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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. I know several guys that wore engagement rings too. I always thought engagement rings were a waste of money. Kind of like a dog peeing to mark his territory. The whole diamond engagement ring thing was actually started by DeBeers, a diamond mining company that all but directly enslaved its workers. There are millions of diamonds sitting in Swiss vaults so that they can control the market, only letting a few out every now and then. Of course this veiw is due to the fact my Mom payed for most of my parents wedding and their rings, they saved the money for the engagement ring for their first house.
  2. Blanket, bottle of fairly cheap, but still decent tasting wine, some cheese, grapes, and other small things you can feed eat other and then some filling homemade food that travels well, sandwhiches, pocket parties (could be meat or fruit), avoid stuff that is messy or needs utensils. Find a nice park or field and spread out. Take a long time just talking or watching the sky together. If its not too hot cuddle and maybe try a few tickles.
  3. Don't call him. Move on, if he finally takes the time to call, tell him you're done with him.
  4. I do that too, the more tight the skin the closer the shave. I use Bikini zone cream and lotion on my upper thighs and bikini area. I put the lotion on before and after shaving, I found that wet lotion is a great lubricant for shaving with a good moisturizing soap. The shave gels have always dried my skin, with those I found only using a thin film of suds works. Sharp razors are a must. I usually avoid shaving during menstruation since there's an greater chance of spreading bacteria to the hair follicles and getting an infection. I don't know how many other people have issues with that, but I've had a few cysts from irritated follicles getting infected.
  5. My thoughts exactly. You did break up with her, so you shouldn't expect her to be happy to be around you. Even if you didn't mean to say it, you did and obviously it was very hurtful. Let her go, all you're doing is perpetuating the pain. Maybe next time when you have a fight with a GF you'll remember not to let yourself get out of control and say things you don't mean.
  6. I think the phrase, use it or lose it, applies well here. You're body most likely has "forgotten" the wear and tear of football if you haven't played in awhile. Its like for me, over the winter my hands get soft and all my calluses are gone by spring. When I work in my garden the first few times my hands hurt like crazy until I get those calluses back. You should keep your feet elevated and put some ice on it to help reduce the swelling. Take some Ibuprofen and keep and eye on it. If the swelling and pain doesn't improve in another day you might think about talking to the doctor. Maybe next time you play footie, don't play as hard and ease yourself back into the game.
  7. From the sound of things you need to accept that he has the right to be very angry. You're too focused on yourself and your feelings when you should focus on him. If you really want this to work, you need to get over yourself. You have committed a heinous act of betrayal, in my book that would mean permanent removal from my life. Even with supplication he does not have to take you back. Stop working with the guy you cheated with, open yourself totally to your BF, tell him everything, make him aware that you are putting your whole life on viewing. You will have a very long road ahead gaining his trust.
  8. I happen to think guys that ask you out should pay for that date (or if the girl asks she pays). After that everything is 50/50. I don't think someone going on a date and not having money is a responsible person. Forgetting a wallet one time is fine, but always asking for $ is not right, there are ATMs everywhere and credit cards are even accepted at McD's now, there is no reason for him not to pay his own way. If I was with a guy that did that all the time I'd start asking for separate checks and indirect way of saying "I'm only paying for me, buddy".
  9. BIG BEAR HUG! Ren you are going to be so much better off. I hope you never talk to him again. Don't answer his calls, don't let him back in. This guy is so bad for you, but now you are free, YOU NEED TO FIGHT TO STAY THAT WAY. Good luck!
  10. I found those new Lithium batteries are great for toys, very long lasting .
  11. First and fore most, this is not your fault. Inviting a guy into your home whether your parents have approved or not is by no means grounds for you to be responsible for his horrible actions. This guy took advantage of you at the very least. You are not to blame for this, HE IS. You need to take action against this guy no matter how you feel. What he did to you was wrong and the fact that he has gotten away with it will further encourage him to do it again, maybe not to you, but to some else just as innocent. The police should be told about this. They may not file charges, but they will most likely keep an eye on him as a possible sexual predator. If he has continued to contact you without provocation, you may have cause to file for a restraining order or file charges for harassment. Please don't just let this slip by, think of what else he may do to other women because he wasn't disciplined now. He needs to shown that this was unacceptable and you are not complaisant to his whims.
