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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. Wow friscodj I agree with you whole heartedly on pretty much everything. I chose this paragraph in particular because it is something I too had a lot of trouble with. My high school was more agriculture and vocational, so the math department was very lacking. I wanted to be in advanced classes, but was held back because I moved into the district the year after the tests for gifted students were done. So I spent most of my HS time sleeping through classes and getting well over 100% grades in math, physics, and chemistry. The only classes I felt challenged in were my art classes where I made my own study plan for the semester. I got to college and found the high school math that was incredibly easy was no where near the level I needed. I needed an extra semester to graduate because I had to take more math classes to get to the level I needed to start my aero/astro courses. I got my degree in 4.5 years, which isn't bad since the average BS in my department is 4.5 years. Now that I've caught up with all the math and physics I'm doing great as a graduate student, for instance I got a 'D' in freshmen physics, but an 'A' in Advanced Orbital Mechanics. Grad level courses are by far more interesting and more educational, there's no busy work, what we do all falls together now and concepts I remember from undergrad are no longer disconnected or nebulous, but everything flows together. My work is predominately dynamics of spacecraft in multiple gravity fields, I love it and am really enjoying my thesis.
  2. Still here? My arguments must have some draw or you would have stopped posting pages ago.
  3. You don't have to read it if you consider it complaining, that is your choice... And since when is discussion complaining?
  4. I'd lose all respect for him in an instant and with that respect would go all my attraction. If he doesn't respect your feelings enough as a friend whose to say being a his girl friend will be any different
  5. Considering fetuses are the same until around week 14 of the pregnancy when the thyroid gland produces the hormones that determine the sex of the baby, how can you really deny that women and men are very much the similar. Men are genetically half female and men have estrogen present in their bodies just as women have testosterone. Studies have shown that testosterone is actually neurodegenerative and high levels can lead to changes in mood, memory and behavior (think steroids).
  6. And one day if you ever have a daughter and her guidance counselor is less than helpful what will you do then...
  7. Then maybe Joe needs to reevaluate the female partners he choses, if his selection is on shallow reasons and he then finds shallow women then how is it any surprise.
  8. I don't say MEN do it all I say society, yes that means men and women. The society that these ideals of feminine behovior are relics from a time when women had little to no say. Are you sure you want to involve geese metaphors, considering ganders are often culled from the flock and used for dinner.
  9. Where have I said make them do anything, just allow them to do whatever they want without all the preconcieved ideas as to what you men think women want. NH, I played with Legos, tinker toys, model airplanes. Most boys do play with dolls any way, but they are called action figures, but the concept is very much the same, they get guns and scuba gear instead of brushes and mini-skirts.
  10. Not everyone knows what they are doing to their children though. How many people really look at the labels on food, unless they have allergies, for instance peanut butter. Read the label, there are so many things in there, sugar, oils, perservatives, its processed, packaged and people are told its a good snack for protein, when it hardly even resembles real peanut butter. How easy is it to find natural real peanut butter, you have maybe one brand out of dozens of processed brands. People don't know all the junk in that peanut butter is really bad for their children, they haven't been educated as to what those thing really are or do in a body. They just know what's on sale or what commercial they saw.
  11. You don't at 26, but you have logic and 26 years of development to decide what you will believe. A 12 year old girl doesn't have the mental maturity to know everything an adult does, and she is still subject to the whims of her parents, peers and the constant bombardment of the media. Children don't think of the moral and social ramefications of their actions, they think in terms of immediate gratification. They strive to make others happy because they are looking for acceptance.
  12. Society is everyone. Society is media and school and all the influence on women that shows them the rolls that are acceptable. A half naked model in a beer ad is part of society and it effects how women see themselves. They see sex is a way to get attention and that they are reduced to a body and not a mind. They are taught in school about history that lacks any mention of females, the womens suffrage movement wasn't discussed in my school.
  13. Do you really think that females are hard wired to play with dolls? It only appears natural because that is what the standard has been for so long. The family may not do it directly but there are many subtle things done to steer girls one direction versus another. How can you argue boys are more naturally inclined to play with cars when cars them selves have only been a part of human culture for a very short period of time. How can something that has only recently appeared in our evolutionary time line become a natural aspect of one sex?
