has ever designed and tried to fabricate will ever be perfect. We learn about things called safety factors. Where you anticipate the failure and protect against by over designing. (BTW I'm an astronautical engr) You are right, some direction is needed, but you need to be flexible enough that when someone needs a rest stop you don't just tell them to hold it.
  9. Looks that I like, not always what everyone else does. I have a style all my own and I know it isn't for everyone, but I'm not everyone, I'm me.
  10. I'm not an over the top artist, my art is more about finding beauty in everything, mostly nature(my avatar is one of my paintings). I love color, my clothing reflects that, I have lots of bright warm colors, especially magenta or rose and I have a pair of red shoes that I wear all the time.
  11. I agree, sometimes I see physically beautiful people, but their character shows through their pretty face and their conceit and vanity can make them ugly. Its all about bearing and how you project yourself. Act like everyone should be looking at you and some people may, but what quality of people are they? If you're friendly and cheerful you'll have an open and pleasant face. Besides beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I'm attracted to men that aren't always considered main stream handsome, but to me they're gorgeous.
  12. I suppose I could wear one blue stripey ankle sock with a mauve flower knee sock, I am an artist we are allowed some eccentricities
  13. I hate those little guys, they like my micro-fiber ones the most!!!!
  14. I'm not one of those girls so I can't answer all the getting ready questions. I don't wear makeup and I check my clothes because I don't like my underwear showing or make sure I haven't gotten tooth paste on it. My fine details are making sure I have matching socks.
  15. My question is whats your definition of success? Having sex with as many warm bodies as possible or becoming involved in a long term relationship? If you want to subvert someone and use manipulation this sounds like a great list. But for men serious about being with someone who will care and love them in return for their care and love, then this list has many flaws. Most women will see a man acting like this as a player, not a worth while mate or partner. Most of the "tips" sound very ego-centric and seem like more a front than an actual true show of self confidence. Men don't need seethe sex or treat women like just another number, thats a good way of showing how little respect you have for them. But then again if you think banging your chest and marking your territory as an "alpha male" is the proper way to win the girls go right ahead, but just remember urinating in public is usually worth a night in jail.
  16. Thats pretty much what I mean by anyone, neither individual takes all of the responsibility, there are two people to a relationship, no one should be decidedly in control. It should be shared and equal. But I don't think you need to drive a relationship, you should let things come naturally.
  17. What I like about myself that I'd think guys would find attractive: Intelligent Very curious Open minded I enjoy nature and being in it I have good common sense I can be charming and seductive I'm independent I have goals and direction that I work hard at What guys might not like, don't really care, I am who I am and no guy is going to change that.
  18. Why does anyone have to control the relationship? Why not just enjoy each others company and be happy with the person for who they are?
  19. I'm guessing you're very single. What a load of crap, do really think some girl is going to fall in love with someone who treats her like a dog because thats what your control crap reminds me off, puppy school and dog obedience.
  20. One of the things I've noticed reading through this thread is that none of the upstart roosters have replied yet. Why, because they most likely have no defense for themselves and just like to instigate and never fully support their assertions. The men who are touting those degrading and ridiculous techniques are trying to convince everyone that they are the man when in fact their bravado is false. The reason these guys get rejected by women is because we can feel their desire to control and dominate, they may act like a nice guy, but I think most women can tell later in the relationship they will be monsters.
  21. Hers were stress and tension related, the main problem was at night she'd still have muscle spasms that would open her eyes. It would sometimes flare up if she was freaked about school work after her initial treatment. I get them sometimes when I'm really upset, usually only when I very angry (not that often If you're very concerned I still say see a doc, this could be stress, but it could indicate some nerve or muscle damage.
  22. Go to the doc, my roomie had the same problem, she had to tape her eyes shut at night because they'd even twitch then. She saw a doc and they were able to reduce the problem.
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