  12. Things only have as much value as you place on them. Money is just another thing. In the desert water is the most valuable thing because it is necessary for survival. Most of the stuff people use their money on nowadays is not necessary. To me money is a means to keep my roof over my head and water and power going. I have more fun walking to class on a sunny day than I do watching some movie full of explosions. You should talk with your boyfriend and find things to do together that you will both value and not need to spend money on. Walking on a trail, sitting in a park, or cheap things like TV and popcorn. The importance of being together should be the intimacy and care you feel, not the price tag attached to the evening.
  13. And everyone else.... geesh, does anyone have a towel...?
  14. But this is yet again another horrible generalization. Maybe your appraisal of women is the problem here, you seem to like making erroneous statements, so how can we take anything you say seriously.
  15. LOL, you're so funny, no wait, I'm totally offended by that!
  16. I'm not gay, but I've been told I flirt with just about everyone. I pretty much treat everyone the same so I guess the same flirting tactics apply.
  17. One thing I think you need to say to him is "GOODBYE". Yes you lied, but if he choses to act like this in return, your lie is so miniscule by comparison. He doesn't respect you and you don't deserve that. One mistake is different from purposefully being hurtful and perpetuating the unhappiness. He is being immature and self-righteous. Think of how long this could go on, do you really want to continue to feel the way you do? How could a healthy relationship be possible if one member of it is always trying to punish the other. You need to tell him its over and maintain NC and move on to better, more mature partners who will accept that you are a human, just like them.
  18. TSS is due to the residues left over by the chemical bleaching that is used to make the cotton so white. If you used natural or alternative products there will be no TSS. Even using regular pads can still cause TSS. If you or your mother are so concerned I suggest looking at the various products available. One website I know of is link removed they have a large range of natural products. You should stick to the regular flow tampons, the risk of TSS goes up with the higher the absorbency. The applicators that cover the tip of the cotton are easier to use. There are plastics, paper and some that don't come with applicators. The shapes are all about the same, there are some that come in a slimmer size that would probably be a good idea to start with if you never used them before. The first couple times you use tampons can be difficult, the key is to relax the muscles of your vagina and be very gentle, don't force it.
  19. Ignore him, don't even give him a second thought. You don't need to suffer any more, he's gone and you shouldn't give him a chance to even be a friend. He's not worth even that.
  20. I had an obsession, I thought it was love, but when I think about it now I know it wasn't love. Love doesn't hurt like that did, it really was a dark and horrible feeling. I know what love should really feel like, it doesn't make you feel broken or worthless, it doesn't make you feel insignificant and ignored, obession does that. Love is happiness and warmth, you may hurt when you miss the one you love, but it's a bitter-sweet hurt. You know your love misses you too and when you meet all that disolves in an instant. Seeing your obsession only fuels the pain and makes you more obsessed.
  21. It sounds like he's acting out, a professional could help you find solutions that don't require medication by helping him have more self control and helping you to deal with him better.
  22. Come sit in the boat next to me. I don't mind if you rock it a little... My older brother is nearly 29 and the same way.
  23. I highly doubt I could be confused with a pre-adolescent, but it does seem kinda gross to think some guys would get turned on by the hairless look for that reason. I kinda think it has more to do with the fact that they can see more and no fur in the throat and teeth when they do take the dive.
  24. Women aren't mind readers, if you expect something in a relationship say it out loud. You talk about how she was lacking on the communication side, but you yourself didn't tell her something directly about how you felt about aspect of the relationship then its your fault too. Did you make her your #1 priority, give her everything you expected in return?
  25. I agree, I like older men, but I'm sure as heck not going to date someone who sees me like a child. The reason that most women like men older than themselves is due to the level of development as an person. They are more aware of who they are and are not usually driven by a stupid youthful sense to prove their manliness at every turn. They're stable and usually more reliable and responsible.
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