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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. Its sounds like she's got a good act. I had a friend whose stripper roommate would try that whole sob story crapola to make some change. Frankly you're a John, she's a pro, you're business, the fact she doesn't want you to know where she lives means she doesn't take her work home with her. And just because your wife looks the other way doesn't make your actions any less disrespectful to the basis of marriage. I think you really need to think about your children and what you want them to think about their father. How much respect do you think they will have for you if they knew you were paying a woman to be your friend. You're paying for entertainment and she wants you to want it, so she's made you think you were being the hero, playing a nice little game feeding you crap to keep you interested.
  2. Kiddo? I'm a year younger that you buckaroo. You reap what you sew, maybe you make shallow choices about women and get shallow women as a result.
  3. Maybe its the way you act that only attracts that kind of woman.
  4. I do, I sleep fitfully at night, but deeply during the day. I'm on sleep meds, but after a year of use I want off them to see if I've gotten better.
  5. The only tangible thing I'm interested in is how my BF butt feels in my hands.
  6. Do what ever you want in your own home, but lying about it to your girlfriend isn't going to endear you to her.
  7. Porn has only been around a little over a hundred years and the availability was very restricted until the last 40. Its not in men's nature, its in the culture, you think because you're male that gives you the right to objectify others then you have a lot to learn.
  8. The fact that it was porn doesn't matter so much as that he lied to you. The immature "someone else must have done it" response would have been enough for me to kick him out. He was caught and still wouldn't own up, not worth your time, you didn't over react.
  9. Frankly I find untrue generalizations poor attempts for individuals to make their biased and sexist points seem to have merit when in reality they are just blowing hot air.
  10. Never done it, but I'm not grossed out by it. I'm sure some ladies wouldn't like it, you never know till you try and/or ask.
  11. You're still young, so your cycle may still change has you get a little older. PMS can be made worse by stress or even diet so its hard to say what causes it to happen for every woman. I found skipping periods made it worse and high stress times make me really depressed with all the hormonal fluctuations. I started taking a ortho tricyclen and that helped alleviate most of my cramping and mood swings. Starting birth control is a good way to regulate your cycle and hormone levels.
  12. I always feel people who do things like that are immature mentally or emotionally. Its like they can drop any bomb they want on you and then try deflect any of the consequences their actions or statements may bring. I have little tolerance of it any more because I think its a childish way to communicate. Its very hard to confront people like that because they will shirk away from any direct conversations. I'd say that was a really rude thing for him to say and the fact that he won't discuss why he said it is very insensitive to you. Have a face to face with him, where he can't just sign off or magically become busy, take away those avoidance maneuvers and make him answer for what he's said.
  13. If a guy asked me to pack an over night bag ON THE FIST DATE, I'd show him the door and ask him to lose my number. As far as the date goes, getting drunk and watching sports is a crappy date, in my opinion. Whether or not YOU enjoyed it is the real question. You're an adult, I assume, so you can make you're own choices about what you want in a date. You didn't have to pack the bag, you didn't have to get drunk, nor did you even have to sleep with him, all those things were your choice. A guy asks you to spend the night over and you don't know him too well, his motive is rather obvious. If he doesn't call its an learning experience for you on the wonderful world of dating.
  14. My uni likes to have any age of people look. I did my college visits junior and senior year, which was a waste of time since I was only interested in one school. Good things to look for is the arrangement of the college, how far are the dorms from campus, what are the accreditations of the program you're interested in, what specialties are offered. I was interested in engineering and had 3 schools on my list 2 had the specific program I wanted, 1 didn't, it was a high ranked school, but not what I liked. The other 2 came down to distance from my family, cost, and rank of their programs. I also considered the school's national and international reputation so that when I have my degree it will be worth while no matter where I want to go for a job.
  15. My skin always itches after shaving, but I have sensitive skin. I found using lotion twice a day helps and there's a cream called Bikini Zone that is great for soothing the bumps and itch.
  16. I prefer face to face over anything else, my friends can attest to calling my phone and finding I have no voice mail and if my phone is dead, all they get is dead air. I check my email once or twice a day or more often if I'm expecting something for my research. Most often the person who emailed me has to tell me in person to check my mail, I suppose it can be frustrating for others, but thats the way I am. I like personal interactions and electronics removes that or hinders it, I don't make friends with computers, I make friends with people.
  17. I like having my close knit group of girl friends that I have regular dinners and nights in with. We are open and caring with each other. I'm a friendly person so I always have people to talk to, I don't count them as friend's but acquaintances. I pick up friends the more I talk to them and develop the depth to the relationship. I don't mind friends needing help because there will be sometime down the road I need help or support, its the balance of making true friendships.
  18. Don't let this go any further. Just because she's cheating and he's cheating doesn't make the marriage over until its over. Do you really want to add to and already horrible situation? Think of the fact that she has 3 children that she should be thinking of. If you get involved you are bound to get hurt because she may never leave her husband and continue to use you. If she wants a relationship make her divorce and wait until then, other wise its a really messed up deal for you.
  19. My lower arm hair is darker than my upper arm, but the lower lightens with sun exposure and gets closer in color to the lighter upper arm fluff.
  20. You should meet a mad physicists, they were scary before the went bonkers...
  21. Lots and lots of chemistry and long nights studying, hard work, and competition that will break most people. Pharmacy is one of the hardest programs and is not something you breeze through. I'm not pharmacy, but I knew several students (some of them went a little crazy, but a couple actually graduated).
  22. Wouldn't that mean for about 2 years you were just putting up an act and not really being yourself?
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