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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. I've not had sex either, but I don't really feel masturbation is making love to myself. It's more a sexual outlet. I pretty sure my fingers and my battery op buddy are no where near the intimacy and closeness that you get from being with some you love.
  2. LOL, at least it wasn't rolling over and passing out. Although with some guys that might be a blessing.
  3. Well, if I'm rocking your world, warming isn't that big a deal...
  4. I love being silly, my group of friends has an on going conversation about who would win if a hippo and a polar bear had a fight. We started it when we were slightly drunk one night and every time we have a few beers we start laughing about it again. We also have a lot of pretty serious discussions that are very stimulating, but we tend to run more towards the silly side and lots of laughing. I very much agree with the spending time being quiet together is also very important. I like the idea of just sitting in a hammock with my guy watching the sky and sucking up the sun. Being peaceful and together would to me show the strength of the relationship, like you said communication without talking Do I come off as arrogant? I'm not this confrontational with people in real life, I sadly get a false bravado from the whole "facelessness" sense with the internet. Until college, being intelligent was never really rewarded at the schools I went to, most of the attention was put on sports. I've spent a lot of time being called names like nerd and geek because I could get A's in physics and math. In my experiences intelligence has been a stigma. I have been gifted with mathematics and I never gloat or bode it over anyone, I love teaching and helping others learn, if someone doesn't understand something my immediate urge is to help them. I'm also very curious, I have a tendency to ask questions about everything, I don't always have a good sense of propriety because my desire to learn and gain knowledge is so intense.
  5. I started yoga for my back and I can calm my thoughts a little while I do the stretches since I concentrate on breathing and being in the correct position, but even then there's always little stuff going on in the background.
  6. Tylercdurden2004, well I guess we'll never date, oh darn... Me and my boring self know what I like and changing that just to win a man is very much against my principals. I don't debate all the time, I don't talk about work all the time, politics, religion, philosophy, whatever. I like a large variety of things and generally can converse about most anything (with the exception of TV or hiphop music). Most of my opinions are drawn from how my emotions and logic work together, I rely on my gut feelings about people and situations. I really don't think logic is applicable to the whole world. I think you and I have very different approaches to how we get to know a person. I don't think either way you do it matters so much as finding someone who will respect you for yourself and treat you well. PS: As for turning off your brain, I envy that, I really can't. I take sleeping pills so I can get some sleep because even though I'm physically exhausted my mind is still buzzing along at its own insane pace. Without drugs I'd be awake for days.
  7. For all the guys on here that say "I like smart girls", cute, and whatever, why are there none of you around me? I chose engineering over art school, but art still very much a passion. I love to read and enjoy quirky movies and theater. I've also been told I'm very cute and funny. However, I've remained single for so long I honestly thought I'd never date. I like to talk about serious topics when I'm relaxing because I think debate is fun, this doesn't exclude my work, its as open a topic as anything. I know a lot about what I do and I really love what I do. I know a lot of people don't like to talk about work, but why should it be such an issue if a women enjoys her work and wants to talk about it? It seems like such a petty reason to reject someone. Is it such a horror that someone doesn't spend their free time watching television or just converting oxygen to carbon dioxide?
  8. I've always thought overly intimate shows of affection in public were tacky. I don't want to see some guy mackin' on his chick and I highly doubt anyone will want to see me with my guy. I've always thought holding hands and little pecks were fine, but the face sucking is not for show.
  9. Not some of these... Its not just being shy or socially inept (that I can handle), some of them are just not made for life outside the lab.
  10. I have to agree with Charley, that I don't think men really mature until their late 20's, then they start to look for women that will make mates and not just nice arm ornaments. There are some men that will never grow up and will always feel the need to compensate for whatever short comings they have by having a beautiful woman that won't challenge his authority or dominance. I think it comes down to the issue of men being insecure if they are not the dominant or superior individual in the relationship. I've seen several posts on this site alone, where guys who are obviously very insecure, spouting the need to be dominate in the relationship. Intelligence is often a factor in how well you can dominate another person. Intelligent women are very often not submissive or willing to tolerate treatment that does not show full respect for them as an individual. I'm a minority in my major, there are less than 20% women in engineering at my school as undergrads, there are even less graduate students that are female. The men I spend most of my time with have girlfriends that are no where near their intelligence. But then you also have to look at what the difference is between intelligent women and intelligent men. Studies have shown that intelligent women are more likely to have a broad range of interests and skills, while comparably intelligent men have much narrower areas beyond their immediate field. One of the sayings that engineering females have about dating within the school "The odds are good, but the goods are odd". Yes, it over simplifies the idea, but I've been in this setting for 7 years and not found any swoon worthy guys.
