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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. Nope, even though I could use the money, it would be totally against my convictions.
  2. Looking at me like I'm a steak (and no I don't wear sexy clothing) Talking at me and not too me False espressions, his mouth is smiling, but his eyes aren't The whole, "I'm Mr. Smooth" routine, I like my guys real No hobbies, I like guys that have creative outlets Doesn't make eye contact! If you won't look me in the eye when you talk to me, I seriously question your motives, integrity, mind set
  3. Help her Mom out, but don't see her. No contact means no contact, you knew she was headed for trouble, she just found it a lot sooner than you expected. This girl is no good for you, she would just drag you down and put you through hell.
  4. He cheated on the woman he promised to love and honor, what does that say about his integrity. A person willing to cheat once is going to be willing to do it again. Think about his wife or if he has kids. What will this do to his family. Don't go any further, he's not a good guy, he's a cheater. What kind of relationship can you really have with a married man, you will always be second to his wife and family. He has no commitment to you and obviously very little loyalty. He treats his wife like this, imagine how he will treat you.
  5. because he has a problem with spending You didn't make these bills, you shouldn't pay them. Tell him to see a debit manager or something, you pay for him again and he'll just keep coming back. You are not a bank for his private use, he needs to learn that his spending needs to change and the bills are his problem.
  6. Its good that you correct yourself. Posture is an important part of back health. Poor posture is weakens the back muscles and puts strain on the spine. You should look at it more as a way of saving yourself years of pain rather than just a dating tool. One thing I've noticed is that people slouch too much when they walk too, no one looks up, everyone is staring at their feet. Good posture makes you look confident and aware, but don't over compensate, too much rigidity can make you look uptight and also hurt your back. A easy way to get your spine in the right position is to take a hand towl and roll it up. Place the towel against the back rest of your chair where the lower curve of your back would be. The towel helps support your lumbar, which most chairs don't do, it also will make it easier for you to aline your spine.
  7. A UTI is a serious problem, drink cran juice and see a doctor. If you don't want to have all the sugar from the juice take cran pills, I do to prevent UTi's and yeast infections. Some rules of thumb to help prevent UTI's: Use the bathroom after sex, shower after sex, don't take baths in general, wear clean underwear everyday, change underwear and clothing after exercise, shower after exercise, drink highly acidic (low pH) drinks and lots of water. UTI's can be a sign of other infections so you need to see a doc and get the bacteria identified and have blood work done. They can be very painful left untreated and lead to serious and permanent effects.
  8. I don't, the person I have the biggest crush on happens to the one person in this world that I can tell everything, I have a crush on him in so many ways and being on the same wavelength is one of them
  9. I happen to think its weak and insulting to say that people that believe in their convictions enough to take offense are weak. You're bashing women in general based on the observations you've made of a handful of women and women in fictitious representations of the media. Half of the population of this planet is female, that means over 3 billion people would have to fall into those caricatures of women. It doesn't work that way. You misinterpreted signals and obvious interest of women and by your own admission are unskilled in these matters, but you blame the woman. Take responsibility for your actions. The woman you have railed so much about in this thread was probably keeping her options open because of the lack of interest you showed. She suggested a long date and you rebuffed it with a severely truncated version, how do you not see that as a sign of disinterest on your part. You had 3 dates in a 3 month period, 2 of which were coffee, coffee is not a serious date, that's a date that you go on to break the ice. You can't expect exclusivity when you yourself have not put much effort into the relationship. You can't blame women for your dating mishaps, there are two parties involved, you and her. Whenever you point your finger at someone there are always 3 pointing right back at you.
  10. Do you do things together that is cheap or free. Like instead of having a fancy meal and laying down lots of cash, prepare a meal together and take it to a nice park and picnic. You can enjoy being together and you have the change of eating a meal in a romantic setting. Walk around the block together, its a good way to exercise and spend time together. Maybe look into local places that have live music and little to no charge to get in, I go to the local bars for live bands and only drink water. Really try to appreciate the time you have together. I'm still trying to figure out my own money problems, too. I really hate money, all it does is cause stress.
  11. Let go and move on. She's not your girlfriend, you have nothing to confront her about, she's not your property, she doesn't have to tell you everything. Move on
  12. You never answered my question though, do you actually respect women or are you just trying to sleep with them?
  13. Take some time for yourself and get away from him. Clear your head and really cut off contact for a while, NO CALLS NO TEXTS, block him out. Give yourself some space to move on, he's getting you back because he's bugging you until you give in. Stop giving in. This guy is no good for you, how can you build a relationship when you don't even know if tomorrow he'll be back with his wife. Get out of this. I suggest telling her too so after you leave she'll be prepared for him to come crying to her and can rebuff him too.
  14. I think it maybe that you aren't getting girls because you idolize people who use women. You frame of mind is rather unsettling that you talk about doing damage control when it seems like your just jealous you're not the one causing the damage. Do you have any respect for women? Or are you just trying to psych yourself up to go out and dupe women into sleeping with you?
  15. If you like her, its a rather childish way to show it. If a guy did that around me, I'd ignore him to, it says to me "don't waste your time". If you really want to be her friend, act like it, talk to her, treat her like you like her, don't play games, it just leads to frustration and hurt feelings.
  16. They have the low dose BC that goes 3 months with no period, I tried it and had spotting between all my periods and felt that just going with the 1 mnth dose would work as fine and be covered fully by my insurance. Aside from the spotting, I had no problems.
  17. Since when does going on a few dates require her to make full disclosure of her life? Were you exclusive? Doesn't sound like, she has no obligation to you, you have no right to her. Also, unless you start dating teenage girls you're not going to find many virgins around, and frankly its very superficial to define a womans value based on her sex life. You want women to go out with you, try treating them with respect and consideration, otherwise your obvious desire to just "take the prize" will shine through and you get tossed aside because they see you for the player you are. They aren't damaged, they're smarter. They see you for a charlatan and don't put up with the disrespect and use.
  18. Thats called life, no one remains exactly the same after every encounter they experience. People change and grow, yes they are different, they are not damaged. I don't mean to be rude, but it may have nothing to do with resentment towards men, it could very well be your attitude. If you approach woman like you've approach this hypothesis, then its not hard to see why you are rejected. You're just upset you didn't get picked first or second, so whats next gamma and delta rejections as she moves on to yet more men other than you?
  19. Maybe girls don't like being referred to as "damaged goods" because they slept with someone else and sleeping with a guy that considers them such is not their idea of fun. I would consider that a common sense rejection.
  20. I'm an engineer, my research group is the only group in the department that is equal numbers men and women. We all work hard and all have the same stress and issues. We are equal and the stress we deal with is equal. There are several married people and they have very supportive spouses that are not engineers, we socialize together a lot and their spouses know they work very hard and have stress. I don't think it has anything to do with gender, it, like most things, is individual. Consideration and empathy are severely lacking nowadays in a society that emphasizes material goods and money. Don't blame women in general, look at people.
  21. I'm a rapid cycling bipolar, unlike regular bipolar, my mood shifts are over a period of days instead of weeks or I can have long manic phases because only my depression is treated. This is a diagnosis of a shrink, I saw one after feeling suicidal due to a long depressed period. You should see a doctor and get help.
  22. LOL! Who told you that! The Canadian guys I know are just as bad as the American.
  23. EH, I have the opposite problem, I'm short. All my pant cuffs drag, the worst part is the crotch rise. Regular rises are just under my bra line, so i wear lose rise so I don't look like Steve Urkel. Its really hard to find PJ pants that fit right, so I've stopped wearing pants to bed.
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