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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. I does depend on the community. Some places where there are no hospitals and the only form of medicine is a free clinic run by over worked nurses, a doctor making house calls is not unheard off. In the deep south where there is still allot of ignorance and illiteracy, my family is from south Georgia and north Florida, doctors and people of higher education are regarded with both fear and respect. If the community this happened in was rural and the women had seen a doctor at their home in the past, it may not be so off base for them to see this person as legitimate. This man preyed on their ignorance and abused a position of authority. He should be the focus of this thread, he should be the one that receives your ridicule. Not the VICTIMS.
  2. Precisely! Why do the victims get berated and criticized while there has been NO mention of the guy who did this!
  3. Coercion and manipulation are far more insidious tools of violating someone. Just because they weren't beaten or held at gun point doesn't make their pain and suffering any less. Or are you going to tell me next that all the children tricked by strangers posing as police officers are to blame and had a choice in their situation?
  4. Do you ever use porn? I've looked but it doesn't really appeal to me. I suppose like most women, it doesn't attract me since a majority is directed at men. In my exploration I have found some porn aimed more toward a female perspective and found it more arousing, but I think it would most likely be more fun to be with a partner sharing than just sitting alone at a computer staring at naked people getting it on.
  5. I'm just making the statement because for as much as I enjoy being social there are times when being alone with your own thoughts and reflections is healthy. Its not to avoid your spouse, being with someone all day every day can cause tension and I think its right for both members to still be able to work well on their own.
  6. How are you not being cruel by your statements here? You are making fun of 2 PEOPLE who were violated in one of the worst ways possible. Have you ever thought about how you would feel if you were raped, because men can be raped and taken advantage of just as easily as women.
  7. What about the times you need to be away from your spouse to do things on your own and continue to have a life as an individual.
  8. I'm a woman and I wouldn't have let him in, I would called the cops immediately. 2 women are not going to constitute the whole of 3 billion other individuals. This really is a gross generalization based on very little information. Your title should have been why are THESE women so naive!
  9. One post isn't conclusive evidence. If a woman isn't happy in a relationship for what ever reason she has the right to end it. So maybe more women are realizing that fact and exercising their freedoms.
  10. She doesn't have to explain herself to a guy she just met.
  11. My Mom calls my cell all the time and I always tell her I love her. How do you know it was a BF?
  12. I love his makeup, best looking cross dresser I've ever seen
  13. Or steal all the blankets and make a nest, I usually sleep infront of the fireplace during the winter with about 10 blankets and several pillows in a mound on the floor.
  14. I'm 5'4" so most men (including you) are taller than me, but for me it doesn't matter. Nice guys come in all sizes, if the girls are not into you cuz your not a skyscraper, then they aren't worth your time.
  15. Purely sexual: Sean Bean Conversation: There are so many... Samuel L Jackson comes to mind first.
  16. Well I guess it would be better than getting kicked all night...
  17. Wouldn't 96ing someone be like sending them to the couch?
  18. I'm wondering what's the most number of orgasms any of you other gals have had in a given period of time?
  19. Can you just drive it during the day? Whats wrond with the head light? Headlights aren't too hard to fix, if its just the bulb those are quick to change. Faulty wiring is a little more complicated, but if he's driving it, it should be fixed for his sake as well.
  20. I suppose I don't like the S&M stuff mainly due to there being a submissive and a dominator. I prefer to think of sex as a act of passion between equals, for me the 'torture' type play is to close to physical assault or rape.
  21. If he cared how you felt then he wouldn't do something that would intentionally hurt you. He's not worth your effort. If he calls again hang up on him, he's just trying to get a rise out of you and cause you more pain.
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