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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. Send the cookies tomorrow and keep the scarf until its ready. Then give it to him when you're together. Are you knitting the scarf? Be careful with the heat on the iron some of the new fibers in yarn don't hold up too well. I'd steam it and not do direct contact with the iron and then block it. Do you know how to block a knit?
  2. You can fight back and take a stand for yourself, but that baby won't be able to. What happens when he gets drunk and the baby is crying and he gets mad? What would he do to the baby? If he's willing to be physical with you while you're pregnant do you really think it will make much difference when the baby is born? This guy will not magically turn into a good father when your son is born, he will not give up drinking and smoking just because. You need to leave him. There are women's shelters every where, I suggest you look one up now and go there as soon as possible.
  3. For one, I don't care how much you like him, but if he's called you any names, he is not worth your time. Do you really want to continue a relationship with someone who would say something like that to you? Look at how he's acting, he's being a jerk. Please let go of him.
  4. I know I see women with ridiculous big rocks and all I think about is the crap that will get stuck in the prongs, how long it would take me to clean the setting, and how all my rings end up oval shaped with missing stones in no time.
  5. He doesn't sound like a good opportunity. Did you ever think he's only being nice to you so he can score? If the consensus is he's a jerk, why would he be so different for one girl? Also, why would someone ask for gifts? You give gifts, they aren't asked for. Even if they are virtual, that sounds pretty self-centered.
  6. I think you have the right to get upset. It is just a ring and the love behind it should matter more than the material item. It might be wise just to let things cool off for a day. I would say this was a red flag though since you've made it clear that you don't have the money and she continued to push a useless upgrade. Don't make this a MAN thing, that's not going to solve any thing just make the issue more complicated.
  7. He's being lazy and deserves to know that you don't get favors from people you treat like crap. "Not at Address" and back into the box.
  8. I'm a nerd so the GPS thing would be cool to me, but if I were pregnant I think the massage would be better.
  9. A foot massage. Hot rock massages are supposed to be very good. If you can't afford a spa pass for her, you could do the massage yourself. Start by drawing a big warm bubble bath where you wash her and have candles and soft music. Wash her back and massage her shoulders, back, arms and such. Then rinse and dry her, wrap her up in a big fuzzy robe and prop her up with pillows on the bed and massage her feet and legs. Fix a nice dinner with her favorite food and do everything, including the dishes.
  10. Maybe see if you study buddies want to hit the pub after a study session or a after lecture drink.
  11. I had saved the emails of the guy I had a crush on, after we had our falling out I deleted them, any history of reading them and his email. It made me feel better.
  12. I wouldn't spend the money to send his junk. I'd maybe send him an email telling him his junk and his check are in a box sitting outside your door, if he wants them he has to get them himself. I'd give him a day or two to pick it all up and then say the junk will be donated and the letter returned to sender. After that no more contact.
  13. Put "not at address" and give it back to the post man. I wouldn't even tell him you're not forwarding it. You aren't responsible for his things. If he can't take the time to get his mailing address changed its his problem. Drop all contact and never talk to him again. Block his email and his phone number.
  14. I like respect, but I also don't want a guy that will compromise his own beliefs just so we don't fight. If he disagrees about something, I want to hear it.
  15. I'd like to see a man pumped full of estrogen and see how well he responds. Male to female transgender patients, during the beginning of hormone therapy, have trouble adapting to the new emotional ups and downs. Estrogen is a neuro-protecting hormone any way, testosterone damages neurons.
  16. The less I see my brother the happier I am. Same for my Dad. My Mom encourages me to do anything.
  17. Its idiotic because it is a false assumption. The things you hold as being examples of how men and women act are all written by men and in times when women were expected to be baby factories. The idea the men and women are different is not at debate, its that women are accused of being controlled by their emotions and men are not. Both statement are false. Some women may be emotional and some men may be logical, but neither sex is going to be like that based on some GENERALIZATION. Supporting false ideals only perpetuates them and doesn't allow for any real growth in what people can become. You get assigned a role almost from the moment you are born by being put in a pink or blue blanket. Putting people into gender roles only limits their possibilities and by such limits or race. How can you say a culture is living to its fullest potential when it immediately relegates half the population to being emotional or incapable of constructive thought?
  18. Why does it matter what other people think about his sexuality? The only person's opinion that should matter on his sexuality is his. If you need to defend your boyfriend to your friends maybe you need to get new friends.
  19. Is there any one being emotional here? Joke or not, that's a pretty rude thing to say. Should we just ignore it, in other words, let men say what ever they please and not hold them accountable? There maybe freedom of speech, but you are liable for every thing you say.
  20. I think its a gross generalization. I may show my emotions, but they don't rule my thought process. I can't think emotionally, I have to be logical to do my work or decide what I'm going to do. I think that some consider it illogical when someone makes a decision they don't agree with, but for the person deciding, their choice based on a different point of view and a different logic. We all make decisions with a certain influence from emotions because unless we need something (like food, water, shelter) the things we decide about are usually wants and are not necessary for survival. I happen to think wanting something is always going to be based on some emotional response or desire. I also find a flaw in the men=logic, female=emotion, when I know many men that act out on the anger all the time, but claim to be logical creatures. Their bursts or fits of anger, rage, hostility, violence, being disconnected from emotion by being written off as men are just aggressive. A behavior that is HIGHLY emotional.
  21. You've had a months worth of unprotected sex. Then YES its a possiblity. Pulling out is not effective and BC takes up to a month of solid use to work. To be sure if she's pregnant you have to wait until after her first missed period.
  22. He may have done it because he was being nice and needed some exercise. He's been pretty clear that he's not interested in you, but you still pester him. He's probably not telling you anything because you don't have any right to ask or know.
  23. I have never even been on myspace, face book, or any other things like that. Guess I'm weird.
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