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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. More than just that there are significant issues with muscle atrophy and bone loss. The artificial gravity is a good idea, but the fact is there are somethings that are not meant to be done space, our bodies have spent millions of years developing in the presense 9.8m/s^2 of gravity, micro-g is not a healthy environ for adults let alone fetuses.
  2. Stop it before it goes anywhere. This is not just chemistry, this is the father of 3 boys and the husband of another woman. Do you really want to start something with a man that you know is cheating on someone and dishonoring his promises and betraying his family. This is not about you and him when there are children because those children don't deserve to be treated like this. Respect them and his wife, think about the pain they will suffer. Don't wonder about what his motivations are, its just a scape goat or excuse to make the cheating seem less horrible. It doesn't matter if his wife is an ogre or if she doesn't sleep with him or if he just wants to see if he can bag another girl, you don't need to enable him to do any of it. Cut it off, he's not worth it.
  3. Actually I have no tool, my VAGINA (cuz I'm a girl) is muscles.
  4. Stretching by Bob Anderson I started using this book as a warm up for all my exercise routines (it has sets designed for specific activities) and found I felt so great that it made my work out easier and my body was ready to go.
  5. Generally speaking cotton is always a good way to go, it breaths well so you can cover more without getting too hot. I like the summer stuff that Old Navy had this season, the linen skirts are cute and comfy and the tops cover enough to stay conservative and cool. Plus its cheap. I always go with the idea of only showing off one thing at a time, if I wear a low cut blouse I wear jeans or a longer skirt, short skirt and a more conservative top. If you go all low cut and short skirt that tends to look more 5luty and tacky.
  6. My very hard to please prof seems to be very excited about my new work. I'm happy with it too, I feel like I have some great data and ideas and my thesis will be very interesting. My other group members were impressed by my presentation today. My work is actually fun for me.
  7. I recently came accross a link to a site for the benefit of trans men that can't afford top surgery. link removed I'm not sure about the other costs involved, but I know most programs require commitment to the change involving hormone and psychological therapy that are not included in the cost of the surgery alone. There is also the time involved, I think most re-assignments take a couple years.
  8. Neither. I think their negatives are both serious things I'd not want to deal with in a relationship.
  9. I don't know any words of comfort that could assuage the pain of losing a loved one. I've said goodbye to several furry friends, each one was a loss I could only imagine a parent feels losing a child. Remember the sweet times and the love.
  10. This guy sounds very inconsiderate and only out for sex. I'd say you were better off without him, its good you said no. Any one who says "lets just have sex because I don't want to spend too much time with you" is not worth wasting you time on. My question is how do you know this was a new girl? Are you sure its not just a co-worker or another friend?
  11. Some light spotting prior to menstruation after intercourse is not unusual. You're cervix could have been injured if the sex was fairly rough. You should see a doctor to make sure there wasn't serious damage done.
  12. Considering alcohol was the only anesthetic that was available up until the early 1800s, yes I'd say it will lessen your sense of pain. It will not, however, make the injuries sustained during the drunken episode any less. If you burn yourself now, you will still feel it tomorrow.
  13. I like mature men. That doesn't mean they have to be older. I happen to think you are a mature person and think you have a good head on your shoulders. If a woman can't see that and respect you for that, then do you really want to be with her?
  14. Hire a bouncer or something for the party and give him a good description of this weirdo. If she comes to the party uninvited then she's trespassing and you can call the police. Restrain her, call the cops and press charges. If she does anything write it down with date and times, like the phone calls keep a pad and pencil by the phone. Have your GF save all the emails and keep them so you have them as evidence if you need to get a restraining order.
  15. It is illegal for you to be downloading porn, so it might be that has a impact on his view. It may not be what he likes, some guys just don't get turned on by the false and desensitized feel that porn has. I know several men that would rather have a real, warm woman that they care about nibble their ear then watch some inflated chested woman make faces and fake moans.
  16. It's so bittersweet. You make my heart ache reading this, knowing you had joy, knowing you had sorrow. Well done.
  17. Oh, butt cleavage is still in around my campus. The sorostitutes and fashion forward idiots wear low rise jeans and no undies so in the front you get to see part of their happy trails and in back its plumbers crack all the time.
  18. So does that mean people are going to start having the butt hair highlighted or those funny frostings.
  19. I don't think so, men look better with fuzz. Weeding is one thing, but shaving is just not right looking to me.
  20. Around here most of the strippers are college girls paying their tuition and bills. They make pretty good money. Its not like their all junkies or prostitutes, there are just very few jobs in the area and there are plenty of men willing to pay them to get nekked.
  21. Or they may just be happy to have someone to talk to.
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