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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. Want another notch on the bed post, hmm? Sounds like fun!
  2. What about you Mr. Dako, how many spent ladies bask in the after glow of The Dako Kid. Walking into a color saturated sunset with the clink-clink of his spurs.
  3. I've met a great deal of people that where by far more intelligent than myself. And there are times when they say something that I don't understand. I have learned that for all my knowledge I will never know it all, but with enough of us strung together we can help each other along. I usually ask direct questions about something I don't understand, I try not to assume too much until I'm more familiar with the information. My adviser has told me several times she really respects that I'm willing to show my mistakes and ask questions. She says that it opens the group to help each other.
  4. To me boobs are for feeding babies. I don't get the fixation with fatty tissue or the media images of tiny waisted (or rather wasted) women with over inflated breasts. To me they look like water balloons about to pop or the floaties Moms put on their toddlers at the swimming pool.
  5. I totally agree, each person should be evaluated for who they are and not what they are. There are definitely just as many shallow women out there as there are men.
  6. Wow, you don't have to be so harsh Mr. Perfect. What's the difference chit chatting over Marxism instead of the weather or TV shows. Small talk is part of dating, too.
  7. I would like to say that my friends do actually talk about these things at the dinner table and when we drink. Yes we're all nerds, but we do discuss everything else, too. Abortion, GW Bush, Kant, Saturn's Rings, its all good. For most of the work we do we find the manifolds stable or unstable leading into/away from a Halo orbit around libration points. Time is not so much an issue as it is either used forward or backward to propagate the path of the manifold. The manifold is stable or unstable by the eigenvalues of the monodromy matrix from the point origin on the halo. This is a matrix that is the sensitivities of the position and velocity to changes in the state its called the State Transition Matrix (STM). The monodromy is the STM after on revolution around the halo orbit, it must be periodic, so it return to the same point as it left from within some error tolerances. This would be where time was a significant factor as this matrix must be for one full revolution or found using similarity transformation. If the matrix is not for the one period the eigenvalues will be meaningless for finding manifolds.
  8. Milk before bed gives me reflux I find it best to sleep on an empty stomach.
  9. Usually when I feel like something is sitting on my chest, its a 13lb Siamese load mouth. She's scared the crap out of me as much as any nightmares. Imagine waking up to this weird snarfling sound in your ear and fur everywhere. I love her so much, but sometimes she's too much.
  10. I've been taking sleeping pills for other problems, but even with them my nightmares would wake me up. I started sleeping during the day because I wouldn't have nightmares. I was under a lot of stress emotionally and with school. I cut out reading scary books and watching movies and police dramas since most of my nightmares had situations that stemmed from plots in those. Some of the worst nights I'd leave a light on, just so when I woke up I'd see the warm glow and not a dark empty room.
  11. You can make a cake with almond flour instead of regular flour, there are so good recipes on the web, google "almond flour" and cake. I made a chocolate one with Splenda its not the same texture as a regular cake and the artificial sweeteners can taste funny after years of real cake, but I liked it and since its very, very low carb its not a that far off the diet plan. There are several restaurants, Applebees for one, that have lower carb menu items. Eating out can be hard, but salads and steamed veggies are usually available at most places. You could always cook him a nice meal yourself. If he bought the South Beach book take a look at the meals and maybe cook one he hasn't tried.
  12. I don't see how telling the truth can be arrogant especially since the majority of the students at my school are engineering, science or math.
  13. But if you go fast enough you will eventually reach the manifold's natural frequency and well no bolts are going to help with what happens.
  14. She's not worth it, drop her and find someone who will treat you better.
  15. But its also fun discuss how to pronounce Kant with a guy from Japan who says it like a bad word for female reporductive organs. Which is even more fun when that guy starts yelling Kant (mispronounced) in the bar.
  16. But thats also what I use everyday, all day long and I love my work. Manifolds are the basis for all my research and happen to be an important part of most of the work of people I know. Did I mention I'm at an engineering school and most men I run accross should have a idea what I'm talking about. Its not so much a interesting topic in and of itself, but the use of it; however, is by far what is most important to me. Its a great tool for finding interplanetary transits. It can be used for much more beyond that and granted mathy and engineering people are more inclined to know what it is, the environment I'm in its not so much a "shoo away".
  17. Maybe the guy got tired of being used and went to find someone who want to share their life as a whole with him.
  18. But asking their opinions and view on those subjects is what the point of interest would be. Starting a debate and adressing a topic that is important to you. Like I said in my post I would ask their view because such things can be taken to mean different things by the method of your logic. If you would walk a way because I asked you about something you didn't understand, how is that not being intimidated, instead you should say "I don't know what that is, why not talk about this..." or "Why don't you explain that to me".
  19. Part of the problem is that I get frustrated being treated like I'm stupid or slow because I can't express my thoughts because of my aphasia. Like right now I'm taking forever to type this message because I can't find the words to express whats in my mind, but at the same time I'm also working on my research programming just fine. Its not so much quantum physics as orbital mechanics and astrodynamics .
  20. I am gifted, IQ~136, I'm an MS student in astronautical engineering. I have my ditsy moments, why, because I'm aphasic. Its not an act, I have and extensive vocab and highly educated in physics and mathematics, but there are times when my mind just can not communicate. Couple that with my generally pleasant personality and you get what most people would consider playing dumb. I hate it! and I hate the men it can attract, but if a guy hits on me at a bar and starts treating me like I'm an idiot, he's not got a chance, if they don't leave me alone I'll ask them their view of the Stable Manifold Theorem or Newtonian vs Eulerian approaches to dynamical problems. Yes, I know I have a chip on my shoulder, but its only evident when under provocation.
  21. I'd like my guy wandering around in his b-day suit. I love male fuzziness and their shape. I don't even mind if the guys a little padded. I sleep nekked on occasion and would enjoy an warm similarly bare bed buddy.
  22. Dee, please stop hurting yourself, you don't need to add anymore pain. I cut and all it gave me was scars, it doesn't make the emotions stop and it doesn't change the past. What happened to you was wrong, your mother should have done more and treated you better, but for all that should have been different it wasn't. The only thing you have now is to take control of yourself and change your future. Don't hurt yourself anymore, when you feel the urge to burn or cut yourself mark your arms with red or black marker. Or wear a rubber band around your wrist, when you feel the need, stretch the rubber band and let it snap your skin. Try doing some activity like working out or drawing. I paint and write when I get really upset. Above all else, please don't hurt yourself anymore.
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