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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. If you have a large member then its your responsibility to stop when you reach the cervix and not try to keep pushing. Some may like it rough, but you need to know her limits and not try be an animal.
  2. Video games... All I can say to guys that play and play and play Go outside, the graphics are great!
  3. I think scarves are a great idea for anyone, hats too, people are crazy if they put fashion over their health and comfort.
  4. I think you're doing a great job as is, she'll need time and your constant support. You treating her well and showing her that sex can be a really beautiful thing will eventually help her see how much joy she can have being with someone who really cares. Good luck!
  5. But in actuality those ten dollar words are more concise then breaking it down into the feelings or ideas that it expresses. Large vocabularies are great tools for better expression, if you are eloquent then you can make a more precise use of our language and convey your point without fluff and make more impact with less waste.
  6. But what constitutes being stuck up? I've been told people think I'm stuck up because I like to talk and debate and often use my readings and knowledge to form my retorts or views. I don't see that as being stuck up, I see it as being able to engage in good rhetoric. Would the men I'm debating with be considered stuck up?
  7. Personally I don't see a problem with age gaps when the people involved are both adults. I don't think its fair to label someone because of their age, maturity and compatibility aren't necessarily age dependent. If you like someone and they like you, your birthday should be a day of celebration, not a point of contention. BTW, I'm 25.
  8. Oh, please gentlemen, don't you just need a tape measure to decide all "mines ___ than yours"... Here try this just put this scale at the bottom of the screen and measure report you findings an I will judge. |
  9. Education needs a lot of reform. Gifted students that get bored and act out on that get label as trouble. My brother was a smartbutt and made a few choice comments in class, the teacher thought he'd teach him a lesson and said my bro got to take the final for the class right then (it was the 4th week of class) and that would be his grade. My brother destroyed the final, he missed 1 question, but it was a debatable point. The teacher started giving him different work and one of his biggest supporters when he got in trouble with other teachers. The teacher could have sent him to the office with detention, but instead gave him a challenge, that was the only class my brother got A's in. There seems to be a lot of trouble with gifted and slow children not being properly cared for. The system is based on a norm that may be good for 70% of the students, but do the other 30% really need to be suffering because they don't fit the bell curve. Child development has made some serious break through in the way children learn, but there is only a little reflection of that in modern schooling. Children have boundless potential, but how much of it get squashed by the school system?
  10. That really is aweful, some children may need help, but not all of them. I had a friend that was really ADHD, not just a trumped up version of it, he really couldn't sit still and as an engineering student that was very hard on him. He had been on Ritalin as a child, but when he started his college years he used alcohol and pot instead. He didn't like doing either, but he couldn't focus on his work and would have trouble staying with tasks long enough to get them done. I lived with him for a year and found he was really antsy and always going, he was a great guy, but his constant need to move made it tough on him.
  11. DN I really agree with you. I'm sorry your son-in-law had to go through that. I know there is a big apathy in schools in the US, they like to drug problem kids to control them so the other students don't suffer. But it makes you wonder, are classrooms eventually going to be filled with zombie children that have been equalized of all their child-like qualities? Children I've seen raised with highly interactive parents that play, read, and make good examples are children that usually don't have as many problems. My family friend that teaches kindergarten says her worst students have parents that really don't try, they've thrown up their hands. As a teacher she feels so many parents send their children to school as a babysitter and don't show any interest. Some teachers are very bad and don't really care, but most don't want to deal with children as a babysitter, they want to teach. So its hard to say where things can go, the child is the real victim, not the parents or the teacher. They are the ones that deal with all the fallout and then get the life on drugs. I really worry about the long term problems children that are medicated will have, every drug that goes into their little bodies is damaging them because no drug benefit comes without a cost.
