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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. I tell my Mom all the time and I hug her a lot, she's my best friend, my Dad, I don't remember the last time.
  2. 2 weeks is a very short time for something as significant as this. A betrayal like this may take months to regain trust, if ever. I don't think so, if he just wanted the benefits, he would have dropped you in a heart beat. After 2 weeks, I would say the hurt is still very fresh and he's expressing his anger. If he's torturing you, always berating you, calling you names, being mentally abusive, then yes that is unacceptable. But if he is saying things that are showing his hurt, then that is how it will be, in his anger he may say some nasty things, but what do you expect. In you're other posts you had been upset that he wouldn't commit to you, but the fact that you cheated shows you are really the one unable to commit. If he wasn't committed then I doubt he would be so hurt.
  3. I don't "try on last names" for one because I don't plan on giving mine up. I don't think about kids cuz I don't want any. Marriage used to seem important to me, but now I'm happy and I don't really think marriage is in my future any time soon. I'm happier as a person now that I've spent time finding out who I am without dragging someone else into the soul searching.
  4. I don't see you're point in this. What do you expect from him? You can't ask him to forgive and forget, he will need his own time to heal, you can not rush this or force it. If you want his trust again, you must be patient and show him you are going to stay with him threw his pain. Don't bring up his cheating, because two wrongs won't make it right and it is no reason for you to cheat. This isn't something you should get him to relate with and he didn't cheat on you, he cheated with you, so you are as guilty a part in his previous mistakes.
  5. I liked the track they had at my HS, it had a rubberized surface that was cushioned and made jogging less painful than the run around the hardwood in the gym. I prefer the grass though.
  6. Run slower and longer, you use more calories prolonging it then if you burn all your energy on sprints and it won't over stress your body. You really should build up your exertion. Running long distances you should run on the flat of your foot, it absorbs the shock better and you don't fatigue as quickly.
  7. Well you've got such a pretty dress on, why not run off and show it to the world. I mean really, tuxes are a dime a dozen, no one really goes to see a tux.
  8. I always treat people as friendly as I can, which usually gives the best results. Just smile and be polite, if she's interested she'll be friendly and if you talk about things she may start to show more excitement with the topic by leaning in or being more gesticulator and sitting casually and open towards you. Uninterested people tend to sit more rigidly and closed off and don't lean into the conversation. Look at the facial expressions, watch their eyes, pupils dilate and the eye widen when excited, if not they may look bored or not even make eye-contact.
  9. Maybe its the way you approach them. If you know a girl is attached you probably don't act like you're interested, while with singles you may inadvertently be acting overly interested. Not all single women want to get hit on and being single is by no means a reason to be hit on. I think friendliness is a marker for interest, the more interest the more friendly. You may not be what they're looking for or they maybe shy, who knows, all women are different. You should really look at how you approach them to see if you do treat them differently.
  10. Wow thats a toughy. You'll need a gel for that look, but with fine hair you'll need to keep the gels light. Don't glop it on. I think that creams are supposed to be light weight and still offer hold. You'll want to get a gel that gives some shine (since they can be dulling) but not to much (so it still looks natural). I'm not so sure about what gels there are out there, but cheap isn't always the best.
  11. Granny smith apples are the best in pies and I always peel mine so the texture is more even. Pumpkin or banana bread are easy and yummy with a little cream cheese (I always add extra chopped pecans). I like the note idea, but I'd just keep it in English.
  12. What the texture of your hair (course/fine) and what kind of style are you going for (spikey/natural/tamed)?
  13. I'd go for the good old apple pie or sweet bread. Apple is a good base since I've never heard about anyone being allergic or not liking apples. Apple pie, where's my Betty Crocker cook book.... PS: I think it's great you went to say hi, especially if your kids are playing together. Most parents don't seem to show that much interest in who their kids play with anymore.
  14. Women's RIGHTS have come a long way, women have been doing alot for this world just as long as men have, we've been right next to the guys the whole time, except we were asked to take a step back so the men could be seen.
  15. In the US, most states are $5.15 an hour for minimum wage, you should check your state link removed. And here are work hours that would apply to you as well. link removed If your boss isn't meeting these standards they could get in some serious trouble, not to mention later on in life you may have income tax problems because you're not paying them now.
  16. I wish you luck. Its going to take time, so just be patient and if you put in the effort you should see good results.
  17. Are there trust issues that you haven't mentioned? I have close male friend that I've done "date" or BF/GF type things with, but we were friends and they weren't dates. He was very important to me when I had a train wreck in my love life, as was I when his GF dumped him. If my BF asked me not to see him it would be very hurtful to me because I care about both of them and I don't feel I should have to choose. I know my BF has close female friends, I know he does a lot for them. I'm glad they have him as a friend because I know how wonderful a guy he is and it wouldn't be fair to him, them or myself to restrict or hamper him as an individual.
  18. I think that if you fill her emotional needs as her partner she will find less and less reason to see her friend. You shouldn't ask her not to see him since he was an important part of her support structure and she would probably see that as controlling. I don't think you should mention or allude to this matter in any way, if anything you can use it as a barometer to the health of your relationship, the less she needs him the better you are doing. If your reconciliation was recent, there will be a time to rebuild that she may still need him to talk to and adjust to your renewed interest.
  19. I'm not fond of kids so for me it would be a lot to take in, but for someone who already has their own and know you have one already, I doubt telling her about your son is going to be that shocking. I think it speaks a lot for you as a guy since most often children are placed with the mother.
  20. So now its a matter of bravery? I know more women who want to get married and are brave enough to make that commitment, but its the guys chickening out all the time that won't say yes.
  21. Thought this tid bit might interest every one. link removed Scroll down to the marriage proposal section. I found this out when I went to Ireland a few years ago.
  22. I've done some lapidary work and have become pretty familiar with stones, I'd rather set a piece of glass than touch a deBeers diamond, to me they're as bad as conflict diamonds. If I'm going to wear a stone that is special, it'd be a star sapphire set in platinum (I'm rough on settings, platinum is harder than gold or silver and I'm not allergic to it).
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