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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. shes2smart, I find your take on this interesting. I'm not personally drawn to BDSM, but from the responses I've seen on here I think a separate thread on the symantics and aspects of your life style would be interesting. I know it maybe an odd request for you to put your sex life under the microscope so to speak, but I think it would be educational for someone to explain what goes on in that form of sex play.
  2. I'd be concerned with explaining to my gyno why I had diaper rash...
  3. I had a guy friend that used to say women weren't fat they were fluffy.
  4. Stop with the silence and start with the cat calls, fat girls like to slap men, too!
  5. If your healthy and are between 115 and 150, which is the healthy range for your weight, your fine. Dieting and losing weight can cause you and your body stress. I don't think you need to be thin, thin is not always healthy, its just popular.
  6. We're mammals, hair is part of that definition. I don't see why people get repulsed by someone who's happy the way they were born. If they're clean and not jerks, its not an issue. Acceptance is so much healthier than freaking out and raising your blood pressure.
  7. Breast implants are a surgery that puts you under general anesthesia, which means you can die from complications. The incisions and cavity can develop horrible infections and you could be left with painful scars and have severe secondary infections and complications. Breast implants interfere with breast feeding and cancer screening. If you have a family history of breast cancer, it will be very difficult for mammograms to see tumors with the implants in the way. There is also the possibility of long term nerve damage to the breast areas, this would mean decreased sensation. Breast implants can burst, if they're saline the risk is less, but there are still silicone implants used (I believe only in reconstructive cases). Do not go for the lowest bidder, look up your doctors credentials and make sure they are from accredited universities and have kept up to date on their continued education.
  8. I like being alone because I don't have to worry about disrupting someone esle's schedule. All the food I cook is stuff I like and all the stuff I like, not just what you both like. I always have the remote control!!! I can sit and think about the world without someone asking what I'm doing or what's for dinner. I use ALL the hot water.
  9. My brother is striaght, but has a gay friend, he went with his friend to a gay bar and said it was a blast. He said the best part was the dancing cuz they had better music.
  10. I think the sugar would get to you first. Opiates are actually produced by the poppy seed pods. The milky substances the pods excrete when scratched is pure opium. The seeds contain traces amounts of narcotics and it takes like 4 poppy seed bagels to test positive (or half a loaf of poppy seed bread at my house, who needs measuring spoons just dump em). The opium poppy is the one used to produce opium for the pharmaceutical industries, while there are many varieties this is the one that is used to make morphine.
  11. I think its funny because I love poppy seed anything and don't do drugs at all, but with my carreer choice will have a drug test when I start my job and I'll have to be careful what I'll. Its funny too because my Mum tested positive for opiates, saw the results and being a nurse smacked herself in the head, she ate lemon poppyseed bread the day before the test.
  12. I'm confused, if her husband was her first then how is it that she had sex with the other guy?
  13. One thing I always thought was funny was that if you eat poppy seeds, like in muffins or what not, it will give a false positive of drug tests for opiate use.
  14. I personally would never make anyone taste something I wouldn't be willing to taste myself. Sloppy wet ones
  15. I think you're right. It is a matter of maturity. Adults are expected to have self control and pose, but the fact is that you have to realize that not every person you fall in love will love you back. Its sad for those that are unrequited, but we each have the right to chose and should not be pressured via perceived platonic relationships.
  16. But are you using the salad fork during the salad course?
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