  14. You need to read a book called Reviving Ophelia , its one of the first really in depth studies into teenage female developement. People aren't brainwashed they're relegated to conform by societal standards from their peers and adults. All children's behavior are changed by their parents to fit what those parents deem acceptable. Look at language, a child picks up language and communication even before they can speak, but how is it that could speak French instead of English? My family is genetically German and French as much as I am genetically female, but I speak English, why, because that is what I learned.
  15. As soon as the doctor says the baby is boy or girl they are either put in a pink or blue blanket. That baby is groomed from birth to be girl or boy, behavior is modified and influenced constantly, how do you know not to pee in your pants any more, were naturally inclined to go to the restroom, No, you were taught.
  16. Its really sad that you have to. I don't like that any one has to hide their real feelings or opinions. Internalizing pain or emotions can be very detrimental to a person mental health. Women often have a support structure with in our social groups where we can be more open about our emotions and readily discuss them without embarrassment or fear. Men don't have that structure, other men are usually threatened or threatening when a man falls out of the step with the group he gets verbally chastise and put back in his place. What purpose does that serve?
  17. Very much true. Gender rolls have become so ridiculously out dated. The roll men are forced into is just as bad as it is for women. Look at guys that don't like sports, they get labeled sissy or wuss. They have as much right not to like it as the men that do, but because they are going against the norm its accepted to ridicule or harass them. People should not be confined to rules or ideas of what they should or should not be, they should be allowed to do what they want to do. Men have as much need for support as women, but they are seen as being weak if they take it, how is that right?
  18. But why does it not interest women? What is it that you think doesn't interest women, you only say they don't like it, but why? What is it that influences their choice? The fact is our culture still pushes women away from those subjects. You say they lack interest, I say they are not given a chance to even like it because society grooms women to be do things more toward the nurture and care professions. Things that are stereotyped as what women like, but in actuality its what they've been forced to like over years of sexist gender role assignments. Girls pre-adolescence have the same interests as boys, but when the start showing more female characteristics, society imposes strict standards on them as to what they should do, like, want. Puberty doesn't decrease the intelligence of the individual, but many studies show that in the leap from childhood to teenager, girls suddenly become less interested in math and science. Estrogen isn't doing that, breasts and hips are not going to change algebra, why does it happen though? Because small minds force them into gender roles where math and science are secondary to the expectations placed on them as young women.
  19. If women don't like the sciences, then why are more and more enrolling in them? Each year the numbers increase a little more and each year organizations encouraging women in those areas push more. I lived in a dorm of all women engineering students, they had the variety of backgrounds and personalities of any group of women, but they all chose to be engineers.
  20. I happen to know several short guys that I would have been interested in had they not already been dating. They were sweethearts and height really didn't matter.
  21. But staying at home doesn't mean they are lazy, it means they don't get paid for the work they do. Maitaining a household, raising children, cooking, cleaning, lawn care, bills, repairs, shopping, and the many other things that stay at home partners do are not trivial tasks. I know many poeple that are the home based partner that actually work much harder than the employed person. Their hours are all day and they're only payment is that they are the support structure for the partner at work. It depends on what dynamic works best for each family unit, but just because money is not involved in the work done does not make that work any less important.
  22. Its not forcing women into engineering, its encouraging them to continue to get higher degrees or to even consider it as a profession. Have you ever been a woman? You have no concept of what affronts women every day.
  23. Women can do anything they want and these funding programs are encouragement that they go into engineering. These funds are from private women's groups that are supporting fellow women. It is not a state grant it is many other women supporting one woman so that she may do well.
  24. Hmm, I'm a woman, I love engineering, I know may others that do. But I also know many others that had to deal with the idea that they aren't supposed to like science or math. There have been several studies observing the way women and men chose their paths. The individual were all around the same abilities and intelligence, the women however showed a much broader field of interests, they could be deeply interested in both music and math, but when they reach college levels are not encouraged to continue with the math because it is a "man's field", they go with other interests instead where they are more welcomed. The men, however, showed narrower interests, such that when they got to college, they were going to be one thing only. I myself made the choice between art school and engineering. I picked engineering because of the challenge it would offer my mind. Whether or not a women like or dislike engineering, they have every right to chose that path and there are those that wish to see them succeed by funding them. Men have had privileges for many generations, they restricted access to education for women, but now women are trying to catch up for the years we missed.
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