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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. Eye contact, talk about what you do know, try not to speculate or make broad statements. If you don't know the people try not to be too opinionated, you don't want to start an argument about some super controversial topic at a dinner party if you're not a big name. Follow the example of the more experienced people, use your eyes and your ears. Observation is very helpful and can be key to finding out how to relate to people and get them to notice you.
  2. Do you really want a girl that likes guys that are jerks. There plenty of women in this world that don't like the male chauvinist pig act and actually want a nice guy. Think about what you're asking, do you want a girl that has self respect, intelligence, and respects you for who you are or do want the girl that lets guys treat her poorly or only likes you because you're a "bad boy". Maybe you don't need to change at all, maybe its the women you seek out are shallow. If you do kick the "Nice Guy" habit, what will that really mean about you as a person, that you can reduce women to sexual objects and treat them poorly or that you have no respect or consideration for others or better yet why not just start grabbing butts (which is sexual assault and any guy that did that to me at a bar would immediately be introduced to the bouncers).
  3. Why not just take a multi vitamin or suck on a banana
  4. She's being a jerk. She has no right to tell you how to grieve. You will heal in your own time. If she says anything like that again tell her just that. Make it clear that you can't bully a person out of the pain of losing someone.
  5. Extraversion |||||||||||||||||| 76% Stability |||||||||||||| 56% Orderliness |||||||||||||||| 63% Accommodation |||||||||||||||||||| 90% Interdependence |||||||||||||||||| 76% Intellectual |||||||||||||||||||| 83% Mystical |||||||||||| 43% Artistic |||||||||||||||||||| 90% Religious |||||||||| 36% Hedonism |||||||||||||||| 63% Materialism |||||||||||||||| 63% Narcissism |||||||||||||||||| 76% Of course I'm fabulous Adventurousness |||||||||| 36% Work ethic |||||||||||||||| 70% Self absorbed |||||||||||||| 56% Conflict seeking |||||||||| 36% Need to dominate |||||||||||| 50% Romantic |||||||||||||||| 70% Avoidant || 10% Anti-authority |||||||||||| 43% Wealth |||||| 30% Dependency |||| 16% Change averse |||||||||||| 43% Cautiousness |||||||||||| 50% Individuality |||||||||||||||||| 76% Sexuality |||||||||||||||| 63% Peter pan complex |||||| 30% Physical security |||||||||||||||||||| 83% Physical fitness |||||||||| 37% Histrionic |||| 16% Paranoia |||||||||||||||| 63% Vanity |||||||||| 36% Hypersensitivity |||||||||||||| 56% Female cliche |||||||||||||||| 63% Stability results were moderately high which suggests you are relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic. Orderliness results were moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly organized, reliable, neat, and hard working at the expense of flexibility, efficiency, spontaneity, and fun. Extraversion results were high which suggests you are overly talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting at the expense too often of developing your own individual interests and internally based identity.
  6. It is your choice to stay in the relationship or not. If you don't feel you are being treated fairly or that he is putting enough into it, tell him. Communication is the only way you can get accross that you are not happy. Men can't read minds, they don't always know the subtle signs that women are unhappy either. You have to tell them "I don't feel appreciated" or "I want more ....". You need to talk to him.
  7. One of my favorite sayings is "Smile it confuses them". I've found that being a friendlier person helped change how people respond to me. I used to hate people and leaving my room, but now I can't stand being shut up all the time. I've just made the point to be friendly to everyone, to smile, and be polite, most people treat me better because of it, and oddly enough lots will smile back. A case in point, at a fast food place during lunch rush most people are in a hurry, the workers, the customers, even me, the cashier is pretty sullen and just doing his job with every person that comes up the line. When I smile and say please and thank you, his whole disposition changes, he smiles and is pleasant to me while all the people before me just got taken care off and I actually got service. Sure there will always be jerks, but if you act like the jerk first most often thats the response you'll get. Try it, just smile and be polite, don't let the negativity over whelm you. Your life is for you, not them, live it for your enjoyment, not their's.
  8. Makes me wonder about bio-magnification, if a man eats too much fish will his semen have higher mercury and heavy metal content? What effect could that have on pregnant women who shouldn't eat fish, but do give BJ's?
  9. A year isn't really that long and most people don't really like to mix money and relationships because it can add a lot of tension. What do you really want to know? Bank statements, payrolls, if you're not working for him or his spouse why do you need to know? Is he doing anything illegal or shown a proclivity to illegal activities?
  10. As he is only your boyfriend and not your husband, you have no right to expect to be privy to all his finances and business affairs.
