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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. USE CONDOMS!!!! and have her start birth control.
  2. I'd send her a text "I'm sitting by my desk working at a REAL job". How does she pay her bills? I understand how frustrating it can be to live with a pig and their SO. I lived with a 2 guys, one was clean and great the other was a jerk and he brought his GF along for the ride. I'd mop the kitchen and the next day my feet would be sticking to the floor from him spilling crap and not cleaning up. His GF would use all the hot water so I'd get cold showers. Some people are so oblivious to what others feel is acceptable. I told my roomie, shape up, I'm not standing for it and I told his GF, my house, my hot water, you shower after me. I lived with him about 2 more months and they were better. Also I was the only person who fed his guinea pigs, which died after I moved out, I should have reported him to the ASPCA, but I only heard about it from a friend, so had no evidence to make the accusation.
  3. Those chicks are skinny, they're probably size 2 or 4. The average American woman is size 12 or 14. Those women have been airbrushed to remove all the flaws the droves makeup and hair people didn't fix with the hours of prep and primping during the photo shoots. If you want plastic and high gloss fakes keep searching for those girls, but they don't exist, since no woman will ever look like that in real life.
  4. What a horrible way to treat someone! He's being controlling and rude! I don't care if it is his birthday, you need to tell him this isn't right. If he doesn't want to have sex then he shouldn't tease you and get you worked up like that. If he pulls any of that crap again, smack him or throw cold water on him, tell him thats what it feels like when he treats you like that. He needs a wake up call!
  5. It depends on his upbringing. Some European men will kiss on the cheeks as greetings. American men have a big personal area and don't like much touching from other males, not all cultures or even families are like that, it just depends on the individual.
  6. Its already been two weeks, if you think its done, that she will not change, you don't need to drag it out any longer. Call her and make an ultimatum, I'd say only a week to return it. Tell her, she returns the ring or you will call a lawyer and seek legal action to have the ring returned.
  7. Sorry, I do jewelry and lapidary work, so to me k is karat, I don't tend to think money. Still 10 grand for a ring is a big deal, if the engagements off the ring should have been returned.
  8. Aside from a few weeks near the end of semester, my spring has been pretty good, just lots of work related stress which isn't too bad. I've been so much happier this year than I can ever remember being. My winter was horrible, but spring was a really a time a new beginnings. I'm looking forward to summer, I think its going to be wonderful.
  9. This girl sounds like she was using you as a meal ticket. The only contact you should have with her is getting the ring back. Take her to civil court and sue her for the cost of the ring and I think you can stipulate if you win the cases she has to pay court costs and all. You should talk to a lawyer. 10k diamond? That is a huge fricken rock!!! Are you sure thats the right weight, most engagement rings are .75k? If it really was 10k, the lawyers will love you!
  10. Usually when I pissed about being messed with and someone says that to me, its just adds to the anger, since its rather obvious that as I'm mad, I don't find the joke funny. A few jokes and teasing are fine, but continually directing a slew of negative and rude comments at a girl is a very bad dating strategy. One of two little teasing comments and then starting a normal conversation would be more successful. After being doused with her drink you should have let it go. You were very rude to her and then just ignoring that and say "lets go out" you were cruising for the slap. I think that you will either have to spend a very long time apologizing to her (and I mean flowers and written apologies) or you should leave her alone and try to never do that again.
  11. I worry about the person I love because above all else I care about them so much that I would never want to hurt them.
  12. Why is she hurt? You accused her of playing with you and sent her nasty messages. Wouldn't you be hurt if a "friend" sent you messages like that? And then to send a "comic relief" message, that isn't confusing? I'd say she's better off without you if you're going to respond to her by acting like that.
  13. Keith Richards is just ugly, John Merrick had a debilitating disease that I don't think should have him on the scale. Had he been born in the last 20 years, his deformations could have been corrected or alleviated.
  14. They sound like sebaceous cysts, they aren't always painful, but if they become infected they can be. These cysts are caused when the sebaceous duct in your skin is blocked by oily material. You should see a doctor and have them looked at immediately.
  15. Yep and I've had wet dreams that the orgasm woke me up... I need to get out more...
  16. I like tall guys, I'm 5'4" bare foot so even with heels I'm looking up to most guys. At 13, I'm guessing the girls are just immature and don't know that great guys come in all sizes.
  17. I think it would be hot to get a sexy nude of a special someone, it would be more meaningful than some random guy in porn . You could encrypt them and email her the pics.
  18. I only like ear piercings, maybe an eyebrow ring, but everything else grosses me out. Tats are fine, but not too many and I prefer the ones done for commemorative reasons and not just because its "cool".
  19. This guy needs a attitude adjustment! If he parked behind me, I would have had him towed, what a jerk. And that porn comment is totally inappropriate! You should talk to the other directors and tell them how out of line he's been.
  20. Nope, you have no loyalties to someone who cheated on you. Good luck with the new girl.
  21. Go to a doctor! They are the only ones trained to deal with this. You can't treat yourself on your own properly.
  22. My dad opens my mail on occasion and especially my bank statements. I live at an apartment near my school most of the time, but I go home to visit my Mom. I don't even like being in the same room as my father, he does the same schtick "I pay the bills, its my houses, yadda yadda". I have an older brother who is obviously my dad's favorite, they're a couple of farting, belching jerks. He sits on his butt all day, comes home and sits on the couch, he gets crappy if he's asked to do anything beyond picking up the mail.
  23. I think you did the right thing. Stick to your principals. Men have every right to turn down sex. If she doesn't accept that then she's not worth your energy.
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