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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. Oh but that have that Neanderthal charm...
  2. From link removed What are the possible side effects of penicillin V? • If you experience any of the following serious side effects, stop taking penicillin V and seek emergency medical attention: ·an allergic reaction (link removed; closing of your throat; hives; swelling of your lips, face, or tongue; rash; or fainting); ·seizures; ·severe watery diarrhea and abdominal cramps; or ·unusual bleeding or bruising. • Other, less serious side effects may be more likely to occur. Continue to take penicillin V and talk to your doctor if you experience ·mild nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or abdominal pain; ·white patches on the tongue (thrush/yeast infection); ·itching or discharge of the vagina (vaginal yeast infection); or ·black, "hairy" tongue or sore mouth or tongue. • Side effects other than those listed here may also occur. Talk to your doctor about any side effect that seems unusual or that is especially bothersome. What other drugs will affect penicillin V? • Some drugs may decrease the effects of penicillin V and prevent it from properly treating your infection. Before taking penicillin V, tell your doctor if you are taking any of the following drugs: ·cholestyramine (Questran) or colestipol (Colestid); or ·another antibiotic (for the same or for a different infection) such as erythromycin (Ery-Tab, E-Mycin, E.E.S., others), tetracycline (Sumycin, others), minocycline (Minocin), doxycycline (Doryx, Vibramycin, others), or any other. • Penicillin V may decrease the effectiveness of birth control pills. Use a second method of birth control while taking penicillin V to protect against pregnancy. • Penicillin V increases the effects of methotrexate, and you may need a dose adjustment during therapy with penicillin V. • Penicillin V also increases the side effects of allopurinol (Zyloprim) and may cause a rash. • Probenecid (Benemid) increases the effects of penicillin V. These drugs may be used together for this purpose; however, be sure your doctor is aware if you are taking probenecid. You may need a lower dose of penicillin. • Drugs other than those listed here may also interact with penicillin V. Talk to your doctor and pharmacist before taking any prescription or over-the-counter medicines.
  3. I'm not lying to myself, why is it every time I'm in opposition of your ideas that I'm lying to myself or I am in denial? My priorities are different from yours, I happen to evaluate a person by their personality rather than by how he dresses, grooms himself, and even (horror of horrors) wears makeup (what about all those actors in your favorite manly movies?). I suppose if I were to have a problem it would be I keep an open mind and don't feel others personal choices should be flagrantly abused. You say let them be metro, but still you call them bizarre, not overly accepting of you...
  4. Wine was around far longer than beer, all those manly men in the middle ages that rode around in tin cans drank wine. Or is it only white wine that bothers you, does he need to chug and Cabernet Sauvignon and a Merlot to be masculine?
  5. I have been with a guy that spent more time primping than I did, I didn't really care, I wasn't with him based on his grooming habits. You discount an individual as being a possible mate based on something as inconsequential as being female with body hair based on your own personal preference, but in the same breath you condemn the practices of others who are making choices concerning there own bodies based on their preferences, why is it such a major issue for you what everyone else is doing? Why can't they continue their grooming habits with out your criticism? Why do you feel the need to attack their manhood because the choose to do something different than you?
  6. I happen to think male hair is a sign of virility and find it attractive. Body hair is a natural part of being human, what you choose to do with it is your decision. Your obvious double standard for what is considered acceptable for the genders is showing through. Would dating a hairy muscular woman be so awful, she'd most likely be very secure with herself to go against societal norm for female requisite shaving or she maybe even more of a naturalist than you. As for musculature, there are women in this world that do work that take us away from our velvet couches. We do the same jobs men do.
  7. I can understand the appeal of dating someone who is more secure and mature than men your own age. Older men are more likely to be respectful of you as a person and fewer are prone to the pompous displays younger males feel is needed to attract a mate. I think if you feel that your choices are sound and that your judgment is not impeded by a possible infatuation then you should consider what your options are. Waiting till the end of term would be most advisable. I had a math prof that married a much younger woman that had been his student in the past. The gossip mill was in full force, but he and his wife are still married and he still teaches, each semester the students go on about his young wife, but who really cares what the students think, the prof and his wife are happy as can be.
  8. 10. Individuals who feel poking fun at physical traits of others is an acceptable topic for an advice forum and place of support.
  9. Games are stupid, I think people should just be considerate and respect the other parties emotions as well as make sure then take of themselves.
  10. I think that one of the big issues with smoking being harmful is that its not only doing you injury, but to those around you. I've cut in the past, the only harm done was to myself, it involved only me. Smoking can cause serious health problems for the people around the smoker and they have no choice in the matter.
