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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. Have you changed your diet or done something different? I was skipping periods even without stress because women in my family have erratic cycles. You should take a PT just to be sure, if you had sex, you are at risk of pregnancy. If you want to wait for your BF to take it, assume its positive until then and take care to eat right and not use medications that are harmful to fetuses.
  2. Because they want to sleep with you. If you sleep with the guys that only compliment you on your physical attributes or will readily enter into sexual relationships without commitment, you are giving them what they want. You need to respect yourself and stop doing this, stop having sex with men that are not in a committed relationship with you. Demand that you are treated with respect by respecting yourself and caring about your body.
  3. My intelligence, artistic talent, my curiosity, and my sense of humor.
  4. I'm 25 and never had sex and up until recently never been in a relationship. Everyones idea of "normal" is different from the next persons, you don't have to fit a cookie cutter life, choose what you want to do.
  5. You don't have to put up with that. She obviously doesn't appreciate you or have enough maturity to understand the depth of a phobia. You should tell her to either respect you more for who you are or find herself a new boyfriend. You're too young to be stuck with someone who keeps putting you down, you've got enough stress just trying to grow up without her nagging you.
  6. I don't hate my dad, but I don't love him either. If I were to meet him on the street he would never become a friend of mine. I have little respect for him. I don't respect him because of how he he uses money to control my family, how selfish he is, how self-centered and arrogant he is. He spends thousands of dollars on needless junk, often buying the same item several times because he couldn't find the first one he bought. He yells at my mother for spending money for food, home repair items, and clothing. He gives my brother money, but refuses to pay for my last semester of college. He treats my Mom like dirt. I get angry at him, but I'm trying to keep it from consuming me. I don't want him to give me away at my wedding because I don't belong to him, I am my Mother's child, she's the only person I want there.
  7. I agree with Annie. This girl will not just change over night, she may never "catch up" to you. Some things can not be fixed by one caring person. It could take years for her to reach fully functioning levels and even then she may still have recurrences. You entered a relationship where you knew she was not an emotionally stable person. There may have been things about her you liked, but expecting a person who is emotionally underdeveloped to satisfy your needs when they can not do that for themselves is very unfair. She needs to heal, until that happens everyone else should be secondary, which means even you. She needs to focus on herself and her development, a conflict with a boyfriend that is emotionally draining will hinder her progress. She doesn't need that.
  8. I did South Beach which is a similar concept. I felt very tired the first week and had problems not eating fruit. I lost a good amount of weight and started to enjoy the recipes. I ate a lot of fish and chicken and didn't get much red meat. I loved the greens and ate a bunch of steamed veggies. Its mostly about discipline and keeping to the plan. It can be tempting and I had a jerk intentionally pushing off-plan foods on me, so you just have to be strong and think about how much this means to you.
  9. Nope, but you should get the agreement to split bills a set amount in writing. Get all the bills, so that everyone sees what is on the bills and then do the math together. Do you're roomies not have friends over? If they do it should even out. Don't let them take advantage of you. I had a crappy roomie that skipped out on bills a lot and was a slob, you have to take care of yourself.
  10. She chained her labia to her nipple?!?! Was it going to run away? I don't get chain stuff, it would freak me out to have as much metal in bed as guy.
  11. My old roomie had a tat that was like that, except hers was less obvious on her hip. I thought it was horrible and could have been something a lot more special. It was a bee, her initials were BEE, to me it was a bad rip off of some sports team logo that was poorly rendered.
  12. Meds helped me, but therapy was a waste of time because my therapist underestimated the depth of what was going on. I didn't trust or respect them and I think both are needed to develop a good rapport.
  13. I don't have any tats, but have thought of getting one, more earth tone sort of like a mehndi design. One of the sweetest guys I knew as an undergrad had full sleeves and his whole back done. He had scenes from the Sistine Chapel on one arm and back and tribal designs on the other arm. I never judged him by his tats, I thought he was a great guy because of his personality. I'm curious and appreciate the art of it so when I see a person with a really cool tat I would like to see it all. My friend laughed so hard when I asked him to take off his shirt, I didn't mean it to sound like a come on, I just wanted to see the ink work.
  14. I'd most likely get to have an alcoholic at mine, but I can't exactly tell my brother he's not invited.
  15. The guest book attendant makes sure everyone who comes in signs the book. Its a good way to make sure you absolutely know who was there for later reference like thank you notes or identifying people in pictures. I'd tell her this is the only way it's going to be, it is your wedding, your choice, she was asked to do it, said yes and then backed out. You were put in the situation of being without a maid of honor because she was not considerate anyone but herself. She can not dictate who will do what in your wedding or how she wants things to be, this is not her choice. She was already given the privilege to participate, but turned it down. It is a privilege as a friend to be a maid of honor, it is not her right. I would also tell her that her actions are causing stress and tension at a time when it is not needed, weddings are supposed to be joyful and loving, not a bitter fight over who sits where and does what. Be direct and honest, this is your choice, not hers.
  16. Be happy you were just dating and not married. My slogan for this guy "NEXT!"
  17. Make her pay for the dress and have her be the guest book attendant. She still gets to be there, but not as a freebee.
  18. I think this is pretty much the answer I was thinking. If she had truly cared about you and your wedding, she would have just sucked it up and spent the day ignoring the guy. The fact that you had to find and fit a whole knew person is not only a real hassle, but if you had already bought her dress, its costly. She's being very selfish and needs to be set straight, it was her choice to break her commitment, she has to suffer the consequences of that.
  19. She's not a friend, dump her. I dealt with a similar situation in HS, my best friend was a guy, I didn't have a crush on him, but he was a very special person to me. He started dating a mutual friend, I was skeptical considering this girl had previously told me when she slept with her ex she'd just take her promise ring off (a promise ring is a ring you get when you swear to not have sex until marriage). My best friend was very religious and thought that this girl was too, since what she told me was in confidence I didn't tell him. He eventually saw her for what was. After their break-up, she started spreading rumors about how they had sex and he mistreated her and so on. It was the last straw of her lies and pure meanness, I refused to talk to her and most of our friends followed suit. She ended up apologizing for the lies, but the smear she put on my friend's reputation could not be taken away by telling ME she was sorry, I told her to tell him. She never did so I never took her off my "black list".
  20. I sometimes play those horribly graphic video games, where I can go "kill" a few people. Exercise helps alot, but sometimes I get even more fired up after 45min of a hard work out since my blood gets pumping, if that happens I take an extra long time for my cool down and have a super hot shower to try to relax.
  21. Put a rubber band on your wrist and every time you feel like cutting pop yourself with the rubber band. Also, instead of cutting use a red marker and draw the cuts. These are just alternate ways to cope, the desire to cut will still be there, but as you learn to cope without doing real damage you will be more healthy.
  22. It depends on what you consider healing. Sexual gratification of this nature is not healing because there is no emotional development or growth. From what you describe its not a way to really help you move beyond the pain of your wife leaving you. This is at best a distraction and not necessarily a healthy one, it may just prolong you really getting around to addressing your person issues and dealing with your emotions.
  23. Contrary to what is said by most places laser hair removal is not 100% permanent. It can greatly reduce the hair, but the hair may grow back. The process can also cause scarring similar to burns and make your skin sensitive, including increased vulnerability to sun light.
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