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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. Well then you get the double cute title and a free pass to be one of my groping victims
  2. And you're in the UK, does that mean you have a cute Brit accent to go with the cutie smile of yours?
  3. Ross_K, if I ever see your cute face around me, I'll be sure to give your tush a lil pinch .
  4. The only time I've pinch a guys tush was when I was at a crowded bar and I was trying to get my friends attention. I was drunk at the time and it seemed like a good idea, needless to say I had his attention.
  5. You're BF is being controlling and he's wrong. See your friend and tell your BF to get over it.
  6. 5 years... Hopefully I'll be done with my MS in the next few months, then on to my PhD, 3 years of that and then off to a real job. I'd like to go on to NASA. Working the whole 8-4 bit and going home to paint my water colors and write my poems. Spending time with my friends and taking photography trips when ever I can. I'm a capable engineer, but I have the heart of an artist.
  7. If you don't agree with the diagnosis then, yes, you have the right to seek a second opinion. Cortozone isn't supposed to fix the problem, its a temporary relief for the inflammation, I had one shot last about 6 months, but had another only last 1 month. I would see your doctor again and tell them that the pain has returned. If your doctor is a general practitioner then they may need to send you to a specialist, who is more familiar with joints or sport related injuries.
  8. It might be the constant wear and tear from soccer is whats causing the problems. You might think about going to a sports doctor or a physical therapist that deals with sports related injuries. You need to get this taken care of, being in pain is not right. My doc yelled at me because I waited 2 weeks before seeing him about the problem, if its longer than 3 days its a issue that needs to be dealt with NOW.
  9. Are you still participating in sports regularly?
  10. I had a knee injury from riding horses, I've had a fair amount of secondary problems, too. The first injury wasn't that bad, but it was enough to disturb the position of my knee cap. My doctor did a work up on it and said I would have to wait to do anything corrective since it wasn't bad, but I had similar problems when its "warm" or in use I'm fine, but when I stop and the muscles relax the pain is unbearable. I took a lot of anti-inflammatory and those helped a great deal. I started stretching more and that has helped the most, a sort of yoga like routine focusing on my legs. Now I don't have pain unless its very cold out.
  11. Most definitely, sometimes if I'm aroused enough my panties get damp too.
  12. My Google results: Minute-man +orgasm: 32,400 Frigid woman +orgasm: 94,500 And the first result I saw for the Minute-man hits was a womans guide to helping her man with his premature ejaculation. The 2nd, 3rd, 4th all very similar, women asking how to help their men, the 5th was finally a man seeking assistance.
  13. How about trying to focus on making a lasting and worth while relationship and not being shallow and only worrying about how to have sex with women. Its most likely that women are picking up on the "I want to get in your pants" attitude and that turns them away. The other guys you hang out with sound like a bunch of men showing off for each other. Not the best place to air your failures and despense helpful tips to the young blokes. You ask most women to have sex with you and at best you will get a snide remark and a cold shoulder at worst a sexual harassment law suit. Theres being direct and then theres being rude.
  14. I always had problems with the dyes from the stores, the color wasn't right and it would fry my hair. I went to my stylist, who is fab, she and I talked over color and she mixed a custom color that would look natural even when it started to grow out. One of the things she warned me about with the box jobs is that to make sure work the companies usually put harsh chemicals that help the dyes penetrate the hair, hence my frying problems. If your hair grows quickly you can try more stuff and then just cut off the bad results. I had a friend that would dye his hair to match his shoes, my favorite was always the purple
  15. Since the baby start out blank essentially, the biological default is female, the testosterone is what eventually causes penis and testes to form. When the baby begins to develop due to the introduction of hormones into the body the tissues that are the clitoris become the penis for boys. There are cases where female babies were born with enlarged clitoris tissues and that very much resemble a penis. Its often caused issues with gender assignments for these individuals and since most male doctors feel it is a defect will perform female circumcisions, removing all or parts of the tissue, leaving them little to no amount sensitivity.
  16. The term used for women is "frigid" and its been around since before TV, radio, whatever. It stipulates that women who can't orgasm with penetration, a vaginal orgasm, are immature sexually (Thank Freud for that crap). The fact of the matter is that the vulva and vagina are very different areas. The vulva and clitoris are packed with nerve endings and meant to be the pleasure zones. The vagina is very sparsely populated with nerves, why, because when you push a watermelon out an lemon sized opening you don't want to feel every single millimeter of the effort. Such as that it is, the vagina is not going to be as stimulated by penetration as much as rubbing the vulva and clitoris.
  17. I think beastiality is illegal in most states. Its a fetish that has even shown up in cave paintings, but its not something widely accepted and its not a laughing matter.
  18. As you are 17 and in most states the age of consent is 16, it's not pedophilia. Pedophiles target pre-pubescent children, not near adult age post puberty individuals.
  19. Are you sure its all over your face or are you just exaggerating a little? I don't see how just kissing could leave you like you were the victim of a licking dog attack.
  20. For one thing not all women will over react. Different people have different levels of comfort. What you don't mind could be totally unacceptable to someone else. How physical is your relationship? If she doesn't feel that it was appropriate and you just blew it of, it may have been your response that fueled her anger.
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