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Everything posted by CarnelianButterfly

  1. It won't do much noticeably to your body, but it will help you work off the nervous energy you feel waiting for your BF to come.
  2. Fine for all the men that want a woman to say it: You have to have a Brad Pitt face, Ron Jeremy size penis, Jason Statham's moves, Bill Gates' money, never go bald, always put the seat down, and never ever have poop that stinks!
  3. Not having someone to share all the wonder and beauty I see every day. Not having someone that cares about me and is willing to be my friend and my lover. Not having someone who understands you.
  4. I think you can meet quality women any where, grocery stores, book stores, laundry mat, pretty much anywhere there are people you can meet women.
  5. Maybe you need to see about going on a lower dose. I have similar problems at times with my drugs. My doc and I talked about it, I'm currently on the highest possible dose, but will cut back if its too much at times. Talk to your doc about the dosage maybe being too high or the side effects of the drug being too much. You may even need to change drugs entirely, I've done that a few times, this is the 4th drug I've tried and it is the best so far.
  6. But every female in the world wants to be manipulated and coerced into bed. You didn't know that, must be because you haven't study the theory of being a jerk.
  7. So this proves what? He manipulates multiple women just for sexual gratification. Sounds like the perfect guy for emulation. I hope he gets tested for STI's weekly.
  8. Physical appearance ranks low in my priorities. I put intelligence, personality, character, and all well above any superfluous feature. The pic you have up is pretty dark, but you'd probably be a good looking guy in the sun with out the hat.
  9. Its all a matter of affect, if you look like a sweet girl that will not tell them to go away they will try anything they can. If you project yourself as being not so easy to deal with or not so inclined to let them act like that, they aren't going to try as much.
  10. So is it a "I'm bored, I need a girl" or is it "I think my life would be greatly enriched and I could enrich another life" kind of feeling?
  11. Fem, c. As long as the people are consenting adults, go for it, its not really my cup of tea.
  12. I didn't say "being miserable" I said being not so sweet, caring about your own problems and not worring about what people think or are doing.
  13. I hate to say this, but it is true, as a more physically attractive person you can be meaner (witchier, less nice, girl-next-door's not as sweet sister) and you don't get walked on by people as much. The sweet and friendly thing is fine for a while, but any more people will try to manipulate you or use you. I used to be very sweet and nice (nice as in I didn't make a fuss if people were stepping on me), I don't put up with it any more. I'm outspoken, I take care of myself, and it makes me less a target. If I'm in a sweet mood and walking alone on campus I feel more vulnerable than when I'm ticked off about something or thinking about my work.
  14. I personally see a kid with too much time and not enough hobbies. I've seen it come and go, when real life hands you something big, you're going to look back at this and wonder what you were thinking.
  15. You did a great thing for yourself losing that much weight. What an accomplishment!!! I've experienced a similar problem, I lost about 40lbs, I did it because of family health issues, I was really happy with how I looked then. I got a lot of confidence and really thought I was doing pretty good for myself. I've changed, men haven't, the same guys that wouldn't give me a 2nd thought, are now the guys that make me feel uncomfortable in my skin. Depending on the age group of men, like my age 20-30, they are shallow, over-sexed and not worth my time. I've had just as much trouble with self-image and self-worth as I had before.
  16. The Kissing Disease is actually mono, but that doesn't manifest itself as blisters. Were you just kissing or were you playing tonsil hokey?
  17. I disagree to an extent. Its a nice surprise when you find a guy that truly appreciates a women with intelligence that isn't afraid to show it, but its a very, very nasty surprise when you run into those men who can't handle it. The cost/benefit of not being guarded differs for each person, but I personally would rather be pleasantly surprised than not so pleasantly.
  18. Having children is a big deal, it can be the best environment to raise a child in a 2 parent household. Both parents working to care for that child and no single person taking all the responsiblility. I don't see many men that are willing to do that though unless they are bound by marriage. In divorce, how many men really fight to care for their children and not out of vidication, but because the honestly want to be the major care giver and responsible for those children. Did you fight for your children? Marriage is a insurance that the other person will honor their part of the care of a child. To me that's all marriage is, a union to raise kids.
  19. I think if I was cheated on, I would want absolutely nothing of his tainted person. Cheating is a banishing/shunning offense, he'd hit the curb so hard he'd bounce.
  20. Its not that big a deal. Its just Halloween, watch some cheesy movies and enjoy a relaxing night alone. Just because everyone else is doing something doesn't mean you have to. My Mom's favorite saying "If they all jumped off a bridge, would you jump too?"
  21. Child support is designed to make all the dead beat men that screwed a woman pay for their part in the consequences. Last time I checked it still took 2 people to make a kid. I happen to happen to have little interest in children or marriage. If I were asked to get married, I'd say no. Weddings are a waste of money and frankly the most important day of my life will be getting my PhD not being shackled to a y chromosome. Don't assume that because a few women out there are happy to use the system to their advantage that all of them will. But when you look at the droves of single parents struggling to make it, don't you dare insult them by saying they don't deserve child support. A lot of families don't have money to throw around and I happen to know a lot of women that got pregnant in college and had to drop out, the loving hubby continues on while she supports him and raises the children. He leaves and what does she have, nothing, no degree, no savings, and children to feed. Enjoy bashing the system, I'm sure if you looked beyond the little bubble of your world you'd see there's a heck of a lot more going on out there.
  22. You're what 15? 16? You need to put down the Hannible Lecter novels and go outside. Try living your own life and not some fanatasy induced by too much comic book and tv time.
  23. You forget there's also the category of men that say they like smart women, but when a real honest to goodness, disagrees with you, doesn't bat her eyes, has sound opinions and her own ideas woman comes along, the guy turns into the main voice calling her stuck-up or argumentative.
  24. By far one of the best things I've read. I agree with you so much. I've heard so many men say "I like smart women", but when actually confronted with a intelligent, straight forward woman, they buckle and start saying she's unlady-like, know-it-all, and what not. A direct contradiction and frustrating for the woman. Most of the women I know are highly intelligent, one thing I've noticed about their boyfriends, they are all equally intelligent and open people. They don't try to dominate or change them, they appreciate the woman for who she is.
  25. Aren't you yourself being judgmental by commenting on a person choosing to remain a virgin until marriage. I happen to not have sex with every man around me because that is my choice. You call it conservative, I say its protecting myself with the only proven form of birth control and STD prevention.
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