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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. I went through a period of time where I seriously hated most people. I don't like people even now, but I tolerate them more. I don't think its wrong to not like people because most people aren't exactly very friendly or considerate any more. There are those individuals that are different, but they are hard to find. I figured they'll be easier to find if I'm friendly to everyone , if they respond by being nice, I might make them a friend, if they continue the rude routine, they go to the poo pile with the rest.
  2. Send her a post card and call maybe 1-2 times. Bring her back something small and inexpensive just to show her you were thinking of her.
  3. If she is being considerate why is this bad? Would you not want your own neighbors to be concerned that they're TV is intruding on you? I live in an apartment that has good sound control from side-to-side, but up and down is not very good. I can hear most of what goes on upstairs, including some talking and always the TV and radio, I hate it, why because it interferes with my music or TV. I'm aware of the volume of my TV and music because I don't want to be rude to the guy living below who I never hear anything from. I have had to speak to my upstairs neighbor before, which I honestly shouldn't have to do. If you can hear the TV at 15 fine, then 75 will most likely be very loud. Talk to your neighbors, bring your GF with you and have her hear what they say.
  4. LOL!!! On a more serious note... I don't find it gross or pathetic. A man doesn't lose his sexual desires after 40 and 20 something women are not instantly less attractive when men turn 40. They are men, no less so than the younger guys. Like Dako said I think older men are more appreciative of women in general. If a guy looks at me no matter his age, I take it as a compliment. If he stares like a lecher then it does get uncomfortable, but that is true for young guys as it is for older men.
  5. I'd say get your hearing tested. I know my dad and brother have horrible hearing because they do blast the sound on everything. They do exactly what you're doing, blaming the women for complaining its too loud. My Mom and I are not sensitive to sound, we just haven't ruined our ears with years of excessive exposure to loud sounds.
  6. Yep, all of it, I'm flexible and sometimes a mirror.
  7. I use a Venus razor and I think I use Curel lotion, I've tried a lot of different things, but this is what works for me Experimentation is always fun (expect when it goes wrong ).
  8. I usually slather up with lotion the night before I'm going to shave. I've found that depending on the water quality the shaving products don't always work as good as a nice moisturizing soap (hard water = razor burn ). I shower with hot water and wait to shave near the end so the hair can soften and the pours open more. I shave with the grain first and then against the grain (sometimes only with the grain depending on how freaked my skin is). After I get out I put on lotion right away and sometimes I use Bikini Zone. The newer the razor the less razor burn and cuts. I then will put lotion on once or twice a day, I've found that the more often I use lotion the less problems I have with ingrown hairs and the hair isn't as corse so I don't need to shave as soon. I know where my problem areas are (places more prone to ingrown hairs) and keep an eye on them, I'll do a spot checks after shaving to make sure I got it all.
  9. I just really like fuzz and curls, I suppose for hygenic reasons its ok, but I still prefer fur.
  10. You say it wasn't a big deal, but here you are making a big deal about it. I really think you're over reacting. She may not have planned to go with her friend, but if you said its not that important and her friend wanted her to talk to, its an easy choice.
  11. I personally don't understand the desire to have a partner shave or wax. Hairless men just look weird to me. However, I do shave, everything, I do so because I get fewer ingrown hairs, my doc suggested it since I've had bad skin and get cysts and scars. I don't like wax since I have pretty sensitive skin and it causes more damage than good.
  12. My Mom stopped sleeping in the same bed as my Dad because he snores like a band saw and moves around a lot. He had a surgery on his nose and palette, but he's even louder. You can be on the other side of the house with the door closed and still hear him. My Mom also has back problems and if she gets jostled while she's trying to sleep it causes her pain. She sleeps in a different room with the door closed to avoid the snores, but still has back pain, but to a lesser degree. Sleep is a very important part of our health, not enough or poor quality can drastically effect your mood. If you have trouble sharing a bed, but still have a great relationship otherwise its not that serious of an issue. I think for the good of both of individuals should be weighed and not just whether they fall into some cultural ideal.
  13. I agree and disagree with this. My intelligence in no way effects my horniness, I'm very interested in sex and often get distracted from my work because of a dirty wandering mind. I don't believe in having sex with random guys, which seems to be a deciding point of attraction for most young men. If a guy takes the time to get to know me and be in a relationship then I will probably be jumping his bones more than he can handle.
  14. Research has shown that support is a must during any activities that cause major shifting in the breasts, such as jogging, aerobics, ect. The reason for this is the Coopers ligament stretches over time, this is the natural support of the breast. When you bounce too much it will cause the delicate ligament to become less and less elastic and eventually leading to sagging breasts. This of course is a natural part of aging, but unsupported movement from exercise can cause it to occur prematurely. I'm from a family predisposed to breast cancer, so I do my monthly exams and plan to have a mammogram at 30. I am very much against breast implants for one major reason, the greatly impede cancer screening. The implants make it difficult to distinguish abnormal tissue and not to mention the large amount of scar tissue created also changes the breasts geography. My girls and eye don't always see eye to eye since I'd rather they were a size or two smaller. I do my best to take care of them since they are a part of me and maybe one day they might get to be used for their real purpose (nah ).
  15. Why wouldn't you be happy for her being happy? I don't see how someone being happy could cause you to be intimidated.
  16. So true! My advisor is a woman and I am vastly intimidated by her intelligence, even for as personable and friendly as she is. As a teacher she is wonderful beyond words and as a researcher she has accomplished so much, I feel like a pipsqueak by comparison. I doubt her effect on me as a academic would be any different had she been male, but she as a person is what I think I like most about her which I have seen in very few male profs.
  17. I have a good friend that was in a long relationship that turned out to be very unstable. Her BF was mentally off and manipulated and emotionally abused her. She broke it off with him and was a few weeks later at a friends birthday party, she ran into a guy she knew for years. She said it was like the first sunshine after a bitter black thunderstorm. Before the end of the party then were planning to move in together, get a dog, and eventually get married. They are one of the happiest couples I know.
  18. If its a fairly new relationship then before the date try to think up a bunch of topics you can discuss that may draw out a conversation and interest you date. When you hit one of those lulls, interject on of your predetermined topics and see how it plays the filed. You can be very smooth if you're prepared for overcoming faults. Lean back sip your beverage and toss out a thought, just keep the guise that you're cool whit what happens. So stream of concisions convo can go for hours, but it is for the much more advanced lunatic
  19. Make sure you drink lots of water and be careful not to expose the burn to more sun. Take anti-inflammatories like Ibuprofen and use aloe maybe with vitamin E. Keep an eye on the area, only use mind soaps and avoid scrubbing, just sweep the area lightly with soap and rinse immediately. There are some topical products for the skin with antibacterial agents and what not, I'd avoid them because they can cause more irritation. I think there's a creme called "After Burn" that is made for sun burn care.
  20. I don't think this is so much about the fact she's clubbing as much as whether or not you trust her. I had a roommate that went to clubs just to dance, she wasn't interested in guys, getting laid or anything beyond loud music (she didn't even drink). She got up the next day and went to church. So the real question is "Do you trust your girlfriend?".
  21. Its never too late to change. As long as you are willing to step outside you sphere of comfort you do anything you put your mind to. I've spent the past couple of years trying to come out of my shell. I had to do somethings that used to scare me to death, like talking to people, being myself, or shrinking from all attention. Its not going to be easy, but you can do it. I wish you luck!
  22. Ditto, I take Ambien and found it to be the best help. Lunesta made me sick and most other things leave me hung over feeling.
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