  11. Forget this girl! Shes an awful person. Got to Italy and have a good time. If there's anywhere in this world that you can go to forget about someone that horrible, Italy is the one of the best places.
  12. I do, it is just a widely accepted from of self-harm. Since most people now a days are educated as to the effects of smoking, but still continue to smoke. I consider the short and long term effects far more damaging than cutting, but cutting is still viewed as a taboo while smoking is still seen by many as cool. The popularity of cigarettes are becoming less and less as more people become angry by the effects of second hand smoke, the trend in my state is that cities are placing smoking bans. Maybe this is an indication of the eventual death of cigarettes or smoking in public.
  13. I enjoy math and science and for any job in either of those fields, college is a must. It really depends on your goals in life, I want my PhD and to continue to do research, there are many people that don't like that sort of thing. If you are interested in medicine, college is very important part, unless you would be happy with positions that require less education, such as an EMT or orderlies. There are specialty schools that cater to being technicians and medical assistants that only require Associates Degrees which are only 2 year programs, several colleges offer them as well.
  14. Whiskey kisses are actually sweeter than the drink, surprised the hell out of me.
  15. As a woman I tend to find most porn boring, due mainly to the fact that its not created for what I find arousing. There is some that is very erotic and very stimulating for my difficult tastes. However, if I where to be in a relationship I doubt I would look at porn, why, because it serves a purpose that my SO would then fill. I think that pent up sexual desires can be very harmful, they can be distracting and uncomfortable to deal with. I have a high sex drive and know that at times my BF will not be able fulfill my need, but thats what masturbation is for. I don't think I would resort to porn, but I may use a vibrator. If I restrict my BF from using porn it would essentially be like him taking away my vibe. Each has the right use either, but it would become a problem if the artificial means were chosen over the partner. If porn is used in small amounts its not that big of a problem for me unless it becomes an obsession or is too expensive. I do have issues with some fetishes that I do not find as acceptable outlets, portrayals of bondage, torture, snuff, or any violent sexual acts are something I would not want my partner looking at, that would be a deal breaker for me.
  16. But what if she never does? You will continue to be alone and in pain. You really need to try to see other women. If she lets her heart dictate her choices in BFs, she may never feel passion for you and thats what it sounds like it will take for her to go from liking to loving.
  17. Thanx for the info Miss M, I'm making a close reading of it. There are some very good points made.
  18. Tell her how you feel. Don't wait around, its not worth hanging on someone who doesn't acknowledge your feelings.
  19. I thought it was fun. I went to one at a local pub. Most of the guys were really nice and I just thought of it as having a bunch of nice little conversations. I originally thought about asking all these questions and trying to get info out the guy, but when I got there I just let the convo go where it went. I enjoyed it, I only had 1 guy out of 30 that was hard to talk to.
  20. Or she could really love him and see that beyond wrinkles, reading glasses, and all to the beautiful time wizened eyes that are gentle and show nothing but the care and respect he has for her. That no matter the span of years between them, there is really nothing between them because their joy in finding each other can bridge the gap and unite the countries of their hearts.
  21. You are responsible for your actions even if you were drunk, so you need to understand that first and foremost. If she is pregnant with your child you will have to provide for it. Even if you don't like her, you did have sex and the result of which is children not just a good time. The child maybe your's, it may not, if it is born the first thing to do would be a praturnity test. That will be the only real way to decide if it is your's.
  22. I just want to point out that from link removed the definition for feminist: feminist adj : of or relating to or advocating equal rights for women; "feminist critique" n : a supporter of feminism So, by your own admission CamGuy you are a feminist, since you are "ALL FOR womens rights".
  23. With that cute face??? Do you work at a school for the blind?
  24. I think its already the dead horse thats be beaten to the point of dog food...
  25. Have you ever thought that maybe you're the one that needs to forcibly help them? Call the police or a women's coalition, instead of sitting there and complaining about it, DO SOMETHING! Making an issue of something you don't try to change is pointless. I spent 6 months with a very good friend of mine that every day would IM and tell me he wanted to commit suicide, but because he was my friend each time I talked him down and got him thru the next day. His own wife didn't know how he felt, I told her and she had him committed. He had to be forced to go to therapy and to take medication. It took him 2 years to recover, but he can still relapse. I have compassion for others because I know that an individuals pain should not just be written off as their desire to be the center of attention, that a vast majority are making a cry for help, just listening to them cry and helping them are two different things. Listening can be helping, but sometimes you need to take action to help them.
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