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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. Wait til you see the tights and tops to go with it,
  2. If you haven't really broken up, you need to, going NC without ending isn't fair to other person. They won't know what's going on or why you're not talking to them. Finalize things with her then go back to NC.
  3. Long? No way, you're going in the red leather mini!
  4. I dunno, theres just something about seeing a man in a dress that brings so much to a celebration. Being at college I see drunken skirt wearing men wandering the streets most Saturdays, it provides an ambiance that can't be had at non-college towns. I personally love the look of hairy man legs under ruffles of chiffon or silk. Call me weird, but drag is sexy....
  5. I don't think it has anything to do with intimidation. I think it has more to do with how the person who feels intimidated deals with those emotions. When afraid, people can strike out at what they fear as a way of proving that they can challenge that thing and thereforeeee make it less frightening. The may go a more passive route and criticize and ridicule that which they fear and by their negativity diminish the subject. Most people handle fear poorly and instead of being mature and coping with their fears personally or internally they do everything they can to hide their weakness and show they are superior or brave.
  6. So after you change her looks, what next? Are you going to start saying "Well, her friends really aren't good enough" or "I don't like the books she reads" or "She's just not smart enough"... When will it stop? Being with someone isn't about changing them to fit some ideal you have of what is perfect, you have to take them as they are, good and bad. You start making hints, comments, suggestions, guess what you'll get, a self-conscious girlfriend who feels like she's not pretty enough for you, which means she's not going to be happy. Leave her alone.
  7. I say go, have fun and ignore her. I went to a dinner tonight with all my friends and a jerk, he got ignored and I had a blast.
  8. All alcohol can cause damage no matter how little is per drink if you have enough of it. Beer has more volume than the hard stuff, but I've seen people be hospitalized on just beer. Be responsible and don't over do it. If your throw up you've gone too far, its a serious warning sign that your body is not doing well.
  9. If she's gone in a week, try to wait it out and not start anything, my Mom had the same issues with my Dads monster, every thing she did when caring for my bro and I was wrong by grandma's view. When grandma came to visit me as a newborn she brought the flu, I didn't get sick, but my Mom was nearly hospitalized because she was hit really hard by it and even had to stop breast feeding me. Every thing was a fight with the monster-in-law and my Mom was sick and had to start back to work soon (which m-i-l thought was horrible, working with a newborn, terrible parenting (m-i-l worked after all her kids)). My Mom raised us how she saw fit and ignored all the "input" darling grandma had. You just have to stick to your principals and don't let her needle you, this is your child and you sound like your doing a good job already. GOOD LUCK!
  10. Get away from him NOW! He is never going to get better and some day he may start beating you. This guy is controlling and bad for you. Any person who expects you to give up your friends and make you prove your loyalty on a daily basis has serious issues. GET OUT NOW!!!!
  11. Even better, a morning picker upper, who doesn't need a little buzz to make it thru the day.
  12. My Aunt used to work as a nurse and said sometimes she'd see uncut guys come in with the nastiest looking gunk built up in the foreskin, to the point it would almost occlude the opening. She said it was pretty obvious they were not washers and the nurses would double glove for the exams.
  13. Ask her to coffee after class and if it goes well then ask for her number. I'd wait until you've talked a little before going for the digits, it can be a little pushy to just ask someone you don't even know.
  14. The others may have wanted to talk to the manager too or they could have just wanted to see what you were doing. Who knows, next time ask and have them tell you, you can do it indirectly like "You waitin for the manager too?" "So are you goin to ask off today too?" The "yeah right" was probably a reference to your attitude being a girl repellent. Most women don't like arrogance or will only put up with it long enough to use the guy for their own pleasure and dump him when something better comes along. If you really want to try to have a meaningful relationship try toning it down. Think about others before yourself and pay attention to things besides whether or not their checking you out.
  15. If your roomie doesn't get treated for the strep she's a health risk to all of the people around her since the infection can be spread by air bourne bacteria from her coughing or sneezing. Its needs to be treated, talk to your other roomies and have them all tell her to get treatment, untreated she can develope rheumatic fever and kidney disease, which may be life threatening. The colds are viral and can not be treated, so they should be respectful of others and try to cover their mouths when they cough and wash there hands before touching things others will touch. Viruses are hard to cope with since its all your immune system and all you can do is allieviate the sysmptoms. Eat right and drink water, get enough sleep and just keep your distance.
