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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. I want a job that pays my bills, but never comes home with me. I want to be able to paint, do my crafty things, and keep a neat little garden. I'd like to have a big enough plot of land to be buffered from people, but not alone in the dark, some place I can have a few critters. Sleep every night in a big warm bed beside the guy I love and wake up every morning to his smile.
  2. You really love her then your sex is more meaningful and you are more excited by her. Before is was purely physical, now with the emotions the sensations are more intense and you get excited faster and easier. You probably feel more satisfied even though its not as long. I don't think its such a bad thing, just enjoy yourself and make sure she's enjoying it too.
  3. Some guys are good as friends and not as boyfriends.
  4. Dang I need to pop out a baby and age 10 years then all men will leave me alone!!!!
  5. I've never even been in the self help section (those would be in that section right?). I just know I notice a lot of web sites are oriented toward men "scoring" with women and learning how to be players.
  6. I had 3, two in my left hand one in my right.
  7. Have you taken any Anti-inflammatory pain medications (such as advil or tylenol)? Eat soft foods like jello or stuff pureed in a food precessor, baby food is good too and has a lot of nutrients. Have you looked into to getting a pain med injected into the joint. I've had that done on my hands and it was very helpful and the pain went away.
  8. You'd have to ask him that. We aren't him and you haven't given much info on what kind of guy he is.
  9. Because there is no difference between the races when you can't see their face.
  10. How conveniently you abandon your convictions...
  11. He's your X for on thing so he has no say over anything in your life. And the fact that he wants to restricted who you see is a big red flag. How can he expect that you are only allowed to have female friends. He sounds very insecure and should grow up. You didn't do anything wrong, he's trying to control you so he's got you away from all other men so you don't see what jerk he is.
  12. Aside from a screaming head ache the next day and being a possible victim of rape, alcohol poisoning, robbery, ect, would getting drunk get you.
  13. I'm happy to say my family left Germany when Hitler and his goons started all their crap, no, I'm not Jewish and at one time my family was in the Nazi party.
  14. car Nelian, carmelian may be another name for the stone, but mine is spelled with an N. My Austrian friend would very much not agree that she is a German. Like what? How is living along side a Jew a problem?
  15. What about the possibility that Hitler was 25% Jewish. Its said his grand mother became pregnant while working as a servant in a Jewish household. Hitler's family name is actually Schicklgruber and his family is Austrian, not German.
  16. The media back then was just the same, only Hitler used propaganda and misinformation.
  17. Dump him. His smoking is killing you, you breath in far worse things than he does. Imagine having kids with him and your kids growing up with respiratory problems and health issues because of the constant exposure to toxins. My friends dad smoked constantly, she never had problems, but her dog died of lung cancer. If he won't quit for you to do something and save your health than he really doesn't care for you.
  18. Have you ever read WORLD history? Opened a book that wasn't about just what happened in Europe and North America? There has been a lot going on in this world with out white people being involved (and no it wasn't just because they were waiting around to be lorded over). Asia has its own diverse and unique history far removed from any influence by whites. How do you explain that? What about Africa or South America, there are many things happening there that have had nothing to do with white power.
  19. My friend from Argentina is very much the same. She said that she no longer feels its her home and she doesn't feel comfortable there. She said it has a lot to do with the crime, political problems and how unsafe she feels. She came to the US as an adult and plans to only go back to Argentina to see her family.
  20. You really should talk to a dietitian. I don't think you need to worry about weight loss for your height anyway. You should look at strength training and shaping your body and not just cutting intake. It is possible slow your metabolism so much that it won't burn energy well. You need protein from other sources if you don't eat meat. If you work out you are actually breaking down the muscle and it rebuilds itself but bigger to resist being broken down again, to effectively replenish that muscle you need carbs and protein. Energy and building blocks. Instead of meat, eat nuts, lots of beans, eggs, more milk than every other day. Eat "fake" eggs instead of whole eggs and you avoid the cholesterol, I eat vegetarian fed whole eggs and they are less cholesterol too.
  21. You need to diversify your food intake or you're going to do some serious damage to your body. You need to get vitamins and minerals from other fruits and veges. You'll also have more energy to do more exercise. Its not recommended that you go below 1000cals a day. You won't lose weight this way, you are actually causing your body to switch into a metabolic mode where it conserves cals more because of the lack of intake. Eating more healthy foods; fruits, veges, whole grain, lean meat, and you have a better balance in your body.
  22. Good post! I think you're very right to question what power is it to murder. How does that make you superior?
  23. I recommend a sugar wax, it cleans up with water and is easier on the skin, some waxes need a special remover that is greasy and I think feels gross. I've used Nair microwave wax and the only thing I don't like is the fragrance (its too flowery).
  24. They weren't white either way. Like a lot of things racist people use every day, it wasn't a from the mind of a white person. The Chinese also came up with gun powder and a lot of other things.
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