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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. If I were the woman, I would say "Somewhere away from you". It is the truth. I think telling the truth keeps you from burdening yourself with the weight of lies. If you always tell the truth you never have to think of what to say because you already know.
  2. I started taking the pill specifically for relieving my PMS and messed up cycle. I like taking hot showers to help with the muscle tension. And one thing that does help is masturbation, the main reason you get cramps is the muscles used to expel the menstrual fluid are only used when you orgasm or menstruate, work them out more and they'll be in better shape and cause you less pain.
  3. No matter how big a man's penis is, its no substitution for passion and heartfelt love. With genuine care for your partner, sex means more than body parts, its an expression of your trust and desire to be as close to that person in all ways possible.
  4. It's not too late, if you're willing to change it's never too late. As long as you allow yourself to grow and learn from your past, the future will be better. If you don't have the tools to cope with your pain you need to find someone who can teach you and help you. It will take time and sometimes healing will be as painful as the trauma, but don't give up.
  5. People change, some more than others. At 16 it could be that you've grown more as a person than they have. Some friendships will grow with the people in them, evolve and change with the individuals. Other friendships can fade and dissolve, it depends on how much the people in them are willing to maintain and continue it.
  6. I'd show them the door and be that quiet hostile that is more scary than the screaming. I wouldn't do anything to them, but I would make it clear they are no longer a part of my life.
  7. Maybe take a picture of a heart and write a poem or personal note, tear it into pieces and send her a few pieces at a time. A puzzle and a love letter
  8. Do what you feel comfortable doing. If they all jumped off a bridge would you? Its your life and you are the only person who has the right to make these decisions. Peer pressure can be tough, but when it comes down to it, there is so much waiting in life beyond high school or middle school. The people who feel they need to push you do something you don't want to do are not real friends. A real friend would respect your choices and accept you for who you are.
  9. Forgive, but don't forget, forgetting only lets the same bad things happen over and over again, learn from your mistakes, take that knowledge and move on.
  10. Some are, some aren't, its all individual and there are some men that act that way, too. I tend to ignore people who act like that and keep friends that are honest and straight forward. Life is too short for all the drama and games.
  11. I don't mean to sound harsh, but maybe he's trully moving on and there is no hope of getting back together. And you shouldn't invade his privacy like that, think of how you would feel had it been him snooping through your email.
  12. If by going to parties, you mean you're drinking then that will contribute to the weight gain a lot. Alcohol is useless calories and causes the beer belly, so aptly named. Cut back on booze add more veg and fruit to your diet, don't drink soda and only eat lean meat and low fat cheese.
  13. Are you on birth control, I started taking it and now I get a zit once in a blue moon. One of my remedies is to put cortisone cream on it to help reduce the swelling and itch or some Bikini Zone to reduce the redness and swelling.
  14. One thing that wasn't on that list is that if she left you for a particular reason you should try to change that part of yourself/your relationship or the same issues that happened before will pop up again.
  15. I sometimes kick when I'm close to orgasm, and since I cycle I hope I never connect with anything cuz it would hurt like heck.
  16. Go to a doctor or clinic! Stop freaking out and go talk to someone who can give you a definite answer.
  17. Your hypothesis maybe, but no where near a theory. Theories are proven statements based on observations and facts that have been repeatedly tested and are widely accepted. You're making conjecture and thereforeeee this is not a theory.
  18. What? Where did you come up with that?
  19. This is one reason he may pick his friends over his SO... Nagging does nothing for a relationship but annoy the naggee. If you don't like something tell him in a mature and straight forward manner. Too many women act passive-aggressive about their problems. Tell it like it is and don't drag it on and on and on, then it just gets to the point where its not a problem its a grudge. Maybe you and the friend could try alternate weekends with him, no offense, but at 17 you shouldn't get so worked up about stuff like this. Dating at this point in your life should be fun, not all the drama and strife.
  20. Tisk tisk, its too early for me to be drinkin, besides I don't think anyone on here wants to see me drunk.
  21. Then again I tend to get overly frisky with the addition of alcohol.
  22. Combination of drugs of the chemical kind and drugs of the natural kind clogging your mind.
  23. Oh, so she played bag tag? Thats naughty. Heeheehee. I prefer the cheeks until I got to know you better .
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