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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. Why do you care if other girls think he's cute?
  2. I wouldn't kiss either, if she wants a second date I think thats a good sign. Just don't expect a kiss then either, let her move at the pace she wants.
  3. I personally don't like the whole idea of being the thought police for my SO, I don't own him, control him, or have any rights to place restrictions on his mind. I would resent such things myself and believe that freedom is part of trust, if you don't trust someone enough to allow them freedom, is your relationship really good? Trust and accepting each other are integral parts of being in a healthy, fulfilling and respectful relationship. I know I'm probably naive sounding, I have been hurt, but not by the person I love, it took time to establish trust, which came from communication and listening.
  4. What about Option C Tie him to the bed and stuff a gym sock in his mouth and use the vib on him until he finds out how much fun they can be.
  5. Sorry! I have sensitive skin so I hate shaving, I use shave gel and have found less is better, too much and it drys my skin out (even if its supposed to be moisturizing ). I use a light lotion that doesn't clog my pours or has too much scent, I've had lotions that made me peel like I had a sun burn. Most times I put lotion on heavy the night before I shave to prep the skin, so its already got a good start on the moisture. Avoid the electric razors they really tear up the skin and I think cause worse burn.
  6. I like frank and beans and as a cat owner, I'm used to fur in my dinner, so I'm anti guy shaving.
  7. Are you sure its an organ and not just some mind controlling parasite sent from space
  8. I would totally love a boss that did that. It would be so cool to be able to be in an environment like that. I like to bake for my research group, it makes me feel good spoiling them and I know they love my sweets (I never have any left). Does it really matter if a guy knows how to cook, look at Bobbie Flay, Mario Batali, or Emeril, people don't talk about sexual orientation, they talk about how great they cook. Besides, how can someone with a mouth full talk at all .
  9. I don't think its selfish. I care for my cat, I feed her, clean up her poop and vomit, and all she does is purr and cuddle up with me. Its hard to see how loving and caring for someone and not expecting anything in return is selfish.
  10. Have her try not fingering her vagina at all and put all of her focus on her clitoris. The clitoris is more sensitive and is more likely to lead to better orgasms. Also suggest she uses a lube on her clit, the lube will help reduce the friction, the clit is very sensitive and too much friction can reduce the pleasure.
  11. To me it does sound like depression. The lack of motivation to go to work (my case school) is one of the symptoms I have when I'm in a low. Like you once I got there though I'm all in. I started taking meds about 8-9 years ago, I've had to switch a couple of times, each switch is usually prompted by a spell of listlessness where I don't want to do my work. I say go to your doctor and discuss this problem with them. It could be psychological or it could be a chemical imbalance, either way you need to try something different, you are obviously not happy.
  12. No it doesn't have to be a diamond!!!! The diamond crap was started by DeBeers, one of the largest diamond mining companies in the world. They nearly enslaved people to mine their diamonds and then put them all in Swiss vaults so that they can regulate the market and keep the prices up. I say have him get a stone that will mean more to you than a diamond. I have experience with stones and unless you buy a loose rock and have it set, you will not get a very good stone, most jewelry stores carry junk rocks that are poor color and clarity. You can get much prettier stones if you go with non-diamonds for the same price range.
  13. Buy the dandruff shampoo and put it in the bottle of your old shampoo, then toss the dandruff sham bottle right in the dumpster and no one will know. You shouldn't avoid helping your scalp because of embarrassment. Dandruff is just dry skin, you might need to use a different shampoo all together. I had severe dry skin all over my scalp, I used Neutrogena T-gel for a short time and then switched to an every day shampoo from Herbal Essense and a light conditioner I've not had any problems in years. For zits I have a couple different methods. For the really oily one I put camphor on them twice a day until they dry out a little. I pop mine because that usually gets the solid oily core out and helps clear the pore. I then put a combo anti-bacterial cream and pain reliever a few times daily. For the itchy ones I use Hydrocortisone cream, that usually brings down the swelling and redness too. The really painful ones get the anti-septic and Bikizone cream, its a topical anesthetics so it dulls the pain and reduces swelling. I never use any zit specific product because they're mostly acids that tear up my skin and do nothing for relieving zits.
  14. Hands, long fingers, furry arms, furry chest, EYES!!!
  15. If you are running sprints you are supposed to land on the fleshy part of your foot behind the toes (the ball of the foot). For long distance running you should run on your whole foot. Running long distances on the balls will tire your legs faster and can cause muscle strain.
  16. Ren, you are a beautiful person and if a guy can't see that, is he really worth your time? Any man who would base his choice to date me based on my physical appearance is not someone I want to date. You deserve someone who will see you as a whole person.
  17. I think casual sex is great... if you're a sexually transmitted disease looking for a new host.
  18. Nope. Its just a nice way of continuing the torture of the person getting dumped. If you want out, say "I don't think this is working, I think we need to break up".
  19. Leave her alone. If she has chosen to break all contact and continues to remain in no contact then that is her choice, leave her alone. Constant attempts to call, text, email, which ever is a form of harassment. She has decided its over, respect that and move on.
  20. What a load! My BF is a nice guy and I'm very happy because he is exactly what I wanted, I had to trudge through all the jerk offs before I found him.
  21. I'm very obsessed with control and counting. I'm not sure if that has a specific title. I've also had a few bulimic episodes, not a binge and purge, but more normal eating with purging. It evolved into the controlling my food so that I did need to purge (which made me feel out of control). I've been trying not to be so obsessive, but I still have an internal counter that is constantly going in my head. I used to write things out and track my work out calories, but now I'm not doing that, I'm just going exercise and feel good. Sometimes I'd push too hard during my work out and would get sick. I know there are healthy ways to lose weight, but I tend to use those ways and push too hard. I've lost 40lbs, but I still would like to get down another 25-30 so that I'm an average weight. I don't say healthy because at my current weight my doc says I perfectly healthy just stressed about school and pushing myself too much.
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