  16. I don't really care, if its clean and he's my guy its a part of him so either way I'll accept it. Has the world reached such a shallow point that the aesthetics of a penis are questioned? What does it really matter what it looks like, its not supposed to be pretty, its supposed to function, its the way to expel urine and deliver sperm.
  17. I know some women are forced into prostitution, but for the ones that just do it for the money I don't get it. I would rather work 3 jobs at fast food joints and waitress than hook. It would never be a last resort for me.
  18. For me love is happiness and intensely caring for someone else. You want every part of them good or bad, just because its them. Your whole body wants them just to hug or touch, having them close is the best thing in the world. The sound of their voice lifts your heart and their eyes are the most beautiful thing in the world. For me lust never felt good, there's attraction and want, but after feeling love, lust is it's drug addict sibling that is always looking for a fix. There's not much happiness in lust, its gratification or pleasure, but not joy. I think lust is a darker emotion when not tempered by love. Lust is still love's blood, but while the are related they are very different animals.
  19. Its not that they expect treatment for just being a woman. Everyone wants to be made to feel special and thats what a caring relationship does. Some women like gifts as a show of affection, others are happy with just a hug, it depends on the person. Don't make generalizations about women because of one thread. Showing your partner you love them and care for them is giving them special treatment, its showing them you think they are special and deserve everything you can give them. No offense, but you're young and you will find out soon enough how wonderful it feels to be treated special and how horrible it is to be neglected.
  20. My doc was the one that suggested I take it at night. It took me a few months to get used to the effects. Its a significant change in your body chemistry, so there are going to changes and they will be noticeable. I've found even on fairly high dosages there are still bad spots, but the average feeling I have is much better than before. I don't have the hazy drugged tired, if I'm tired now its cuz I only slept 4 hours .
  21. What time of day do you take your meds? I used to take my anti-d (it made me tired and shaky) in the morning, but found switching to evening dosing I don't have the run down feeling as bad during the day. My hands still shake, but I feel more awake during working hours.
  22. I went through something pretty similar last year, it wasn't mono or a thyroid problem, I was certain it was my thyroid since my hair texture had even changed, but all my tests were 'normal' (I say that since I have a different norm than most people). My doc was baffled so she just had me be careful of what I ate and told me to make sure I got enough water and I changed the time of day I took my anti-depressant. I found changing when I was taking the meds helped a lot and my water intake was a big factor. I get really run down when I'm dehydrated. I'm still having problems with my sleep pattern even after a year, but I think a lot of it is stress. I'll sleep 12 hours and feel more tired then if I just sleep 8 hours. If I need to be productive that day I will set my alarm for 7-8 hours sleep, if not I sleep. I have to force myself out of bed a lot, but I start my day doing stretches and some crunches while still in bed, it gets the blood going. I have a routine that helps me keep moving so I keep on time, I think that helps keep me from slumping back to bed. I still fall asleep randomly at times when I sit still long enough, so I try to keep myself active by getting up from my comp and walking around for a few min or I'll do dishes and clean a lot.
  23. link removed link removed Here are a couple of sites that might help.
  24. My guess is that since its a joint surgery, there will be need for the body to have a high iron level so that when she has blood loss during the operation she won't have cell death due to lack of O2 or CO2 build up. The bone marrow produces red blood cells and since she will be losing a portion of bone, she will lose that area of production, so what red cells she will need to be efficient in their gas exchanges. Also if she is doing a direct blood donation so that all blood used during the surgery is hers she will need the extra iron to compensate for the blood loss. Iron will also help her body recover quicker since her blood is working more efficiently. Hopefully she's taking vitamin C as well that helps the body absorb iron.
  25. Yep and I'd get my brother put into a court ordered rehab program. My bro is an alcoholic and has had a DUI and other junk, I personally was happy to hear he got arrested because he could have killed someone innocent driving around drunk.
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