  11. If you do tone up, you'll weigh more at the same size because muscle is denser than fat. Weight is less important than body fat, which you can look up how to do all the measurements. Also, you need to look at your overall health, women require body fat to function properly (periods and nutrient absorption). If you do start working out make sure you drink lots of water, also a pint of water is 1lb of weight so if you drink the recommend 64oz of water daily thats 4lbs of weight fluctuations daily.
  12. Depending on your frame size: Small: 120-133lbs Medium: 130-144lbs Large: 140-159lbs
  13. It depends on the state and wether its considered a felony or misdemeanor. You should google the laws for your state with: state name "statutory rape" and "statute of limitations"
  14. I wouldn't want any child born into a situation that it will live in constant hunger and pain. I know large numbers are to ensure survival, but at what cost and what kind of survival? What quality of life is it? I think children should be cherished and loved, but that child's needs must be met, too.
  15. But there are people who have children who are not in environments that are able to support a child. Look at all of the poverty and starving children in the world, children happen when they shouldn't, but poor education and the idea we should breed like rabbits keeps them coming. Would it be moral to have a child you don't like? Would it be good for the child to be raised in the environment where they are resented and only exist because their parents felt obligated to have children because they were able to? You say that every one should produce children, but do you honestly think of the children and the life they will have? That should be the first and foremost thought; how that child's life will be if they are born. I don't want children because I don't feel that I would be as capable a mother as I think would be needed to raise a good person. I like only a few children that are well raised and are well cared for. The children I don't like generally reflect on the parents that had them did not think through discipline, teaching the child and raising a person. Most people see children as a part of the suburban dream, house, car, kids, another status symbol. I totally agree, this sentiment is stand alone and not just horrible, but it is discriminatory. Its like saying all people without pets are bad, or cars or TV's. Children are necessary to continue the race, but not every person able to bare children will raise good people.
  16. Ren, you're a beautiful person, I think you're adorable. You're Mom shouldn't bug you about freckles, its not like they will go away via nagging. Don't let her get you down because she can't accept her own features. You are who you are. My only issue with my freckles and moles is that my family has a fairly common occurrences of skin cancer so I always keep an eye on the dark ones.
  17. EMBRACE YOUR FRECKLES!!! I love my freckles, I don't know why people think they need to be covered. I see freckles on people and I think they're cute. Its part of your face, I think it adds character, the makeup adverts with the solid color faces that have to have color added back look so fake. I hate adverts specifically aimed at covering up freckles, I don't want to hide mine. I have moles and freckles everywhere, I like each one of them. I was actually disappointed when one of my favorites started to fade the past couple years.
  18. I may wear it on a rare occasion like Halloween, I don't like the feel of anything except light moisturizers on my skin. I have blemishes and my skin scars easily, but I hate cover-up it feels like paste. I'm lucky that my natural lip color is dark and my eyes are large and don't need much emphasis. I pluck my eye brows, wash my face, put on lotion, thats about it.
  19. I think it would only be acceptable when you were fully capable to make your own choices. There are certain things a 12yo will not be able to think through that a 18yo or a 25yo would consider. Even at 18 not everyone is the same or fully capable of the same maturity. I think the people involved will need to be mature, not just for their age but as people over all. They need to be able to understand things beyond sex and raw emotion to what there is in a real relationship. Most often people discuss love, but fail to talk about relationships, because even though you love someone you may not be capable of being a responsible partner ie caring for the other person, respecting that other person, knowing when you are not in a mature enough to actually be in a relationship.
  20. Not everyone does, though. With the over population in the world more people need to say no to kids. I'm not interested in children, but that doesn't mean I'm denying my reason to live. Everyone has the right to chose to be childless, they are not obligated to have kids just because they themselves were born.
  21. I knew a guy that frequented hookers, he flirted with me a lot and I think he wanted to be more than friends, but knowing he slept with a prostitute he was "unclean" and it really turned me off.
  22. If she doesn't want children, it is her body, so it is her choice ultimately. Children are a heavy load on a woman's body, on a family's finances, emotionally demanding, and they require a lot of time. If you want children, but she doesn't you can not try to force her or coerce her into changing her mind, she will eventually resent you for it. She has to whole-heartedly want children for it to be a fair situation, not just for her, but for the children. You should respect her choice and if you suggest counseling do it but by not implying something is wrong but that you need a mediator in your discussion, neither of you are wrong, your wants differ and both of you are right. With a counselor guiding your discussion about this topic it could help you both to realize if you really are compatible as life partners..
  23. Alopecia universalis, an inability to grow hair could be a disorder that is a possible the cause for lack of hair on the body. It can be localized to any part of the body that grows hair or general to the whole body. It doesn't necessarily extend to all areas, so it is possible she never had hair because the disorder often begins during adolescence when pubic hair normally starts to show up. It maybe something she should see a doctor about, because it could lead to baldness.
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