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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. But for all of Hitler's power where did it get him? He committed suicide in a bunker. His power collapsed and he destroyed the lives of millions of innocent people. He was a crazy man who was a crappy architect so he took it out on the world.
  2. How are they superior? You give a line, but no real answer.
  3. Do you like peanut butter? Since that was a black man's invention. Or toilet paper was originally from Egypt. What is it that makes you think whites are superior? How can you actually say that skin color has anything to do with your worth in the world?
  4. Do you really know many people that aren't white? I find it hard to believe someone can say they are superior to or hate someone they've never met. Its a very closed minded view.
  5. Nazi were socialists in actuality, a political party that happened to have a lot of racist members. You are more what would be considered a Neo-Nazi, the American bastardization of the socialist party name with the intention of exploiting the racist views. Are you actually Germanic as that is what Hitler considered the superior race? Being from Canada I find it highly suspect that you would be 100% Germanic or even if you were from Germany for that matter, because there aren't any "pure" bloodlines unless your family has been inbreeding for several hundred years.
  6. What possible relationship could a 27 year old man have with a 14 year old girl or boy? You're not going to have many common interests to talk about or be going in the same directions in life, the only thing you could get really would be sex. They are still children and even though they have the physical appearance of adults, their minds are in no way developed or mature enough to make decisions such as sex with a man twice their age. Laws preventing sex with under aged people are meant to protect them from the serious consequences that can happen. What happens to your 14 yo that gets pregnant by the 27 yo? How was her life enriched by giving up her childhood to now support and care for a baby? She's 14, she didn't look at the consequences of sex, she's a child. The 27 yo is an adult, they know that anything like that would be detrimental to the child. The morality of society and our laws maybe the rule of the mob, but don't think because the mob here is kept in line with rules and is being nice we will accept every deviant view that comes out.
  7. It sounds like is that you were predisposed to not liking her because she wasn't the old roommate and that you have a lot of issues dealing with the change in his house and environment. I lived with 2 guys and I didn't get to know their girlfriends, I really didn't care to, they weren't my roommates, the only thing I cared about was rent. I had trouble with one of their GFs giving me crap over being around her BF all the time, I told her, I live here, I pay rent, this is my home, if you want to be territorial move in with him or ask he not live with women. Not all women who live with men plan on relationships with the men. You really do need to talk with him about this. If you feel insecure about him being close with other women maybe there are some trust issues.
  8. The first time I said it I was slightly drunk, but I still meant it.
  9. Our species has made it through years of kill or be killed. There's still an innate sense that we need to take care of ourselves first. Its outdated, but still there, some people have gotten beyond that and really are altruistic. However, there are still those who take it too far though and don't play nice in society. I think most people fall between with a fair balance of both.
  10. You skipped over my statement: Maybe your retreat has given her a wake up call that maybe she needs to evaluate and think on what your relationship really means to her. It sounds like she was really upset and might need some space herself.
  11. You don't have to wear a bra, but maybe putting bandaids over your nipples to make them less obvious. I think its a odd request, since some women even with bras and shirts have protruding nipples so its not exactly a realistic thing to expect all women to have perfectly smooth bust lines. I'd say keep an eye out for him acting oddly, but only do anything if he continues to act oddly or inappropriately.
  12. Did you retreat just to get the welcome back or did you retreat to really consider you relationship and take time to work on yourself? Why not let her go to her cave if you've had your trip to your's. Maybe your retreat has given her a wake up call that maybe she needs to evaluate and think on what your relationship really means to her. I say let her cool down and refuel, you're the one who just emotionally blasted her out of the water. You can't expect her to conform to some book written to line someone's pockets. Look at the premiss it sets up, men do what you want, women just accept it. Thats a little selfish, don't you think? You can do as you chose, but totally disallow her from acting the same way, there isn't much fairness or balance in that. Games are no way to develop a meaningful relationship, you need respect, consideration, trust and care. Toying with each others emotions and manipulative tactics do nothing but breed resentment and eventually cause the relationship to fail.
  13. Wow, thats a pretty trivial thing to blow up over. Does she have control issues? Not like control over you thing, but control of her emotions and anger? There are ways to express yourself withont swearing and being nasty and of all people your partner should respect you enough not to swear at you like a sailor. That would give me serious doubts as to whether I felt comfortable being with this person for an extended time.
  14. Try not thinking of women as being only one of the two extremes mentioned (weak or overbearing). Most women fit in the middle and they will often be different at different point in their life. If you chose women that are always weak by your standards sit down and think about how you met them, how you first started to realize they weren't self reliant or how they act toward you. In the future steer away from women who act like that and consciously look at each woman's personality. Also it is possible to be confident and not be overbearing. Power isn't always a product of confidence either. Its usually easy to tell if a person man or woman is going to be a domineering sort, a lot of time domineering people are selfish or self-centered, arrogance is also present.
  15. I had this happen, I acted on my crush, he responded like he agreed and then ran away, I thought he acted poorly and treated me badly, so he used his one chance, his tough luck. I moved on to better things.
  16. I think they're out of date. Originally the roles were based on the men go off and hunt while the women have and raise children. Having children is physically demanding and would put a heavy burden on the women not allowing her to hunt for herself. Thousands of years of evolution and slow changing of diet and medicine and the progression of technology no longer make men necessary for a woman to survive. Men are needed to procreate and most women are attracted to them sexually, but the dynamic the what each brings to the relationship is no longer mismatched and women have much more status in society. The docile and quiet female is outdated because she is not going to be bashed on the head for not being receptive to men. Women are just as vibrant and alive as men, they aren't passive or weaker. The world is finally coming to realize half of its population is under utilized and restricted just because their sexual organs are on the inside.
  17. My first pap scared the crap out of me and I canceled my appointments several times. I waited until I was a couple years past when you should have your first. If you've had sex its a must, I haven't but wanted to start birth control so my doc said I need to get an exam. I sucked it up and got it done and honestly it was no where near the ordeal I though it would be. I got to see my cervix and it was over in no time. Of the full physical, the pap is the most intrusive. There will be some examination by the doc feeling you ovaries and uterus. They will probably ask you to give a urine sample and will draw blood. They listen to your heart and lungs, check your throat, ears, eyes, a breast exam. Check that your immunizations are up to date (you may need a tetanus booster). If your heading to college there are a bunch of shots that are required and a TB test.
  18. I find this equivalent to saying "If I cheat and she doesn't know, then there's nothing wrong with it". You are willfully doing something to her that you know she wouldn't like if she knew about it. Its trickery and dishonest, there is no care or respect in that.
  19. My relationship has no power struggle, its cooperation and we take care of each other. The only need for power struggles are when there's someone insecure with who they are and they feel the need to dominate the one person that they should treat as their equal.
  20. I'm very well aware of what your intentions are with your tactics. And I don't think it has any consideration for the person you are doing them to. Purposefully manipulating the person you should give yourself to freely and unconditionally is not a healthy relationship, it is instead a false environment that resembles a relationship so that the person is strung along, most likely so the meet the selfish needs of the manipulator and not their own. Relationships are not fields of war to test will power and mind control, its a place where you give love and support and they give love and support.
  21. And nothing will fool a Breathalyzer. The alcohol is in the blood and when you breath the gas exchange in the lungs takes vapor alcohol out with it, so unless you can stop you lungs from doing their job the cops will know.
  22. link removedThis is a simple version of how it works. There's a lot of chemestry that gets glossed over, but not many people want to get into hydrophobic compounds and diffusion.
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