  12. And I wonder how many people chose it as their pet cause. I've seen several people pick up the cause only because they get something pink out of it. But you have to realize breast cancer isn't just a woman's disease, men get it too. Granted not as often, but men have breast tissue and it can produce tumors. It would be more comprable to compare ovarian or cervical and prostate research. The Ritalin use is something that I am appalled by, I can't believe that people really are so willing to drug their children. That has a lot to do with parenting, too many kids get put in front of a TV instead of being taken to the park or played with. My brother and I both were highly active children, we lived in the country where we were safe to roam around, when we moved to the city both of us had behavioral problems becuase our living space was reduced from acres and acres of forrest and farm land to a postage stamp in a crowded suburb. Alot of children don't have proper outlets for all of their natural energy and parents don't spend near enough time nuturing them or giving them acceptable means to deal with that energy.
  13. So you think its laughable? That is very insulting to any woman that has ever had her butt grab by a male co-worker, or been subject to a sexist remark. You think its laughable that there are still insurance companies that will pay for Viagra and won't for birth control. How do you know what I live with every day to say that? You have no concept of the quality of my life, you do not live every day beside me seeing and hearing all I do. You don't have to worry about when the last rape occurred on campus, or the fact that you have to walk home alone where there aren't always stree lights, you don't know anything of what it means to be a woman.
  14. Please don't write it off as "just a phase" or "being a teen", this time in her life can have serious repercussions later. This time is really hard on kids because of all the emotional and physical changes, everything that was once familiar has turned upside down. As a parent it has to be hard seeing her struggle and her push you away even more. You might consider counseling, someone who she doesn't see as an authority figure to rebel against. She will be distrustful and hate it, but take her to a specialist that deals exclusively with teenage girls and don't give up, keep taking her until the counselor thinks she worked through her problems. She may be having trouble with people at school, boys, cliques, being pressured to have sex, do drugs, be popular, all those things seem so much more intense because of the changes she's going through internally. Teens have it hard because of all the social pressure they are under to conform, excel, and grow up. Stick with her.
  15. You can't blame hatred entirely on the subject of that hatred. It really is a question of what do you chose to think. Are women hated by these men because the women acted in malice or is it because the man was taught to hate by his up bring, religion, which ever. Misogyny has been around a very long time, much longer than women have been acting out against it. What started it? Is it a chicken or egg type problem? I really don't understand how you can say that, when a majority of women are asking for their rights. If you chose to hate someone for asking to be treated with respect and equity, then how is it that persons fault. Women have been held back for a very long time, most of human history (even look at the word history, our past is labeled as "his story"), but now they chose to fight for their place and you say they are perpetuating the hate against them.
  16. Why so negative? No one's perfect. Have you really accepted it if you need to make a big deal about it in a post?
  17. Its not going to be too bad, I have one that has never gotten infected, but I've talked to my doc about it. The healing time should be your normal healing time, the scalp is a pretty resilient area so it should heal fairly quick. They might have to shave a small area around the cyst before its removed and you won't be able to wash or get the area wet.
  18. You need to be careful how you gain weight. Just eating everything will lead to problems later in life. You can gain without clogging your arteries. I suggest whey protein and supplement shakes like Ensure. You want to avoid foods high in saturated fats, you should eat whole wheat breads, lots of fruits and veges. A balanced diet is still needed, but you can kick up your calorie intake.
  19. A guy becomes attracted to a female friend, it happens. It says nothing about his character so much that he is honest about his feelings for her. If they had just met then yes it would be shady, but a relationship developed over a year is not a guy just trying to procure a young bed buddy but someone who may be earnestly interested in her as a person.
  20. But they are only a small part of feminism. Any person that believes in the equality of people is a feminist.
  21. Feminism is not about putting women over men, its about making the field equal. There is a lot of hype as to what feminism is thought to be because of the views of several being inappropriately generalized as the views of all. Like any group there are a variety of ways ideas can be interpreted. Look at the US government, many would say its bipartisan, I say there are nearly as many parties as there are people. We may agree on things, but there are no two people that will agree on absolutely everything. The commonalities will group them, but their differences can drive them apart. I happen to disagree with some feminist about belittling men, its like replacing one dictator with another. I believe in equality and allowing people to blossom and grow as individuals regardless of sex, that means giving everyone opportunities and fair treatment.
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