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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. I agree with Evy. Most of the popular kids I went to high school with took a real noise dive at university. My HS was fairly small and the uni I'm at is about 36,000. I think the main thing was they found out how not important they really are. I was intimidated by the new situation, but I'm still friends with several of the people I met my first year (which was almost 7 years ago, I'm starting my phd soon). I met them by just talking to people in my classes. If you sit next to someone, say hi, talk about the class, the weather, ask about studying together. Most of the people I studied with become some of my closest friends because we didn't always study when we were together, we would goof around and have fun, too. I have several friends that I would consider some of the most meaningful relationships I've ever had and I don't really talk to anyone from HS anymore.
  2. Embalming replaces the blood with formaldehyde and pretty much flushes the body's major vessels. Results of blood tests would be effected if the sample was post embalming, most forensic pathology is done before the mortician even sees the body, though. Bruising wouldn't be as easy to see, but tissue damage and trauma should still be evident. Embalming procedures are usually state regulated, so you should look up the laws online and see what your state requires.
  3. Do men not notice if its fake or not? I would think they could feel whether or not there were muscle spasms in the vagina.
  4. I'm a heterosexual woman, but I've had dreams about having sex with other women, sometimes as a woman, sometimes as a man. Neither have turned me gay or made me seek gender reassignment. Mostly I think its my brain staying entertained will my body is resting. I've been taking sleep pills since August because I've had some serious nightmares and stress related anxiety the crops up while I sleep. I work with orbital mechanics and have had bad dreams about things crashing into planets and getting fired and all those lovely things. When it was only once every now and then I didn't think anything of it. When I went nearly a week without any real sleep because it was so disturbing and troublesome, I went to the doctor. No good doctor will give medication for sleep problems unless they are seriously affecting your life. Drugs that a used as sleep aids are fairly strictly watched since they are so easy to abuse or become addicted to. Don't think you need drugs and pressure your doctor into giving them, go to your doctor and ask them what options you have first.
  5. I think Dako's list was meant for general purposes as the original post did not include the fact that the poster was 17. His list is still a thorough range of suggestions.
  6. Whether or not the guy says "I like it when girls do this in bed..." or if he makes some subtle comment, the fact of the matter sex is still the topic in play. Semantics aside, individuals like to talk about a variety of things, if both individuals are adults and mature why can't they discuss sex? This isn't the 1800's most people realize sex is a significant aspect of social interaction, avoiding it is just uncomfortable.
  7. Its possible that you just come on way to strong and smother them. It could be you have some personality quirk that isn't very appealing. It could be the women you're choosing are shallow and have no respect for others beyond that of a good time. Pretending to be a player, as a modern day Casanova, who even for all the women he slept with, was dumped by the love of his life. Coincidence, probably not, philandering only result in venereal diseases, which ultimately killed Casanova, no deeper result can come unless your willing to be yourself.
  8. My question is have you gone from being shy straight over to the arrogant side? Are you treating women fairly or are you only going for the hot "chicks"?
  9. Yeah and there might be a few less stalker laws and restraining orders out there!
  10. Then its not a very good relationship.
  11. But is your friend still with her? And if so how long have they been together?
  12. Oh, I'm sooooo sorry, I missed the "PENISES ONLY" sign on the post....
  13. Pick at her? A guy picks at me on a date and he gets the boot! Don't commit, ie, be a player, and the response to that possible call back will be "Oh I'm sorry I'm with the guy who actually respected the fact that I don't have time for stupid games"
  14. Maybe him going to prison is a good thing. It will give her space and she can find a great guy to treat her so well she'll forget what's his face.
  15. Something I found out from my doc, the element Chromium, which is often found in dietary suppliments and diet pills can contribute to a higher risk of pregnancy since it makes the ova more easily penetrated by the sperm, even while on birth control. Its a nice little substance for boosting you metabolism, but it does carry a risk.
  16. So are we weaker by that or more intelligent to realize that we have better things to do?
  17. Too Funny! Border-line Psycho You are 53% Psycho Ok so you may get too much amusment out of death and killing and such, you might not go as far as killing people for fun, but its not like you haven't thought of it. Oh and giveing your food a name! THAT IS SOOOO NOT NORMAL. But this does also mean that you are pretty smart and a consisive thinker
  18. So do all women deserve rape and sexual abuse because underneath it all they really are enjoying it? So would you blame the women with a knife to her throat as just being manipulative and compliant? The girl who gets pulled into the alley and brutally raped and beaten, well she was wearing a mini skirt and a red top, she really wanted sex that night anyway. Do you not care for the fact that THESE ARE PEOPLE! with feelings and emotions just like yours, they hurt and are going to spend the rest of their lives with this.
  19. Did you ask her if you could post these here? It not really fair to her to have her feelings and emotions that were meant for only you to be broadcast accross the web.
  20. I don't think it has anything to do with the guys sexual orientation. it is just whether or not the guy allows him self to be driven by his little head and not the big one.
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