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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. Take off the glasses and smash them on the ground! He used you, treated you horribly, and could have messed up your whole life. DO NOT CONTACT HIM!
  2. You don't absorb the alcohol as quickly because its mixed with all the food in your stomach. The kind of food will effect the absorption as well. It can take up to 2 hours to fully absorb a drink if you have eaten a large meal. Dehydration and body weight will also effect how well you respond to drinking. Also the type of alcohol will effect the absorption rate as well.
  3. If it was just a regualar pic its not so bad, if it were something taken in private that would be different. But showing a friend was probably not something he even thought might upset you since you hadn't made it clear that you should keep your relationship low profile. If you yelled or said some nasty stuff, apologize and tell him why it upset you.
  4. Maybe call him before he goes to work and ask if he'd mind you showed up to keep him company.
  5. Calm down, you're still young and it may feel like your going to be alone, but there a lot of good people out there who won't mistreat you. Maybe a relationship isn't for you right now, you can be alone, but still be happy. You're a senior so are you going to college next year? If so, then any girl you date now may mean a big decision to break up or do an LDR when you or she go to school. It might be good to wait until you're in college, there are a lot more people and you're more likely to be with like minded individuals in your major.
  6. You can be independent without contriving the semblance of a relationship around teasing someone with your care and support. Abusing someone's trust no matter how subtle is still abuse. The fact that you brag about consciously manipulating "your woman" is proof that your ploys are just power trips. Bribing someone with your affection is childish. How do you think "your woman" would respond if she just read what you wrote... "Oh that's my honey, such a great guy, he certainly knows how to treat a gal, maybe tonight we could have a cuddle, that is if he's not in the aloof phase of his master scheme of our love life".
  7. That's a good way to make a girl "get up and leave". You want a good relationship, try mutual respect, care, and trust. Playing games with your mates emotions will only leave them frustrated and sabotage any chance you have of keeping a long lasting bond. Giving to take it away is a sick controlling way to prove what? You are able to play a stupid mind game? Please don't treat women like that, its just rude.
  8. I happen to wonder why there has to be blame assigned at all. Why not accept that it didn't work and go on? I won't change myself to meet conditions expected by someone I'm no longer dating, thats like closing the barn door after the horses are already out. Who really cares whose fault it was, the next person you date could be completely different and want totally different things out of the relationship. Blame and fault don't need to be given to anyone, the relationship is over, life goes on, focus on life and not blame.
  9. Red Flags every where!!! This girl sounds like trouble and I hope you used a condom. For some reason I doubt she's going to want a serious relationship. If you want to try, ask, but don't expect her to change into some model girlfriend over night.
  10. Not all women want children. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Women are each a singular person, they have their own feelings, desires, and goals. There is no catch all that can be formulated to cover all the ways women will think. What could be good for one women could be substandard for another, but that is each their choice based on their personal preferences. What men should ask: What makes my wife/GF/friend happy? Get to know the woman as a person and see the facets of her character and find out what SHE wants.
  11. I'm at a similar crossroads myself. I'm a MS student near the end of my thesis and have thought of going onto my PhD. I could stop now and get a job or go on and maybe be a prof. I thought I wanted to, but now I'm not sure. Its hard to say what you will feel like in a few years down the road, but the one thing I ask myself is "Will I regret not doing it". I've seen a lot of people go into teaching and absolutely love it, my neighbor is kindergärtner teacher and is so happy. Teaching has its hard times though. Its not always about helping kids learn, you have to deal with parents, school politics, bad students, budgets, and on and on. My favorite teacher in HS was my sophomore English teacher, she inspired me to do a lot in my life and still nearly 10 years later means a great deal to me as person. Its not a profession that has much glamor, but you do get to touch lives and if your a good teacher, you get to change them.
  12. If you let go and move on, then it would be just the same. She dumped you and hasn't done anything to contact you again, she doesn't need you bringing up things that are over a year old. Leave her alone and get on with your life.
  13. If it was hand written then that most likely means she wrote it, the post office would stamp it.
  14. If she wanted you to contact her wouldn't she have told you she was moving.
  15. If you call and she doesn't pick up, then thats a good indication of your answer.
  16. Growing probably. If you're having a growth spurt then its going to happen.
  17. I think if its been this long and she has done nothing to contact you, you should leave her alone. Doing what you plan will probably not endear you, but rather scare her.
  18. For one, MOST women, I think is a little extreme and not all gay men are great dressers, effeminate and flagrantly gay. And being a tomboy is not analogous to being a lesbian.
  19. But what happens when he gets in a bad mood and decides to hit you? Will buying gifts and saying he's sorry make up for that? Saying you will marry someone doesn't give them the right to start treating you like crap. You have to decide if this is how you want to spend the rest of your life. What happens if he doesn't make it in the Army? What is that going to be like for you? Being upset about something doesn't make it right to treat loved ones like they don't have feelings or have their own problems.
  20. How someone acts in times of stress is a good indication of the person they are deep down. The fact that he wants it to be all about him and won't see there are other people in this world indicates he's probably very selfish. That he won't admit there was a fight or that he may have hurt your feelings also indicates a selfish attitude. The fact that he did it in such a passive aggressive manner saying he was "sick of people complaining about their problems about money, self esteem issues". It sounds like he's got some growing up to do and maybe its not best for you to be there when he does it. Relationships are about give and take, right now he's taking and doesn't sound like he's giving anything. You have to decide how much you would be willing to take, but I think a good sit down and talk is needed. You need to talk to him about your issues with how he is acting. His response will be an indication of how your marriage will be. If he sits down and works things through, then there might be hope, If he gets angry for you bringing it up or won't talk at all think of 50 years of that and how hard it will be on you and eventually your kids.
  21. My friends were important to me, but I still felt lonely, especially when coming back to my empty apartment after being with them. I spent more time on campus, just to be near people. I've never cuddled or had sex, but I want someone special to be with, so even though my sex drive is making me crazy, I keep my patience (very vocally uncomfortable at times) because I know it will mean more to me to be with the guy I love. Hope for that does a lot for me.
  22. Trust is a big part of a relationship. This is a bad sign that he didn't trust you enough to tell the truth. For me I would always be wondering what else he had lied about, so it would be hard to ever trust him again. That said, I don't think you're over reacting, its something you really need to talk about with him and find out why he felt he needed to lie. You need to sit him down and get every thing out in the open. Then there might be a chance to rebuild, but you are the only one who can decide if you feel comfortable staying with someone you know has been dishonest.
  23. I think you should just continue as you have. Its hard to do, but from the sound of things, you still need time to heal. I had problems with a guy I see nearly every day, its been about 7ish months since I even said hi to him. Its been good for me because I really think its protected me from all the emotional stress. Don't feel guilty for taking care of yourself, its not wrong to want to recover and move on.
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