  11. I've had similar problems, it took me years to find the right products that didn't make me break out. I'm fastidious so I could never allow myself to be smelly or go without showering regularly. My skin suffers due to my self-conscious cleanliness, I have painfully dry skin, but I still maintain the expected standard for the culture I was raised in. So don't think deodorant and soap is all good, it has its problems
  12. I lived with a guy that never wore deodorant, he washed every day, sometimes twice if he got sweaty. He was very much against using chemicals on his body that could be absorbed and cause problems later in life, his issue was that deodorant was shown to increase men's chances of prostate cancer. I lived with him for a year and never noticed any real odors, I wasn't intimate with him, but he did have girlfriends and they still seemed to like him after being close. There may also a cultural gap to be considered to. Americans are super anal about hygiene and bathing practices, not everyone else in the world share those views. Its just not an issue for them like it is to us.
  13. I happen to think that there are times when f*ck, bang, bone, screw, hump, bump uglies, whatever, are the expression of the lust and raw need for sex. There are times when you want love and affection and what you and your partner are doing together is beyond just sex, you make love to them. There are as many ways to have sex as there are people, everyone has their preferences as to what they like. If you like dirty talk or don't, its something you need to tell your partner if its such an important turn on/off.
  14. Maybe its the churchs I've gone to, but for me they never seemed like hunting grounds. I really wonder about guys that do just go to church to pick up chicks. Coffee shops are usually good places to meet people, you just have to be careful who you bug because some girls (like me) want time alone with their coffee.
  15. What I want to do requires a degree. There are many jobs that are the same, they can only be done with extensive education. It really depends on what you want to do, if you love working on cars you can go to a tech school save money on your schooling, but still get a good paying job. However, if you want to design those cars, you'll need a BS in engineering at the very least. It also depends on how much work you're willing to put into your further education. At my school, only about 60% of entering students will actually graduate with an engineering degree.
  16. Short answer: no. Longer answer: If you find a person who loves you, treats you with respect, and cares for you, what does it matter when they were born in comparison to your own date of birth. Different people mature differently, too. Most of the guys in my generation aren't as my mature as I would prefer, so I don't date them.
  17. I think spider veins are only treatable through surgery. I have a couple and you can see them when I wear shorts, I don't worry about them, but thats because I'm real and I don't airbrush my body every time I leave the house.
  18. Cellulite is due to the way the fat collects under your skin. There is nothing that really fixes it since its due to the fibers connecting the skin to the muscle doesn't stretch well as the fat cells collect in the space under the skin. Some skin types are more prone to it no matter the body fat of the individual. The miracle cures are bunk, nearly all women have it and if a guy can't handle an few lumps then he's a worthless person.
  19. Prozac was originally used for treatment of back pain. It was discovered it made the people feel better emotionally more then it relieved back pain. I kind of liked it as an anti-d and for my back, but I developed a resistance and had to change. Now I take 2 meds Lexapro and Alieve, one pill instead of four was nice and didn't hurt my tummy as much.
  20. Tell him to get his back waxed and then the next day leave him. This guy is a jerk. How could anyone say they love you, then tell you that you need to put poison in your face? This is not an expression of love or care, its a shallow and superficial demand. If he thinks being so critical of you is a gift, I hope he kept the receipt. Kick him to the curb!!!
  21. Maybe you should be specific that you want to be with her alone. If a you say "hang out", she probably thinks you mean just spending time with friends, no big deal, but if you meant date, you should say date. This isn't naivete, its a miscommunication.
  22. But don't expect many women to accept you when your manly man attitude is treating her like a number in the boning line.
  23. I spent most of my senior year crying and hating school. I was working on projects and homework from 9am till 3-4am on a regular basis. I'd go to class, skip meals, lived on caffeine and studied constantly. I'd not sleep at least once a week and was even awake for over 55 hrs working on a project. I think the only thing that got me through were some very good friends. We did homework together and instead of being serious about it all the time we'd try to have some fun. Sometimes you just need to take the time to stop for a long dinner with friends or a movie. For me crying helped a lot, I always felt better after a sob, it relieved a lot of the tension.
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