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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. YOU SHOULD BE LECTURED!!! 16, pregnant and smoking! Think of your baby! One of my friends from highschool's mother smoked during her pregnancy, my friend was born premature and developed cancer before she was 10. She spent most of her childhood in a hospital and was horribly scarred by countless operations and suffered through so much Kemo. You've already lost one baby, which may well have been due in part to the smoking. PLEASE STOP NOW!!!
  2. I'd be happy he finally got around to asking! It wouldn't be bad for you to ask her out, even if it had just been spring break, she's not going to forget you in a week (well hopefully she hasn't ASK HER, its not goint to hurt anything!
  3. I think first and foremost your concern should be for your own child. If you are in a high risk pregnancy, caring for 2 small children will only add to your stress and that will not be good at all. Its not right for them to do that to you, especially if you have this to worry about. I'd say tell them to get a sitter, you need to be careful and take care of yourself. My neighbor has 2 nine month olds, I've helped with them for only a few hours and was very tired afterward. I couldn't imagine doing that for 2 weeks AND being pregnant. Please take care of yourself.
  4. I don't think I'd like to have mutually obsessive relationship, it sounds a little too close to Folie à deux. I would rather say I was loved than the object of some fixation. Obsession has serious psychological implications that make the individual sound disturbed or demented in some way that they have developed an unhealthy or inappropriate attachment.
  5. For me sometimes the worst problems hit after the stress had passed. I would have made it through a crisis and stayed calm and then a week later would have stomach aches and shaky hands. I'd usually want to cut after I had been stewing on something and the problems just fester and I didn't tell anyone. I wish I had someone to trust for the really bad times, it really helps just to cry it out and have a friendly voice asking you to tell them everything.
  6. My aunt said the best thing that for her was years of wearing support panty hose while she was a nurse. She has no hair on her legs now. Wish I had that problem. Yep, it sux that it can come back, I was also worried about the possible scarring. My skins sensitive and freaks out from most anything.
  7. I've used bleach in the past and all it did for me (nice French coarse black hair) was turn it near white and give me a chemical burn. As such I tend to say avoid product that are harsh chemicals like bleach, dipilitories, or even less harsh hair dyes for your head. Laser and electrolysis are not permanent. Long term studies have shown that hair growth is decreased but regrowth will eventually occur. I've spent a little time researching this because I seriously considered it for a while, but the money needed and no guarantee it wont grow back I decided against it.
  8. Why did you shave your arms in the first place? I would say waxing would work the best, it lasts the longest. It may cause irritation and can make you skin sensitive to sunlight so be careful if you have it done.
  9. Well you're not the center of attention, not all women are going to want to look at you. I'm usually not going to give a prep guy a second look cuz I've had enough experience with them to know their more interested in themselves then anyone else. You've had girlfriends in the past so someone obviously payed attention to you.
  10. I'm a rapid cycler manic-depress, Wellbutrin was the second antidepressant I was put on, I'm on #4 now. It didn't do much for me as an emotional stabilizer. It did give me some nasty stomach problems. I'm on Lexapro now and of all the stuff I've taken it seems to do a good job. I don't feel numb like most anitdep, my lows aren't as tragic and my feelings of happiness aren't neutralized, like how some drug you to a state of zero feeling.
  11. Height is such a small issue in the grand scheme of things. If you genuinely like him, his height is going to have no bearing on how well you interact as a couple. Don't worry about it, enjoy him for who he is.
  12. I'm happy with Euro travel, even then the butt pinching gets old.
  13. I like skinny old guys, that wear reading glasses and have pretty motorcycles.
  14. LOL, I'm an addict, I can't stop myself, Victoria's Secret doesn't change up their stock enough to keep me satisfied...
  15. Shaved is a turn off. I like furry guys.
  16. Especially not the beautiful technicolor ones that cost a small fortune and no on can touch the La Perla!
  17. At the protest that the bra burning supposedly occurred, the demonstrators actually just tossed female items into a trash can. There was no fire, that was a hyped up media story that has been perpetuated, one of the those lovely little urban legends.
  18. How is it different? You don't know from looking at someone how they gained the weight. Its a judgement based on appearance.
  19. I knew a very wonderful woman who was near 400lbs, she didn't let herself get that way. She had thyroid problems followed by a debilitating car accident that severely damaged both her legs. Her metabolism changed, her body was totally foreign to her and her weight went through roof. She suffered from it horribly because now she was just a fatty and had done nothing wrong, she had been a sport nut and had always been in shape. She had to face the social stigmas of being the huge fat woman, how do you think that made her feel, not like she could start jogging it off and getting back to her cheerleader size.
  20. I still don't see why it's such a big deal that you need to single out and berate one lifestyle choice. Why do you feel its necessary to do this? Why is it that their attitude toward their own life matter so much to you? How do their fashion choices and hairstyle effect you? They don't. You have no reason to criticize their way of life, but because they are different from you, you feel you can call them bizarre. How is that constructive social cometary?
  21. For one thing get back on your meds!!! For another go to the doctor and get some antihistamines for your allergies. I get nasty headaches from spring pollen, then I take a little pill and presto no more sinus headache.
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