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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. But how is that being a giving and compromising person on your part? Some people don't like certain things, you have to respect that too, that is what compromise is, give and take. You have to be willing to respect their boundaries too and not demand that they try everything you want.
  2. Mine can last up to 3 days and can range from mild to very painful. Some women even experience severe nausea and vomiting with extreme pain, it can sometimes be mistaken for appendicitis sense the symptoms present so similarly.
  3. I was just thinking about your suggestion for eating cottage cheese. I usually do eat low fat cheese, I love the skim cheese sticks. I've been on the fruit binge the past couple days since I didn't get much on the low carb. I should even out in a few days, at least when all the apples are gone . I think my problem was I've always been a fruit person and the low carb thing really hurt with no fruit, bread wasn't too bad, but apples, oh I missed apples. PS: You have a great smile, I think that would win over most guys!
  4. When I'm at home I do (mostly fruit), but when I'm on campus I tend to forget to eat . Hopefully now that its warming up I can outside!!! I went for a long walk 1hr+ today and felt great. I usually only do abs on MWF and legs and arms on TTh(they don't need as much work), but it was too pretty today so I hiked
  5. I've been slacking off lately, now I'm trying to get back into my routine. I had been on a low carb diet, but it really sapped my energy levels and I think it contributed to my stress. I limited myself to one weigh in every week. I found it easier to concentrate on being healthy than fixated on a number. I was more concerned with how my pants fit too (22W to a 14 I'm still considered over weight and it still bothers me, but I eat no fast food and lots of fruit and veg, but I may start the low carb thing again after this crunch time goes down.
  6. Do you know what your current body fat percentage is? For your height you could only lose 15lbs before you would be at a dangerous weight. Right now your at a perfectly healthy wieght and should not concern yourself with that number. Look more at toning your body and how you feel and don't let the scale dictate you.
  7. They try to drag you around with them and the only time you get washed when their mom takes you away. I think when the other person feels they can't function without you and is constantly expecting you to be the caregiver in the relationship. They can't do things as an individual anymore and need your approval or opinion for everything.
  8. I would think it may depend on where you hang out. Have you tried going down to the River Walk there are a lot of nice places that may have a broader spectrum of women. The downtown is fun even if your not out for girls. I went to a comedy club near the River Walk area that was a blast.
  9. Female emotions are not totally driven by their cycle. Some women are more prone to hormonal fluctuations and emotional changes, but we are all DIFFERENT. This said: drop the menstruation crap, its not going to do anything but freak her out. Its not normal that you are even contemplating this.
  10. Is said woman still the one you've been obsessing over and has told you "JUST FRIENDS"?
  11. If you feel your chances are so slim that you have to rely on a hormonal change in the woman of interest then you really need to reevaluate your goals in this relationship. Because frankly if I were the woman involved and found out you used my menstrual cycle as a tool to insinuate yourself on my life I would not only feel angry but used. Don't forget that that blood chemistry will change in a few days and the initial response can be totally contrary to her actual feelings. The fact is women are hormonally driven to sex during certain times and if you use that as a way to make her feel committed to you that really is a small and manipulative method to get someone affections.
  12. There happen to be several animals that the male stays and assists with raising the young (birds, wolves, some fish) and in the case of seahorses the female deposits eggs in the male and she leaves, he then cares for the young on his own. I also would like to stress I have a libido that won't quit and there will probably be times my SO will have to fight me off with a stick
  13. My feelings of stores that hire you based on "hotness" are that they are worthless places and I refuse to shop there, Hollister, A Eagle, Abercrombie and the like. These places have a bad rap for doing what they've obviously done to you. But the sad thing is that you are suffering because of it, you may not feel like you have issues, but your repeated postings on here tell me that there are some problems. I would say look for a better job in a work environment that is built on equality.
  14. Please don't take offense at this, but how much of the child care did you do? Also pregnancy is a very serious change for a woman's body, some women have a lot of trouble after giving birth because of weight issues, depression, hormonal imbalances and many other factors. It isn't like the baby pops out and every thing is going to be peachy the next day, it doesn't work that way.
  15. I really think that is an awful thing to say, that really illustrates the lack of consideration for the other person and proves that the relationship isn't really a serious commitment. I have both migraines and chronic back pain, there are several days that I don't want to even move and couldn't even imagine engaging in sexual activity. By your assertion I'm rejecting my significant other when in fact I truly am in pain and sex will only aggravate that. Maybe instead of thinking that way, you should put your needs for sexual gratification aside and invest your energy in the wellbeing of your partner.
  16. Eat bland foods like crackers and broth soups, nothing cream based. Drink water or sports drinks with electrolites and try to rest. If you still feel sick in a couple days you should see a doctor because you may have picked up a bug from the local foods; milk, water, or fruits are usually the main cause.
  17. I understand how you feel, but it does come down to the fact that they are not your children and the final say is ultimately the parents. They really aren't children and that they have a nanny does not bode well to begin with. Maybe you should look for another position and tell them your leaving due to how poorly you feel the children are being raised. It maybe enough of a wake up call for the parents for them to realize what they're doing is not right by the children.
  18. Stick to masturbation its safer and you don't have to compromise your ideals for one night of pleasure. It can get frustrating, but is it really worth contracting a disease or causing someone emotional trauma with a one night stand.
  19. A guy friend of mine let his hair and beard grow out, he looked like a mountain man and it spoiled his looks. He was really cute but you couldn't tell for all that hair! I said to him I thought he probably had a nice jaw line and he should show it off more. He trimmed the beard the next day and what do you know he's got a great looking face. The wild hair I hinted would be easier to control and wouldn't be in his face all the time if he just pulled it back with a hair band, not to long after he's sporting a pony tail. Most suggestions are taken better if you give it a twist that shows how it will be more convenient for them or better for them.
  20. My brother calls me the stupidest smart person he knows. I forget stuff a lot and have trouble finishing things. I have to force myself to focus.
  21. My roommate was ADD. He was pretty hyper and would run around doing this and that. He could get distracted fairly easily, so some things would take him longer to get done. I loved him to pieces, he was still a wonderful guy, just a little flighty. Conversations could be rushed, but I knew he really tried to be a good roommate and it wasn't always his fault if something slipped his mind.
  22. I guess I'm the switch hitter to break up the line up: I can have multiple, but generally they're "shallower" then the really really good ones. The big clawing the sheets ones can leave me very sensitive and sleepy.
  23. Well I think people who pass judgmental opinions on things they don't understand need to grow up.
  24. Its too late for stitches, you can only get stitches within a few hours of being cut, after that the risk of infection is too high. Keep pressure on the wound for at least 10 minutes and don't let up at all during that time. After 10, check to see if it still bleeds, if so you may need to go to the ER. Neosporin is fine, but keep an eye on the area around the wound. Some swelling is normal, but if you see any red streak or inflammation extending up or down your legs go to the doctor. Use butterfly bandages, keep it clean and dry, change the dressing 2 times an day and try not to stress the area with vigorous activity.
  25. Depending on the level of activity sex can be a highly aerobic exercise. You have a lot of hormones, endorphins, adrenaline, and stuff flooding your body. Its not uncommon for people to have heart attacks during sex. If you get light headed and have chest pain you should see a doctor, even if you feel fine otherwise. It could be an indication of a arrhythmia.
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