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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. link removed This is one of the websites that popped up when I googled "dental dams". They have a pretty good range of products. Dental dams are under under condom styles.
  2. Right now, no I don't. I look in the mirror and I see a lot of flaws and things that need to be changed. I always feel I'm not smart enough, my work isn't good enough, my work worthless. Sometimes I feel good, but a majority of the time, I'm not happy.
  3. Just move on. If you still feel like being friends with the other person, fine, but don't make a big deal out of it.
  4. Not worth it no matter how much he (or she) wants to change things up.
  5. Maybe she's just not into you. If you keep badgering her about sex, I'm sure she's gotten mad about it to the point it's become even more of a chore. Have you tried not saying anything, just leaving her alone.
  6. Didn't you have a thread saying you suspected her of cheating because her breasts were sore?
  7. Maybe she just doesn't care at all about sex. Some people don't have a desire to have sex. You can not force her to have sex and you can not force her to go to the doctor. If she doesn't want to change it, she doesn't have to. You need to decide if you want to stay with a non-sexual person or decide sex is too important a part of your life to stay with her.
  8. You're 30 years old and don't even make enough money to support yourself. Its time to get a new job. You could spend years working as an real-estate agent and never make it any where. Get a real job that pays regularly and move out of your parents place. You're not getting any where with this job and you keep using it as an excuse for not moving out. You need to change that or you will always be stuck at their home.
  9. I'm almost 26 and I still get soreness in my breasts. Water retention, hormones, how I sleep at night, the bra I'm wearing, what exercises I've done in the past day (jogging can make them sore). If she has changed bra size but not bought new bras its possible her old ones are chaffing.
  10. You're 15, its probably not the iron, but that you're still growing. It could be that the better nutrition allows your body to grow.
  11. For the guys that refuse to shave, would you ask your girl to do so?
  12. I've done it, it gives you silence to all the noise that usually pollutes our lives. Books are far more interesting and vivid than any tv show. Being out of contact with my loved one would hurt, but sometimes quiet is all you need. I really hate going into stores like Best Buy or such were the air is full of the electronic buzz. It gives me a head ache and if someone is trying out stereos I can't be there.
  13. Do you want to be the person later in life that is haunted by all the killing and destruction you've seen? Breaking up hurts, but you will get over her in time, things you do in war, those are not going to leave you. Throwing yourself into a place that is dangerous for the point of forgetting some person is not going to heal you. You may spend time not thinking about her, but when you're tour is done you will be in the same place emotionally and still missing her.
  14. You may have not let other people down, but you just let her down. Some people have plans how they will do all their work for a week, they arrange times for homework, work, sleep, class, and all the other activities. Its not her fault you did this, she has her own concerns, you can't complain when you are at fault and the other person calls you on it.
  15. Maybe its best for your daughter to be where she's got a stable environment. If you are still recovering from a break down, it is probably in her best interests that she be with someone else. You need to worry about taking care of your self and getting back to 100% before you complicate things with another life to care for. Think about what is good for your daughter and not just how you feel. Think about her safety and care.
  16. Did you agree to meet? If she's seen you skip classes in the past and now she depends on you for part of her grade she is justified in being upset.
  17. So you think she would rather be beaten then be free of an overbearing jerk that thinks he can treat his kid like dirt?
  18. Confront them. Put an end to the catty games. Point blank say "do you want me to continue, because if not I have other people that want me in their quartet." Play your heart out. I was violin for years and know how snobbish that lot can get, the Viola's were looked down on and the cellos were beneath them. I hated playing with them (the violins) so I had my teach sit my with the cellos.
  19. He could go to jail. She could be removed from his house hold. There could be a lot of things that happen. Either way, something needs to be done, think of the damage being done to her every time he kicks or hits her. One kick in the right spot and he could very well kill her.
  20. Call the police! Tell them what you saw, this is not right!
  21. I would also like to say I would have serious concerns about dating someone who drank to the point they forgot things, even if those things weren't nasty and hateful.
  22. Sorry it ended like that, but it really sounded like he had a lot of problems that you were getting the brunt of. Its good you were able to split like adults.
  23. If by other things it was like a car payment, electric bill and such then a ring is a waste of money. You don't need a ring to be committed to someone. Do you value a your relationship or the a piece of jewelry?
  24. If you don't feel 100% comfortable with it, DO NOT DO IT. Threesomes have a notorious history of making a mess out of a relationship.
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