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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. I don't understand the smothering stuff, I'm pretty open to most sexual practices, but some creep me out. Like smothering or the choking stuff, I really don't care for the elaborate tied up stuff it looks so savage and painful.
  2. I'm curious what the appeal of bondage is. I personally would never go for the stuff, but I kinda want to know anyway.
  3. One thing that I've noticed helps is to clinch my pelvic floor muscles before the orgasm. It delays the big O, but still has some muscle spasms that are very nice. Doing exercises with those same muscles can make orgasms more intense and can be more pleasurable for your parter if you "grip" him.
  4. Break contact with this guy. For your own good, stay away from him, he is a bad person and will only cause you more grief. If he ever tries to approach you or talk to you, walk away. There is nothing to say to him, he's not worth your breath! I have a feeling he did all this as a sick little power trip, don't ever trust him again and don't ever let him talk you into coming back, being friends, or anything. He is persona non grata.
  5. I've heard that hopping in the cold water always makes it do a little turtle action.
  6. After what you've gone through to be with him, his response was shallow and immature. You should be treated better! You deserve happiness and freedom. I know it can be hard to go against your family's wishes, but maybe its time for you to break free of them. Use this as a way for you to become who you are and not what they want you to be. This guy was worthless and I'm so sorry you had to deal with him. Put him behind you and use your pain to give you strength to go forward and prosper, even if it is alone.
  7. Confront him! Thats your money and after all the stuff he's done in the past I think this is a good time to start standing up to him. My brother used to do crap like that when I was little, I would take most of it back, he finally got the idea when I would leave "presents" for him in return.
  8. redid the test after sleeping and I got INTJ Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Judging I think this one is closer to me
  9. ENFJ, I think its about the same results I got when they tested me in one my college classes. I think I was the only one out of 60-70 female engineering students, with scores like mine.
  10. It says "creme hair bleach", "bleach for face" and what not. Its a white box with an orange stripe up one side and the name is in script style writing on the orange part and theres a picture of a womans face. I don't know if it comes for other parts of the body, but the facial creme should be gentler.
  11. Its usually with the suntan lotions and skin care stuff at the drug store I shop at. I've only used "Sally Hansen" in the past, I only use the regular strength because the extra strength is what gave me a chemical burn.
  12. Relationships are built on trust and understanding, if there are holes in either, then there are going to be problems. If you don't feel happy with the situation tell her and if it doesn't change then find someone who will treat you better.
  13. I would ask her to include you in her life more and give it a shot. You're spending time with her and her friends just happen to be there too. You don't have to be best buds with them, but you can't get to know them without exposure to them.
  14. It doesn't seem right for her to exclude you even if she thinks you don't have anything in common. Has she ever given you a chance to be with her friends?
  15. This is why I made my statement. I wasn't pursuing the accident heading, I was pursuing the "why a woman wouldn't want to give oral".
  16. A valid reason why a woman wouldn't want to perform fellatio on subsequent partners.
  17. Some rapist force their victims to preform fellatio, sometimes with a gun literally to their head.
  18. My Grandmother was VERY happily divorced and my Aunt has never married is enjoying the freedom.
  19. The one in my building has a habit of getting to the floor you want, stopping and then not opening the doors. You can hit the buttons all you want, but it won't let you out until someone press a call button on the outside.
  20. I avoid the elevators at my school because they tend to be scary and rattle when you ride them .
  21. The whole world isn't filled with copies of your gay friend, he doesn't have to be gay to be effeminate and contrary to popular belief not all gay men are effeminate. So don't just jump on the "GAY" label because he's different.
  22. It is very possible he's just an effeminate man. He could be very heterosexual but his mannerism are not that of the stereotypical manly man.
  23. My opinion is that its crap. The "man" that treated me like a party favor said it was due to the fact that he was still recovering from his 1.5yr heart break. I think he was a chicken little baby and couldn't handle the responsibility of his actions.
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