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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. If anything cheating will only complicate your problems. If you wanted to "fix" things by making it easy for her to dump you and you not have to deal with the real issues, then yeah that might be one way of doing it, but definitely not the best way.
  2. Yes. If you felt bad you already knew the answer.
  3. Why do I like older men? Because of maturity. I spend most of my day with men from early 20's to early 30's, and I'm 25. A majority of these men are immature. They are fine as friends, a good laugh, but they don't know where the line is though. I'm looking at my life with a forward perspective, where I might be, getting my research done. I'm not interested in sex with every man that offers me a date, I'm not interested in getting drunk every weekend, most of them are very ego centric and don't think ahead, I don't need to raise a child.
  4. Stay strong. He's trying to manipulate your emotions, don't let him. You can keep going and I think its great you didn't respond. You can do this!
  5. Maybe you need to reevaluate what is the defining part of you life. Is it to advance in a career or helping others or making loads of cash or could to be just do a good job at every thing you do. You need to decide what you will define your life with and take control for your self.
  6. No offense, but you are a temp, it is her job no matter how may complaints other workers have about her. If the company keeps her, they must have their reasons. It is very unprofessional to approach the woman about this, she has every right to return to her job and with a new baby she will probably need the money to support her child and you would be asking her to give that up. The only person you should talk to is your boss, they are the only person who can have a say in this. You're mood sounds really unstable and I think maybe you should talk to a counselor and get some help to get through this time in your life.
  7. Then you should know better than trying to make people jealous, it is a childish way of expressing your emotions. You want to go out with someone ask them, you wait too long, its your own fault so don't blame her and take it out on her. You're not a kid and I'm sure you want people to treat you like an adult, so you have to act like one to get treated like one.
  8. When men call me a man-hater, my response: Its not that I hate men, its I just dislike you.
  9. Think of how much it will hurt if you were the gf and he was cheating on you. This guy is no good. You deserve better. End it, don't have sex, don't talk to him after you say its over, tell him to leave you alone and never call you again. You may miss him and feel lonely and sad, but you are going to find each day easier than the last and one day you'll find yourself wondering why you let it last as long as it did. You need to find your strength and use it. If you feel like you want to talk to him, come to ENA and tell the people here how you feel, but DO NOT TALK TO HIM.
  10. I hope you don't give him tylenol all the time, thats not good for his liver. She sounds like she's taking advantage of you and not respecting what you do for her. I think you should tell her you can't care for him, he's too demanding, make sure you call child protective services and tell them your concerns. There could be some health issues that may not be evident or it could be neglect, children don't cry that long without reason. Even without a temp there could be fluid in the ears, my nieghbors babies had horrible ear problems and had to have tubes put in. I've never know babies to hit at that age either unless they've had problems. You really need to put your family first, you have the right to refuse her service at any time, you are not at her back and call.
  11. Stop doing this to yourself. Have more respect for your body and emotions. You will always be second, do you really think he's going to change if he breaks up with his girlfriend? Do you really want to be with a guy that you know is willing to cheat? He's using you and you're letting him, end it, move on, and never look back. Don't talk to him, don't answer his calls, cut him out of your life. You may not have had sex, but what if you did, do you think its going to make things better or worse for you?
  12. If you have sex and he ejaculates inside you at any time during your cycle, no matter how little, you can get pregnant. Even if he ejaculates on your labia or near your vagina, sperm can still get to your uterus.
  13. Consideration and empathy. We feel things just the way you do. If it would hurt you, it could hurt us. Everyone has bad days and everyone says things they may regret. No one is perfect. Not everything we say has a special meaning or is said to trap you. PMS is not reason we are in a bad mood (at least not everytime, but when it does its cuz we hurt and our hormones are fluctuating). Attempt to understand what she feels. Try to see things from a different perspective.
  14. I very much agree with you on this. I don't care what people think about children from single parents, they are no less a person because their parents haven't been married.
  15. I used to think dating was to get married, but I don't anymore. I'm happy having a friend that is also a lover (and no its not friends with benefits) its deeply caring for them like you do for your best friend, but then there is also a deeper love that is beyond just friendship. Does the relationship need a goal? I think the goal or purpose is to enjoy each other and spend time being together. There are too many goals set up for our lives by what others think we should do, I happen to think that my life is my choice and I don't need to be married, have kids, and do all that, so dating is a different idea for me than it will be for the next person.
  16. Sleazy is the word that comes to mind. You have to bring your own clothing? What do you want to bet its only usable upon approval by the president guy. And how big a company is it that the president has to come and not some marketing director? Or rather the president is the one that wants to see all the chicks in lace and thongs and won't let the marketing director do it.
  17. Don't you just want half a dozen? I know I do, one for every day of the week and a day off (got to have day to rest with all that exercise ) You keep a gerbil in your purse too? WOW, I though I was the only one!!! How do you keep yours from smoking the crack pipe, mine's stoned every time I get my wallet. Silly gerbil
  18. What if she has a Gluten intolerance or food allergies, but then she probably can't mention them cuz that would be too heavy for a first date....
  19. Heart disease is the leading killer of women, but its often ignored by doctor's because of the idea that women don't experience the same stress problems.
  20. You don't need to give advice to be a cheerleader. Just be there to point out the good stuff and smile for him. You don't need to tell him anything more than he's doing his best. That's better support than telling him how to do things.
  21. I really don't like ditsy men or ones obsessed with money.
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