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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. I tend to agree with her, you having previously needed a break should think back to how you felt when you asked for the time off. You telling her you love her could be very stressing for her at the time. Its a big deal to hear that and to say that to someone. She may just need to time to figure out how she feels about the relationship since you've moved it to a higher level. She is younger than you and may not be as ready to accept the seriousness of the commitment you made.
  2. There is one word to describe this: entrapment. You're setting him up to fail, this is a very low and mean spirited thing to do. Stop being passive aggressive!!! Tell him you have issues with the porn and myspace account, but don't play these childish games, you're only going to make him angry and cause more problems.
  3. RayKay, Sheyda I commiserate, I'm a size 14 but nothing ever fits right. I don't have much of a rump, but I have muscular legs, jeans fit my waist and look fine on my legs, however, I have handfuls of fabric hanging in the back. I have never found a pair of jeans that fit me right. I can't find shirts either, they always are way too tight on my chest and my boobs aren't that big, I buy dress shirts a size larger so I don't have gaps between the buttons showing the world my bra.
  4. My parents were 26 and 27 and have been together 30 years. They knew each other 2 months, my Mom had to tell another guy "I can't see you this weekend, I'm getting married"
  5. You don't need to say she's not pretty, thats very rude and up to that point I was actually interested in reading your post. Sounds like he's either shy or not interested. I'd guess if he doesn't make eye contact and acts a little nervous, he's shy. If he's not talking to you and is only sitting with you when the other friend is there, he's around because of the friend.
  6. I think you look more like Bruce Campbell... link removed
  7. Just because someone treats you poorly does not mean you have to treat them the same. Just be courteous and move on, there's no reason wasting time and energy on being angry or scheming to get back at them.
  8. The only thing ratios are good for are measuring out the booze for a mixed drink. My butt, my boobs, my body, my choices and my life, you don't like it, tough, thats your problem.
  9. Budman, thats a great way for him to get labeled "@sshole", games are childish and rude. She could very well have other things to do, frankly there are women that have lives and don't sit eagerly by the phone waiting for men to call. Go get your hair cut and ask her out, be direct, say lets do this at such and such time at this place. If she's busy, ask what specific day she's available, if she gives a non-committal answer, don't bother with her again, move on to someone who has time for you.
  10. Actually the body's center of gravity is located near the stomach. But that's your problem, don't speak as if you've taken a vote and all the men are in on this. Not everyone feels the way you do, there are guys who like skinny girls, there are guys that like meaty girls, girls wearing pants and with short hair (eek they're so butch), whichever, women don't have to do anything to please men, all we have to do is be ourselves and enjoy who we are.
  11. I forget my own birthday, so I wouldn't mind having someone around to remember it for me...
  12. From all of the snooping and invasion of privacy I've seen reported on this site, I will never use text messages on my phone and I will never leave my email account open on my computer. Geesh, I can't believe the total disregard for person space. I can't stand snooping, I get ticked when people read stuff over my shoulder. There are some things that don't need to be shared.
  13. As soon as you have sex you should have a pap every year.
  14. On my back with a vibrator.
  15. Be it a backwards logic compared to most people, I find a man attractive by his mind first, his face is is secondary. Usually after I like a man for his mind his face will be handsome to me, no matter what he looks like.
  16. For me, 5 would be my limit, higher than that I'd have serious issues as to whether I was just a notch in the bed post and I wouldn't sleep with him.
  17. If my SO watched me like you monitor your BF, I would be scared. Cell phone signals are not consistent, the strength is determined by the amount of power going into each tower, my house gets horrible signal, but somedays my phone's clear as a bell. There are some serious trust issues in this relationship if because of the delivery time of one text message there is an immediate accusation that he's been unfaithful. Has he ever cheated before? What is it thats makes you think he would cheat?
  18. What message do you want to send to these guys?
  19. Maybe you're putting too much emphasis on looks. There are so many other ways to attract a girl than by being a hottie. Looks are not a good evaluation of an individuals worth any way. Their character will be what makes you want to live out your life with them. Physical beauty is fleeting, you have a few years of being shiny and new and then that all fades and you are left with who you are inside. Cultivating a relationship because of a pretty face will never have the depth and love that finding the person that compliments your personality.
  20. I enjoy older men mainly because they are more mature, at least the ones I like are. I know what I want in life, I guess you could call me driven, but the men I know that are my age are still finding themselves and they don't have much direction beyond having sex and showing off. I'm not interested in playing surrogate mommy either, I don't want to raise my SO. The majority of men I come accross don't have the same interests as me either, I prefer classic art and literature and have little care for pop culture, while most of the guys I know say "Yeats who?" My attraction is based on intellect and maturity, I'm not prejudice against men my age, but they don't really have what I want in a partner.
  21. Hey, leave the canine alone! Or you're going to have a little fox gnawing on your ankle.
  22. Ross, babe, stop doing this to yourself. You are a good looking guy. Maybe the women in your area don't appreciate what they have. And darling, don't hire Magnum, he'll do all the chicks before you can get to them.
  23. That about covers my list (except 4, I'm a DIY person), I tend to be pretty blunt about changing the topic off of sports since its just about my least favorite thing in the world. The other stuff I tolerate and try to interject comments that might direct the conversation else where.
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